Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1502: Just one room

Long Xiaoqi let out his mouth unhappyly, "Be stingy, don't look if you don't look."

Although saying so on his mouth, Long Xiaoqi's eyes still stared at the bag from time to time, obviously he really wanted to see it.

Perceived Long Xiaoqi's small eyes, Gong Jiuge's lip corner ticked slightly, but she did not mean to show her at all.

Walking to another street, Long Xiaoqi's gaze finally moved away from the cloth bag.

"Wow, it's so busy here."

Although it is near night, there are still a lot of people on the street, people who buy goods, sell goods, set up stalls, and string alleys.

The sky was getting darker, and many shops turned on the lights, lighting the whole street brightly, watching the bustle.

Long Xiaoqi looked curiously east and west, and suddenly she saw something, her eyes lit up instantly, "It's rock candy."

Seeing that there were some selling candy gourds on the street corner, Long Xiaoqi immediately ran over in excitement, and excitedly made two turns around the straw.

It turned out that the rock candy gourd is sold like this. Every time the master goes down the mountain, she will bring her a few bunches of rock candy gourds.

Gong Jiuge looked at Long Xiaoqi, who looked like a puppy around a candy cane, and felt ashamed.

This woman who has never seen the world ...

"Does the girl want to buy rock candy gourd? My rock candy gourd is crispy and sweet, and tastes good." The owner of the rock candy gourd saw that Long Xiaoqi was very interested in rock candy gourd, and immediately said enthusiastically.

Long Xiaoqi nodded in a hurry, "Hmm, give me one."

She paused and said quickly, "I want two."

"Good." The boss took two sticks from the straw and gave them to Long Xiaoqi. "Hold them."

Long Xiaoqi took the rock sugar gourd, then took out a piece of broken silver from the storage bag and handed it to the boss.

The boss glanced at the broken silver and frowned. "Too much, I can't find it."

Long Xiaoqi blinked, and brought out a bunch of copper coins to him.

The boss took only two and said it was enough.

Long Xiaoqi raised his eyebrows in surprise, such a delicious rock candy gourd, as long as a string of copper coins, really cheap.

When she returned to Yuqingmen, she would buy a thousand bunches of rock candy gourds and send one to each of the nieces and nephews.

Even if the brothers, whoever let them go down the mountain often, will often eat rock sugar gourd.

Thinking of Gong Jiuge just buying pants, it took her countless bunches of rock sugar gourds, Long Xiaoqi's heart and liver were aching.

After licking the sweet candy canes, they finally felt the pain.

"Here you are." Long Xiaoqi came back with two bunches of rock sugar gourds and handed one of them to Gong Jiuge.

"I don't." Gong Jiuge glanced at the rock candy gourd disgustingly, and refused directly.

Long Xiao stared at him with a sting, "Why not?"

This rock candy is so delicious.

Gong Jiuge was black-faced. "Have you ever seen a man eat this thing?"

Long Xiaoqi raised his eyebrows. "Why not, my brother will eat with me."

Every time the big brother brought rock candy gourd back, he would eat it with her, and other brothers have also eaten rock candy gourd.

Listening to her, Brother Gongjiu frowned inexplicably.

Long Xiaoqi shoved the bunch of sugar gourds into his hand: "Everything you buy, you must not eat it."

"Can't bear the silver, why should you buy this for me?" Gong Jiuge frowned, looking at the sugar gourd in his hand.

Long Xiaoqi drew his eyes in pain, "It cost you a hundred and two, and I care about this copper plate."

"Let's go and go shopping."

Before Gong Jiuge spoke, Long Xiaoqi ran forward in excitement.

Gongjiu's eyes flickered, and she tasted the rock candy gourd, and felt that the taste was not so unacceptable.

Long Xiaoqi looked as he walked, curious about everything, and picked up everything to look at it.

"What is this? It looks so good." Long Xiaoqi held a butterfly mule and shook Zhao Gongjiu.

"Head hoe, for women." Gong Jiuge said blankly.

Head? Is it plugged in?

Long Xiaoqi inserted the butterfly in his hand into his hair, his eyes brightly looked at Gong Jiuge and said, "How about, do I look good?"

Gong Jiuge blushed, and said awkwardly, "Sloppy."

Long Xiaoqi collapsed his shoulders in disappointment instantly, took the mule back to his original position, and turned away.

Gong Jiuge frowned as he looked at the back of Long Xiaoqi.

The boss who sold the dumplings saw the expression of Gong Jiuge and immediately said, "Actually, the young lady is very pretty. Let me buy one for the young lady."

Gong Jiuge stepped forward, picked up the **** and looked.

The two walked all the way from the street to the end of the street. Long Xiaoqi was full of spirit from beginning to end.

At first Gong Jiu Ge was still a little patient, and occasionally he would take care of Long Xiao Qi, but he couldn't hold the spirit head of Long Xiao Qi, and he kept asking like a bird all the way, and finally he was annoyed Ask nothing and ignore it.

Seeing the booth in front, Long Xiaoqi ran over again excitedly.

"Ah, this I know, this is a mask." Long Xiaoqi happily took a ghost king mask over his face and turned to look at Gong Jiuge. "How is it, is it good-looking?"

Gong Jiuge glanced at the mask on Yanlong Xiaoqi's face, disgusted, "ugly."

Long Xiaoqi took off his mask resentfully and gave him a dissatisfied glance. "No vision."

This man is really annoying. No matter what she wears, he will hit her. It is a horrible death.

The mother-in-law who sold the mask watched the two flirting and laughed, "Since your wife likes it, the son will buy one for her, but the mask is not expensive anyway."

Gong Jiuge heard the mother-in-law's words and gave a playful look at Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi's face flushed "Teng", and he quickly looked away, "Who is his lady."

"I don't want him to buy it for me, I will buy it myself." Long Xiaoqi looked at the mother-in-law angrily, "How much is this?"

"Two pennies."

Long Xiaoqi took two pennies out of the storage bag and handed it to the mother-in-law.

Long Xiaoqi bought the mask and had to go forward, but was pulled by Gong Jiuge, "Don't go shopping, find a place to live."

Long Xiaoqi blinked confusedly, "Where do I live?"

Gong Jiuge had a black line, "Of course it's an inn."

Does she still want to live in a cave?

Gong Jiuge took Long Xiaoqi and went to the front of Yuelai Inn.

It's time for dinner, so there are a lot of customers in the shop.

Long Xiaoqi glanced curiously at the shop. It turned out that this is the inn. I used to listen to what the inn restaurants said about my brothers. This time I can live once.

When the innkeeper saw a business coming to his door, he smiled eagerly.

Gong Jiuge: "Live at the shop."

"How many rooms do the two guest officers want?"


"Two rooms."

The two answered in unison, but they were completely different.

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