Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1508: His Royal Highness finally opened the door, not easy!

Long Xiaoqi did not have the slightest difference. After confirming that Gong Jiuge would not fall, she condensed her spiritual power and turned to cast a matrix on the black protection law.

Countless sword rains struck Heihufa, and it was too late when he wanted to avoid it.

A dazzling blue light burst out from under his feet, forming a matrix to trap him.

Looking at the inscription at the foot, Hei Hufa widened his eyes in shock, "Too Sword Formation, are you from Yuqingmen?"

Long Xiaoqi didn't answer, only gave him a playful look, "You play slowly with the sword here, let's go first."

Long Xiaoqi said, he drove out the sword.

After flying halfway, what did Long Xiaoqi think of and turned to look at Gong Jiuge, "Which direction is the inn?"

Gong Jiuge returned to Shinto, "South."

"Which side is the south?" Long Xiaoqi looked around, distressingly unable to tell the direction.

Gong Jiuge pointed in a black line.

Long Xiaoqi immediately drove the flying sword in the direction of the palace's Jiu Ge, and soon saw the Yuelai Inn where they settled.

Long Xiaoqi fell directly to the second floor of the inn.

After entering the room and taking the bag, the two hurriedly went downstairs.

Long Xiaoqi didn't forget to checkout, he directly lost a silver ingot to the shopkeeper, and ran out of the inn.

"His Royal Highness!"

As soon as the two men left the inn, they met Ling Ling and Yu He who were driving a carriage.

Long Xiaoqi watched Lingling and Yuhe vigilantly and turned, "These two are your guards."

Ling Zhen and Yu He were surprised to see Long Xiaoqi beside Gong Jiuge.

Who is this girl?

Why haven't you seen it for a few days, and your Highness has always been a woman?

Gong Jiuge looked like he wasn't as surprised as Ling Ling Yuhe, and pulled Long Xiaoqi into the carriage, "First out of town!"


Ling Ling responded, and drove away towards the city gate in a carriage.

"Wait a minute." Long Xiaoqi thought of something, anxiously pulled Gong Jiuge, "Your jade has not been found yet."

Gong Jiuge's eyes flashed and frowned, "Forget it, don't look for it."

Long Xiaoqi stared anxiously, "What can you do? That's your personal jade."

She recognized him because of that piece of jade.

Outside, Yu Hezhen drove the curtain, "Have your Highness Yu Pei been lost? Let's find it for you."

If it's the thing next to it, this jade pendant is a personal thing of your highness. If you stay outside, you're afraid it will cause trouble.

Gong Jiuge thought about it and whispered something to Yuhe attached to the ear.

Yu He widened his eyes in shock and gave a strange look at Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi was already curious about what the two said, and Yu He's eyes made her more curious instantly.

"Ah ..." I was afraid that Long Xiaoqi would ask, Gong Jiuge quickly coughed, and stared at Yuhe, "Not yet."


When Yu He returned to his heart, he responded quickly and jumped off the carriage.

Long Xiaoqi lifted the curtain and looked at the disappearing Yuhe, curiously, "Where did he find it, do you know where your jade dropped?"

Gong Jiuge didn't reply, and switched the topic directly, "How long can your formation trap that person?"

Long Xiaoqi flew his eyebrows smugly, "It depends on the person's ability, and the smart one will come out soon. Unwise, it will take a few days and months."

After that, she sneered again, "I guess that person might be sleepy for several years."

After successfully shifting the subject, Gong Jiuge breathed a sigh of relief.

Before leaving the city, Yuhe hurried back, "His Royal Highness, your jade."

Before Gong Jiuge picked it up, Long Xiaoqi snatched it. He looked around at the jade pendant and wondered, "I found it so soon. Where did you find it?"

Yuhe sneaked a glance at Gong Jiuge and wondered if he should answer.

Gong Jiuge stared directly at him, and Yu He instantly retracted his head with interest, and vaguely replied, "I found it in the street."

Long Xiaoqi blinked and looked at Gong Jiu Ge Road, "You dropped Jade on the street. It must have been when we were shopping. Why don't you be careful?"

As long as Long Xiaoqi said, he went to help Gong Jiu Ge and Yu Pei.

Looking at Long Xiaoqi's serious look, Gong Jiuge said suddenly, "Jade to you."

Long Xiaoqi paused, looked up at him stupidly, "What?"

Gong Jiuge don't look away, "Yu Pei is dirty, I don't want to."

Long Xiao Qiqi looked at the jade in his hand, carefully turned it over, and did not see any dirt, and suddenly frowned, "Not dirty, I don't believe you see it."

Long Xiaoqi said he would put Yu Pei in front of Gong Jiuge.

Gong Jiuge waved directly in disgust, "I told you everything, and you lost it if you didn't want it."

Long Xiaoqi frowned. "You really don't need it."

Gong Jiuge didn't speak, Long Xiaoqi sighed, "Well, I'll keep it for you for a while."

It's a pity that such a good jade was lost. Long Xiaoqi turned the jade again and received it in the storage bag.

Ling Ling and Yu He who drove outside heard that Long Xiaoqi finally accepted Yu Pei, and they were relieved for their master.

A piece of jade pendant is so strenuous, His Royal Highness is too inexperienced.

The voices of two people soon came again in the car.

"Your carriage is good, and finally looks a bit like a prince." Long Xiaoqi patted the cushion under his butt, admiring his face.

Gong Jiuge turned black instantly, "When will I not be like a prince?"

Long Xiaoqi glanced at him, "When I can't take out the silver."

Gong Jiuge froze and stopped talking for an instant.

Long Xiaoqi ignored him and lay down in the car. "I will sleep for a while while those people are not here."

Gong Jiuge frowned. "It's morning."

Long Xiaoqi pouted his lips. "So what, you were so sleepless last night."

Had she not been satisfied with her curiosity, would she have been unable to sleep? It's all his fault.

Gong Jiuge drew his eyes in a black line, and did not sleep all night. The woman slept like a dead pig last night, and the sleep was extremely strange. If he did n’t sleep in it, he would probably be there all night. I spent my time in the trampoline.

Gong Jiuge felt sleepy when he thought about it, and lay beside Long Xiaoqi and closed his eyes.

Long Xiaoqi turned his head and glared at him, "What are you doing?"

"Sleep." Gong Jiuge closed his eyes and regretted words like golden road.

"It's morning."

Long Xiaoqi poked his lips and returned him what he had just said.

Gong Jiuge still closed her eyes and said quietly, "Thanks to someone, I didn't sleep all night."

Hearing Long Xiaoqi's ears suddenly made her guilty blush.

She didn't mean it last night. Is he necessary to stay up all night?

Neither of them spoke any more, but what they said just now is still enough to make Lingbi and Yuhe think together.

The two stared at each other with grimace, silently communicating.

His Highness slept with the girl last night.

It looks like something indescribable has happened.

His Royal Highness finally got the hang of it, not easy.

Her Royal Highness finally has a woman, which is really gratifying.

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