Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1512: Flirtation

Here, Long Xiaoqi has followed Gong Jiuge into the Prince's East Palace.

"This is where you live?" Long Xiaoqi looked around curiously.

This palace is different. There is exquisite luxury everywhere. Even a tree and a grass are different from the outside.

However, she still prefers the trees of Yuqingmen, the grass of Yuqingmen, and even the air there is sweet.

Gong Jiuge took Long Xiaoqi to enter a different garden: "You live here for the time being?"

"Do you live here too?" Long Xiaoqi glanced at the plaque in the other garden, Xu Xuexuan.

Gong Jiujun's face was inexplicably red, and he coughed softly, "I live next door."

"It's not far from next door." Long Xiaoqi raised an eyebrow and muttered, "Let's do it, then I will live here temporarily."

She should have protected him personally, but since it was next door, she could catch up if something happened.

"Look at what you are not satisfied with, although let Ling Ling change it." Gong Jiuge led Long Xiaoqi into the room and looked.

"Yes, Madam, if you are dissatisfied, your subordinate will go and change it for you immediately." Ling Yan, who heard the words, immediately answered.

His Royal Highness even Xun Xuexuan was willing to live with the new wife, who was definitely going to take good pictures of her.

"There is nothing to be dissatisfied with, this is good." Looking at the delicate room, Long Xiaoqi was not dissatisfied.

The life of their disciples in Yuqingmen is very simple. No matter what kind of room, it is the same for her, just a place to sleep and rest.

"His Royal Highness, Li Gong is here." The two were talking, and Yu He came in and reported.

Gong Jiuge's light gray eyes moved slightly and paused: "People come in."

"Yes." Yu He bowed down, and soon brought them in with Li Yuan.

"Old slave sees His Royal Highness."

"The slave sees His Royal Highness." Li Yuan led the crowd to salute Gong Jiu Ge.

"Get up." For Li Yuan, Gong Jiu Ge still has a bit of respect. There are very few people who can respect Gong Jiu Ge in this palace. The **** Li Yuan is one of them.

"This is Madam, Li Yuan has seen his wife." Li Yuan stood up and worshiped Long Xiaoqi next to him.

Seeing such an old man saluting himself, Long Xiaoqi was really stunned, and it took him a while to return to God, learning Gong Jiuge and raising his hand, "Hurry up."

"Thank you, Madam." Li Yuan got up before he dared to look at Long Xiaoqi.

Seeing her elegant eyes, Li Yuan was even more pleased with her aura, though she was simple in clothes.

This girl seems to be a good match for Her Royal Highness, who has been an adult for a long time, but has never been close to a woman, and now she is willing to accept it.

"The emperor ordered the old slave to send a greeting to the new lady." Li Yuan said and looked back.

The eunuchs in the back immediately carried the gift box forward.

Long Xiaoqi blinked his eyes and looked at the boxes novelly.

This palace is the palace, they just arrived on the front foot, and the gift came on the hind foot.

"I haven't seen this side yet, what a gift to send." Compared with the curiosity of Long Xiaoqi, Gong Jiuge's attitude can be said to be quite indifferent.

Being so stabbed by Gong Jiu Ge, Long Xiaoqi didn't dare to look forward to the gift anymore.

Li Yuan was also a little embarrassed and said, "The emperor is also kind, remembering His Royal Highness and his wife, this ordered the old slave to send him a meeting, and his Highness and his wife must accept them."

Li Yuan waved his hand as he said, and the eunuchs sent the gifts directly into the room.

"His Royal Highness and his wife are in a boat, and the old slave will not bother." After sending the gift, Li Yuan took the order and retreated.

"Well, should I meet your father?" Long Xiaoqi asked, hitting Gongjiu's shoulder.

Gong Jiuge gave her a cool glance: "I haven't seen each other, what have you seen?"

Long Xiaoqi swaggered and asked for nothing.

Looking at the appearance of this guy, it's obvious that he doesn't want to be good with his father.

"His Royal Highness, Zhang Dezhi is here." Li Yuangang walked for a while, and Yu He came in to report again.

As soon as he heard the name, Gong Jiuge's face sank: "No."

"The old slave has seen His Royal Highness." As soon as Gong Jiuge's words fell, a **** led a group of people into the courtyard.

Seeing Zhang Dezhi coming in private, Gong Jiuge's face became even more ugly, and even Ling Ling and Yu He sank.

Zhang Dezhi didn't know it yet, and still smiled like a flower: "You can go back, Your Royal Highness, but her elder mother hangs with you every day, eh, this is the new lady, old lady is polite."

Compared to Li Yuan just now, this Zhang Dezhi is obviously more exquisite.

"No courtesy." Long Xiaoqi felt that this man was too smooth-skinned, and the impression was that Li Yuan was not so good, but this man was well maintained. Although he claimed to be a slave, he looked very young and looked only thirty Look like.

"What are you doing?" Gong Jiuge was not kind to him.

Zhang Dezhi was not embarrassed, and still looked amused: "This is not quite the queen mother knows that her Royal Highness has brought her new wife into the palace, and she intentionally let the old slave prepare gifts."

As soon as Zhang Dezhi's words fell, the eunuchs behind came forward holding gifts.

"These gifts were all chosen by the queen mother-in-law for the new lady, and I hope the new lady likes it."

"The Emperor's grandmother is interested, and the wife is tired today. Tomorrow alone, she will take her to see the Emperor's grandmother." Gong Jiuge said coldly.

"Why don't you say that the queen queen is connected with His Royal Highness' blood? The queen queen remembers that the highness of his Highness and his wife is exhausted. Every day, the old slave prepares the five red soups that His Highness loves to drink." Zhang Dezhi took the food box in the hands of the eunuch. Courtily handed it to Gong Jiu Ge.

When he heard the words "Five Red Soup", Gong Jiuge's face completely cooled down.

Feeling that the temperature of the whole body was lowered by dozens of degrees, Long Xiaoqi subconsciously looked at Jiu Gong Jiu Ge, seeing that there was a strong chill deep in his eyes, and he couldn't help wondering about the five red soups.

"Let ’s put it down." The Ling Ling on the side also felt the discomfort of Gong Jiuge, and commanded Zhang Dezhi indifferently.

"The old slave will not disturb His Royal Highness and his wife." Zhang Dezhi lowered the food container flatly, and then left.

"Throw it out." Gong Jiuge said coldly as soon as Zhang Dezhi left.

"Yes." Yu He responded, picked up the food container and flew out.

"Let's rest." Gong Jiuge lost his mood, leaving behind a sentence.

Ling Ling also eagerly wanted to follow, but was pulled by Long Xiaoqi: "Don't go, what the **** is Wuhong Soup?"

Ling Yan glanced at what Xiaolong Xiaoqi wanted to say, but said nothing.

"Mrs. Please be better with your Highness," Ling said, bowing deeply to Xiaolong Xiaoqi before hurriedly chasing the palace and nine songs.

Long Xiaoqi frowned and looked at Ling's back. Was he distressed in the palace?

Long Xiaoqi thought of those scars instantly. What secrets did Gong Jiuge have?

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