Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 152: Shosho Tadashi

Chapter 152

Baiju looked down, and looked at Bai Ruxuan's wronged little eyes, and suddenly felt distressed.

"Xuaner, ignore these two long tongue women, let's eat fruit."

Holding her little hand gently, he took her to the front seat.

The temperature of Baitan's palms kept warming to Bai Ruxuan's heart.

Uncontrollably, she held her hand tightly.

Looking at the unusually harmonious back of the two, Bai Yihan's eyes flashed lightly.

Unexpectedly, she would take the lead for Xuan'er. He thought she would hate them because of her uncle and grandmother's affairs, but he did not expect her heart to be so broad, it was his heart.



At the second lady's voice, Bai Yihan returned to God.

"I want to formally accept Xuaner as my daughter."

The second lady looked at Bai Ruxuan's back with pity, so she stayed in the second room unclearly, after all, wronged the child.

She doesn't have many children, and she really likes Ru Xuan. Ru Xuan had a formal ceremony earlier, and Ru Xuan also received less rumors.

"It's naturally very good, but this matter still needs to ask Xuan Er's own opinions, as well as three uncles and three grandmothers and grandfather."

Bai Yihan looked at Bai Ruxuan's back and frowned.

The child looked gentle, but he was very assertive, especially after the accident of the third uncle and the third uncle.

The second lady nodded thoughtfully, her father definitely agreed, and the third brother and the younger sister said that it was only Xuan'er's opinion.

Although Xuan'er was a young girl, she had an idea, and she was very persistent in many things. Three bedrooms are gone, but she still lives alone in Haitang Garden, persistently waiting for something. She really wasn't sure she could convince her.

Baiju led Bai Ruxuan to the front position and sat down.

She picked up the longan in the fruit plate, peeled one, and handed it to her lips.

Bai Ruxuan ate the longan on her lips slightly red.

Bai Ruxuan could not help raising the corners of her lips.

A small, light hand, picked one from the bunch of grapes in front, and peeled the grapes carefully.

The pink fingertips, reflecting the crystal-like grapes, are small and cute, and they can see that a little guy passing by has turned red.

Baitan raised his eyes, but saw a lovely little Zhengzheng staring at the grapes in Xiaoxuan's hand intently.

Xiao Xuan'er didn't even notice that someone was looking at herself, she just peeled the grape skin.

Beaver lips, which little baby is this, it looks so good, is this grape?

Bai Ruxuan passed the peeled grape flesh to the beaver's lips.

The white raccoon froze, and did not expect that the grape was peeled for himself, and then he drank the grape in Bai Ruxuan's hand.

It is also very sweet ...

Seeing Baitan eating grapes, Bai Ruxuan laughed instantly.

The bright smile dazzled Murong Yan's eyes.

Murong Yan turned his eyes and looked at the **** with an envious face.

Baitan took the pat, and wiped Bai Ruxuan's little hand a little.

Murong Yi stared at Bai Ruxuan's pink fingertips momentarily, her desire in her eyes grew stronger.

"Can you peel me one?"

The tender appeal came, and the two raised their eyes together.

Bai Ruxuan blinked, thinking that Murong Yan would eat grapes, so he picked one and put it in his hand.

Murong Yan stared at the skinned grape in his hands dissatisfied.

Half a while, watching the **** coquettishly, "Ma'am, would you let her peel me one?"


Hearing Murong's "big cock", the **** coughed suddenly.

"You, what do you call me?" Baitan looked up in shock.


Murong Xu blinked his eyes and shouted again carefully.

The **** turned red instantly, this little guy is Murong Ye's brother? Is it the youngest nine emperor?

"Little nine, don't be rude."

A soft whisper came, and Beaver raised his eyes.

I saw a handsome, extraordinary, gentle man like a fairy, who was being pushed over.

The **** frowned. This is the cousin of the nerd, the third prince Mu Rongyun?

Xiang Qing, the guard, has always pushed Murong Yun to his side.

Murong pursed his lips and looked at Murong Xu, "Brother, you asked her to peel me a grape."

Mu Rongyun ignored Mu Rongzheng and only arched at the beaver. "Younger brother, the white girl is not strange."

"It's all right."

The **** pursed his lips and shook his head gently.

After saying hello, Murong Yun looked at Murong Ye, "You have to eat grapes, and the third brother will peel them for you."

Mu Rongxi pouted his lips disgustingly, but nodded in aggrieved thought that Bai Ruxuan refused to help him peel the grapes.

Mu Rongzheng followed Mu Rongyun to the opposite side.

Watching Murong Yan's small eyes that were abandoned like a puppy, Baijue's eyebrows beat.

Is that Xiaozheng so fancy about Xiao Xuan'er, this is just a few years old, and this royal child is too premature.

"Xuaner, do you know to stay away from that little guy in the future?"

Baitan looked at Bai Ruxuan and said it seriously.

No matter what Xiaozheng meant, let ’s put an end to it from Xiaoxuaner, and then say that the palace is a place where people ca n’t eat their bones.


Bai Ruxuan nodded ignorantly.

Actually, she didn't understand what she meant. She just knew she wanted to listen to her sister.

What Baitan doesn't know is that his own words make Murong's future chasing his wife miserable.

In the imperial garden, Cao Jiayu is rubbing Cao Jiayi.

"Sister, hold back, it may hurt a little."


As soon as Cao Jiayu's cotton ball hit Cao Jiayi's wound, Cao Jiayi screamed, "You're so light."

"Okay, I'll tap."

Cao Jiayu nodded immediately and gently wiped the wound with a cotton ball stained with iodine.

Liyang Bingwei took the red note and Qing Xiao walked under the gazebo.

"Princess, that seems to be sister Cao."

Puyang Bingwei glanced at Cao Jiayi and Cao Jiayu in the gazebo, and turned boringly to leave.

Looking at the long and narrow wound on Cao Jiayi's face, Cao Jiayu was afraid, "The white raccoon is too hard to handle. This needs to be deeper, but it will leave scars."

If your daughter's face is scarred, how can you marry someone? That **** is too vicious.

Upon hearing Bai Juer's name, Liyang Bingwei immediately stopped and listened.

Cao Jiayi squinted and grunted resentfully.

"But it's just a future princess. If you don't think you should be able to talk about it, you will come out and show your strength. Who wants to ignore her?"

Cao Jiayi said words of disdain, but her eyes were full of jealousy.

"That is, who does she think she is, and wants to cut our tongues and frighten anyone?"

Cao Jiayu also exasperated.

"Isn't this the Cao girl, why are you sitting here?"

A gentle voice came, and they looked up.

Seeing Liyang Bingwei, the two immediately rose up to salute.

"See Princess Bingwei."

The light of the eye swept over the wound on Cao Jiayi's face, and there was a calculation in the eye of Liyang Bingwei.

"Well, what's wrong with Miss Cao?"

Liyang Bingwei lifted Cao Jiayi's chin and looked at the wound on her face with pity.

Cao Jiayi looked down and didn't answer, but Cao Jiayu looked up angrily, "It's not that **** ..."

"Jiayu, don't talk nonsense."

Before Cao Jiayu's angry words were finished, Cao Jiayi was interrupted.

Cao Jiayu immediately pursed her lips and looked at her in an aggrieved manner.

Puyang Bingwei chuckled, "Anyway, that white **** is arrogant and unreasonable. When the opportunity arises, this palace will revenge you."

Cao Jiayu heard a joy in her heart, immediately raised her eyes and looked gratefully at Liyang Bingwei.

Cao Jiayi frowned in doubt.

Why is this woman helping her so kindly?

As if she did not see Cao Jiayi's skeptical eyes, Liyang Bingwei looked at the wound on her face with a worried look.

"My daughter's face can't be hurt."

Liyang Bingwei said, then she tilted her head and looked at Hongjian, "Go and bring the box of gelatin from this palace to Miss Cao."


Hong Jian bowed, and turned to Butterfly Dance Palace.

Soon, Hongjian returned to the gazebo with the cream.

Liyang Bingwei took the cream and handed it to Cao Jiayu, "Have your sister clean it up, it's not good to have a scar."

Cao Jiayu thanked immediately.

"Thank you Princess Bingwei."

Cao Jiayi also bowed his eyes.

Puyang Bingwei gently twitched her lips, "My sisters are kind."

Cao Jiayi looked up at Puyang Bingwei in doubt.

What does this woman want to do? Before she saw her, she was not so enthusiastic.

Cao Jiayu didn't think so much about Cao Jiayi. After getting the cream, she immediately applied Cao Jiayi.

After helping Cao Jiayi clean up, Cao Jiayu did not return the cream to Puyang Bingwei, but instead stuffed it directly into his sleeve.

This gel cream is a good thing. I heard that it can not only remove scars, but also improve the beauty. She must use such good things slowly.

Looking at Cao Jiayu's small family behavior, Hong Jian and Qing Xiao instantly showed a disdainful expression.

However, Liyang Bingwei saw no annoyance at all, but also took out a scarf from her sleeve and handed it to Cao Jiayi.

"Although this gel cream is a good thing, it can't be effective in time. You can wear this veil and cover it until Minger has no scars.

Cao Jiayi took the scarf in hand of Liyang Bingwei.

"Thank you."

Murong Lingshan brought the green snow and Ganlu passed by the gazebo.

"Princess, it's Princess Bingwei and the girl Cao."

"Ignore them and go to Ziyi Palace."

As if she did not see Liyang Bingwei and Murong Lingshan didn't say hello, she went directly to Ziyi Palace.

Lu Xue, honeydew immediately followed.

Liyang Bingwei in the gazebo, looking at Murong Lingshan's back, immediately clenched her fists.

She originally wanted to wait for Murong Lingshan to come to the pavilion today. I don't know what happened. Recently, she ignored her. Even if she took the initiative to find her, she also refused to answer.

Poyang Bingwei was able to stay in the Palace of Purple Clouds, because of her aunt Lan Fei, but because of a good relationship with Murong Lingshan, so Murong Lingshan ignored her and she was so panicked.

Taking a deep breath, Liyang Bingwei narrowed her dissatisfied expression and turned her eyes gently to Cao Jiayi and Cao Jiayu.

"It's almost time, let's go to Ziyi Palace, lest it be late."


The two nodded and went to Ziyi Palace together.

There was a lively party in the Purple Palace, and not only civil and military officials arrived, but also the relatives of the emperor, the princess, and the concubines of the harem.

The **** looked at Shenyang Bingwei and the Cao family sisters who entered the hall together, eyes narrowed.

"The emperor arrived, the queen mother arrived, the snow concubine arrived, the cloud concubine arrived ..."

There was a loud singing from the court attendant outside the hall, and everyone got up and knelt down.

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