Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1570: Fancy her dowry silver

Gong Zhen frowned wistfully, with an unpleasant look: "Then what do you like to tell him?"

Gong Shengling subconsciously tended to look at Long Xiaoqi next to him, but was stopped halfway by the cold gaze of Gong Jiuge, and suddenly he was half-hearted. He quickly turned his eyes away and coughed: "Children like fresh and refined , Lively and lovely, as for the ladylike ladies who are vulgar, the children and ministers do not like it. "

Gong Shengling's remarks instantly made the famous ladies and actresses in shame indignant.

What is the meaning of His Highness Eleven? How are they vulgar? They are still pursued by many famous sons in Kyoto. Even if they do not choose a concubine, they are still married.

"Presumptuous!" Gong Zhenwei was also irritated by him, and screamed angrily: "You listen to what you say?"

The queen heard the words and quickly followed the rumors: "Eleven, you are really heartbreaking. These girls are all family members of the dignitaries. They are all real ladies. They are all qualified to be your concubines. You But it's so wayward. Just choose one. "

Gong Shengling said with a stubborn neck: "It's my business to choose a concubine. I said that I didn't like it or I didn't. I don't care if they are ladies or rural women. Anyway, I don't like it. Whoever, let the second emperor marry. "

He really didn't fancy it, he didn't want to marry a woman back casually, and fight every day!

Suddenly, Gong Shangyin, who was named, took a look at the women, and also cast a scornful abandon.

Forget it, he didn't even look at one of them. Eleven was right, they were all vulgar ones, none of them could compare to Long Xiaoqi.

Gong Shangzhang said that he looked at Long Xiaoqi again and again. This woman was not amazing at first glance, it was only good-looking, but after a long time, it really looked more and more beautiful. Now he looks at her like a fairy. It ’s the same, the whole body is full of aura, so people can't help but want to get closer!

Feeling Gong Shangyun's unclean eyes, Gong Jiuge's complexion suddenly turned bad.

Gong Jiuge's cold eyes glanced twice, and Gong Shangzhang retreated unwillingly.

I really do n’t know what is good about this yin-naughty old man. I do n’t know where that girl looks after him?

"Presumptuous!" The queen did not notice Gong Shangyin, and she was so annoyed by Gong Shengling's arrogant attitude at this moment, she turned to the palace to show her prestige. Even in my eyes, I also said that these family ladies are rural women. "

Gong Zhenwei looked at Gong Shengling with a black face, and also looked disappointed.

"I ..." Gong Shengling heard the words, and just about to argue, he saw Hua Fei winking at him.

Gong Jiuge couldn't stand it, and finally spoke: "Okay, since Eleven doesn't like it, let's choose a concubine this time, anyway, he is not too old, and there is no rush to choose a concubine."

Gong Shengling and Long Xiaoqi nodded quickly.

The matter of choosing a concubine is really anxious. In case it is not good, it is a matter of life.

Hua Fei also quickly said: "Lao Jiu was right, Eleven is still a child, so where is he suitable for marrying? Since he doesn't want to marry, he might as well hurry him for two more years, let him hone and hone, Someday he wants to marry himself. "

Gong Jiuge and Hua Fei both opened their mouths, and the anger in Gong Zhenwei's heart suddenly dissipated.

Upon seeing Gong Zhenwei's expression, the queen's eyes shook, and she said, "These palaces are not appropriate. These eleven are already seventeen. It's already the age to marry a wife, and the selection of a consort is long ago. It's a good thing that this palace looks good to each of these family ladies, especially Miss Shu, the dance is very expressive. "

Shu Mengrui, who was named by the queen, immediately became shy, and quickly blessed the queen, while looking at Gong Shengling with great expectation.

She has loved His Highness Eleven since she was a child. Her biggest dream in her life is to marry His Highness Eleven.

Unfortunately, Gong Shengling didn't receive Shu Mengrui's Qiu Bo's teaser at all. He glanced at Shu Mengrui, and soon opened his eyes again.

What kind of Shu Mengrui used to arrogantly target his sister-in-law? He had no interest in such a woman.

Hua Fei glanced at Shu Mengrui's frivolous appearance, and she did not like it: "Girl Shu is good, but it is not suitable for us. If the queen thinks she is good, she can let Her Highness take her."

Hua Fei's remarks directly hit the faces of the queen, Hui Fei and Shu Mengrui.

Especially Shu Mengrui, that pretty face instantly turned into purple. Who doesn't know that the second prince has slept with Zhong Zhongling, the eldest daughter of the Zhong family, she can't marry the second prince, and the second concubine's side concubine is full. If she really followed the second prince, she would be a servant at best. .

Hui Fei's face is also not good. Why can she only be a waiter?

The queen here was also ugly and tight. She really hated the concubine more and more, and she really opposed her again and again, and did not put her queen in her eyes.

Shu Mengrui's mindless cumbersome essence, why did she stuff them to the second child.

As the client, Gong Shangyi glanced at Shu Mengrui disgustingly. Although he didn't look at this Shu Mengrui, he thought he still had a huge amount of silver to return. This Shu Mengrui is still a daughter-in-law of Shang Shu. There should be a lot of dowry.

Gong Shangyin's eyes lit up, and she coughed and said, "Since Shu girl wants to marry the prince so much, the prince can barely accept her."

As soon as Gong Shangyu said this, everyone was surprised.

"No, the second prince has so many concubines and concubines, and he still needs to accept them now."

"I didn't expect the second prince to see Shu Mengrui, but isn't he going to Miss Zhong soon?"

"Don't you listen to the second prince? It's been an enthusiastic affair between Miss Zhong and the second prince. Miss Zhong must be married to the second prince. According to Miss Zhong's identity, it can only be a concubine, so even two The prince liked Shu Mengrui, who was at most a waiter. "

Shu Mengrui flushed red, and stared at the second prince with shame and anger.

Why and why did he say he wanted to take her?

Hui Fei did not expect that Gong Shangyin would say such words, and she was a little angry.

The queen was also caught off guard by the unlucky son, and quickly glanced at Hui Fei, saying that she would not agree with this matter.

Shu Mengrui knelt down directly: "Thanks to the second emperor's love, the prince and daughter don't want to marry anyone yet."

Listening to Shu Mengrui's apparent refutation, the queen was upset again.

This Shu Mengrui is just a daughter of a book, this second child wants to accept her, she dare to refuse.

Gong Shangxu was not angry, he didn't fancy Shu Mengrui, but it was a pity her dowry silver.

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