Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 201: No one wants it, then it's all a nuisance

Chapter 201

In the room, Bai Yihan opened the box. Lying in the box was the fish-shaped jade that he expected.

Reaching out and gently picking up the fish-shaped jade pendant, the jade pendant has a unique shape and the tentacles are cold, similar to the temperature of her hand at that time.

Jade's surface is very smooth, showing the master's love. Although the jade quality is not the best, it is very popular with him.

Bai Yihan couldn't help but think of their first meeting at the fair.

In fact, it wasn't their first meeting. They must have seen it many times before, but he never paid attention to it before, and she did too.

At the same time, the same jade pendant is the beginning of fate.

Just remember that those clear eyes froze after seeing him, the cold feeling in her hands was not so real, but she retracted her hands in panic, and so did he.

Neither of them bought it. He went back to find it, but it turned out that she also went back to find it and bought them.

"What are you looking at?"

Just as Bai Yihan fainted at Yu Pei, Bai Ruyue walked in quietly and snatched the Yu Pei in his hand.

Bai Ruyue looked at the jade pendant in her hand strangely, only to feel familiar.

Suddenly thought of something, Bai Ruyue's eyes lightened brightly, "Isn't this the little fish on my brother's sword ear?"

Bai Yihan reached out and grabbed Yu Pei directly and put it in the box.

"Brother, my sister-in-law will come to our house in a while. Are you nervous?"

Bai Ruyue supported her face with her hands, lay on the table, and looked at Bai Yihan with a playful look.

A **** called Bai Yihan's lips lightly.

Looking at Bai Yihan's sullen look, Bai Ruyue tilted her toes and pouted, "I said, brother, since you like others, don't pretend to be too much. What did you do last time that made Xunzi think you I didn't like her and almost didn't agree to the relationship. "

Bai Yihan frowned. "How do you know?"

Bai Ruyue flashed a panic in her eyes, rolled her eyes, and said, "Surely the sister-in-law told me, we are now good sisters who talk about everything."

"Well, I'll see if the **** is here."

Afraid to be questioned again, Bai Ruyue immediately slipped into the best policy.

Looking at Bai Ruyue's back, Bai Yihan's eyes flashed lightly.

Because of this, she thought for three days?

The old man returned to Dongfu early in the morning, and he is naturally very happy with his grandson.

Baici also took Mo Beichen to Dongfu to help.

Arranging everything, the second lady entered the main hall.

Seeing Madam Chunguang coming over, Baitan pulled Xiao Xuaner over and said, "Secondary, if you need any help from us, please order."

The second lady chuckled, "Everything is ready, as long as you and Xiao Xuan'er help to accompany the girl Qi."

The second lady said pinching Xiao Xuan'er's face lovingly.

Bai Ruyue put down the seeds and came over with a smile.

"Ma'am, you can rest assured, sister-in-law is a good friend. Big sister and Xiao Xuan'er will love her."

Bai Tan and Bai Ruxuan both laughed. This is a good thing. Both of them have met Qi Ziling, and they really have a good impression on her.

The second lady gave a strange glance at Bai Ruyue, "You girl, your brother has called before he got married."

Bai Ruyue laughed, "Well, they are all married, naturally they are bitches."

"You girl ..."

The second lady had no choice but to stare at her.

Dad also frowned his beard with approval, "Yue girl said quite well. Now that she has set a relationship, it is naturally my Bai family."

Upon hearing this, the smile on Mrs. Er's face increased a little.

"Old lady, you are accustomed to her, this girl is skinless and faceless, and no one dares to ask for it in the future."

The old man raised his eyebrows indifferently, "No one dares to be just right, they all give me extra trouble."

Bai Jiazi had only a few babies, and all of them came out, and he stayed at home, not too many.

When they heard the words, they all couldn't help looking at Baiju and Mo Beichen.

Bai Ruyue couldn't help but quipped, "No one dares to ask the older sister, so the grandfather invited the older brother."

Everyone was happy when they heard the words, and Mo Beichen also drew a rare lip corner.

Baijue blushed and stared at Bai Ruyue courageously. "You can rest assured that Grandpa will definitely give you a good job in the future, and Xiao Xuaner, you can't run any of them."

The gentleman's eyes turned slightly, and he began to think seriously about the joke just now.

"Yo, so lively, this guy is here."

Just as a few sisters were having fun, Bai Chulan and He Chengzhi and He Wenjin walked in together.

For a moment, the atmosphere stagnated.

Bai Ruyue stared boringly at Bai Chulan's family and walked aside.

Bai Tan and Bai Ruxuan also ignored Bai Chulan and He Chengzhi, and went back to their seats and sat down.

The three did not salute the old man, looking for a seat by himself.

After Bai Chulan sat down, he stared jealously at the smoked purple silk brocade dress on Mrs. Er's body, as well as the red phoenix drop beaded crest.

Isn't it his son's marriage? Do you have to dress like this? It's as if she wants a second marriage.

He Chengzhi was yawning again and again. The waxy yellow bags under his eyes were caused by excessive libido.

He Wenjin has been on Mo Beichen from the moment he entered the door.

Looking at his intact sleeves, He Wenjin frowned.

He Siyu was the last one to arrive. He wore a red dress with four or five golden badges on his head, and two jade pendants on his waist.

Looking at the costumed He Siyu, Bai Ruyue and Baijue were silent for a while.

Why is this woman dressed like this? People who don't know thought she was sick.

Feeling the "envy" eyes of Baijue and Bai Ruyue, He Siyu was even happier, raised his chin proudly, and his charming eyes gently brushed over Mo Beichen sitting next to the old man, and he immediately cast a winking glamorous Come.

Looking at He Siyu's frivolous behavior, everyone was instantly black, and the old man was so angry that he threw the tea cup on the table.

However, Mo Beichen, like a okay person, completely ignored the disgusting gazes of the brothers and sisters of the He family and only bowed his head for tea.

Regarding Mo Beichen's disregard, He Siyu didn't care much, as if he had become accustomed to his indifference during the day and enthusiasm at night, and chose to sit near Mo Beichen.

From beginning to end, He Siyu didn't look at everyone else, including Grandpa and Bai Chulan, He Chengzhi, a pair of glamorous eyes that lingered on Mo Beichen. From time to time, send a Qiubo, wink, and make other people lose their interest in speaking.

The **** glanced at He Siyu coldly, and saw that her eyebrows were raised, her eyes were more charming than usual, and she could not help frowning.

"Old lady, Qi Yushi's family has arrived."

The goalkeeper came in to report.

The old man's eyes brightened, "Hurry up."

"I'll meet you." The second lady stood up, a little excited.

Then he looked at Bai Ruyue again, "Go and call your brother."


Bai Ruyue immediately responded, and ran to Jing Hanxuan as soon as he smoked.

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