Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 206: He Siyu's calculations

Chapter 206 He Siyu's Calculation

Qi House.

As soon as the carriage was gone, Mrs. Qi followed Qi Ziling back to the room.

"Mother, do you have something to tell me?" Qi Ziling frowned as she looked at the restless Qi.

Mrs. Qi pulled Qi Ziling to the table, "Linger, have you been with Bai Yihan this afternoon?"

"Well." Qi Ziling nodded shyly.

"Do you guys ..."

Mrs. Qi looked at Qi Ziling nervously.

Although it was unlikely, she was not at ease.

After hearing Mrs. Qi's meaning, Qi Ziling was immediately ashamed and flushed, staring, "Mother, where do you want to go?"

Where is he like that person, although she has always held her hand, but always rules, even without talking a few words with her, why would it do anything bad?

Mrs. Qi heard that she was relieved and was more satisfied with Bai Yihan.

I know that the child is a decent one. Although the two have made a relationship, there are some things that are not easy to cross.

Thinking of the unusually harmonious appearance of the two standing together during the day, Mrs. Qi whispered, "Linger, do you tell the truth to your mother, do you like the child?"

Qi Ziling's pretty face was red again, and he turned his head awkwardly, "He's fine."

Seeing the expression of Qi Ziling's little daughter, Mrs. Qi laughed. "Oh, that child is good, and my father and I are also very satisfied."

Qi Ziling heard his head drop lower.

Looking at Qi Ziling's timid little face, Mrs. Qi expressed her emotion.

Sure enough, I have grown up and I know that I am shy.

Mrs. Qi stood up and patted Zi Ziling's hand with a slight smile. "Okay, you can rest early. Mother will have dinner in your house for a while."

"Thank you mother."

Qi Ziling looked up and watched Mrs. Qi leave.

Closing the door, Qi Ziling habitually walked to the window and sat down.

Qi Ziling stared at the leaves falling in the wind outside the window.

"I like you."

Thinking of Bai Yihan's confession and the dragonfly's light kiss, Qi Ziling's face burned like fire.

Jing Hanxuan and Bai Yihan also stood in front of the window, watching Qionghua flying down the yard, thinking about Qi Shiling's shy confession just now.

East House, West Chamber.

Until the night, He Siyu woke up quietly.

"Miss, are you awake? How is it? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Seeing He Siyu awoke, Cai Yun immediately stepped forward and asked with concern.

According to Miss Piao's request, she did not dare to bring up the coma with anyone, and even the doctor did not dare to ask.

When the lady came in the afternoon, she also pushed that the lady was asleep. Fortunately, the lady didn't have to force herself to come in, otherwise she really didn't know how to explain.

He Siyu opened his eyes stupidly, only to feel very sleepy, and it took him a long time to remember what happened in the afternoon.

Covering his painful chest, He Siyu forced to sit up, "How did I come back?"

"Miss Piao, instructed Yunzhi to send us back." Cai Yun lifted up He Siyu, while talking.

He Siyu frowned. "She would be so kind?"

Cai Yun clasped her lips tightly, and for a moment she wondered whether she should tell Bai Sihe to He Siyu.

Seeing Cai Yun vomiting, He Siyu immediately stared, "What did she say?"

Caiyun looked down and said, "Miss Table, she seems to know about you and Wang Ye, she said, said ..."

"Say what?"

He Siyu's voice suddenly rose, Cai Yun shook, and did not dare to be indifferent, and continued immediately, "She said to let you settle in. If you have another time with Wang Ye, it will not be ... . "

He Si said with extreme tone and sneered dismissively. "Why did she threaten me? Who does she think she is?"

Even her relatives haven't been settled, but she's just as nameless as she is, and she really considers herself a princess of the regency.

He Siyu was really frustrated. I can't wait to rush to Wutongyuan to discuss the theory with Baiju. Just thinking of Mo Beichen's attitude, he was discouraged instantly.

"Is the prince present?"

Caiyun nodded, "Yes."

"Then what did he say?" He Siyu looked at Caiyun expectantly.

Cai Yun's eyes flickered, and she looked down, "Nothing said?"

To be precise, he didn't seem to care what they were talking about, and didn't seem to look at them from beginning to end.

He Siqi's face turned ugly.

Didn't say anything?

Well, since he was so afraid of the beaver, why did he come to provoke her again? What does he mean now? What on earth is she?

Looking up at the dark sky outside, He Siyu frowned. "What time is it now?"

Caiyun looked up at the hourglass next to the wall. "It's almost time, Miss, are you hungry? The kitchenette is still warming up the food, and slaves will bring it to you?"

He Siyu shook her head, where is she still thinking about eating?

That person should not come tonight, but she was unwilling. Why would he come if he wanted to, or not if he wanted to, really when she thought that she was the Qinglou prostitute? If you want to play, just play, if you want to give up?

With both hands squeezing his fist, his eyes were squinting resentfully.

Since he is kind, don't blame her for being unjust.

He Siyu turned to Caiyun with a cold face. "Wait a minute, you'll be watching outside. If you hear something inside, you'll go to Tianluoyuan to find your grandparents, and say I'm in trouble."

Cai Yun's face froze, and she swallowed in fear.

Miss, this is to make things bigger. Even then, even if Prince Wang would admit that the reputation of Miss at that time would not be good, just now seeing Wang's indifferent attitude towards Miss, this is the only way.

Caiyun thought, and then nodded firmly.

She has been following the lady since she was a child. As the saying goes, all glory is glory, and all is lost. If the lady really flies on the branch to become a phoenix in the future, her life will not be sad.

"But if he doesn't come."

Cai Yun frowned, worried.

According to Wang ’s attitude, today should not come, even if he wants to come, Miss Piao will not let him come.

He Siyu's gloomy eyes narrowed dangerously, "Well, if he doesn't come today, I will go to his grandparents to report him tomorrow morning."

But she had evidence, and she didn't believe he could rely on it.

Just as the master and servant thought about the solution, the window outside moved a little.

The drowsy white raccoon, who was lying in the arms of Mo Beichen on the big tree, saw the dark shadow under that window, and immediately came to spirit.

Really wearing the same mask as A Mo, who is going to frame A Mo?

Cai Yun was startled, but He Siyu was overjoyed.

Sure enough, I am still here, I am afraid that I can't forget the good taste of yesterday, it seems that she is not all charm.

He Siyu gave Caiyun a joyful look, and Caiyun immediately bowed out of the room.

As soon as Caiyun closed the door with his backhand, the window lattice was pushed open, and a dark shadow flashed in.

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