Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 232: The old man is missing

Chapter 232: The Old Man Is Missing

The second lady was also startled by the corpse on the bed, and slowly knelt down.

What's going on? It's only been two days. Even if you don't eat or drink for two days, you won't become a dead body.

Seeing that Bai Ting'an and the second lady were on their knees, Bai Ruyue also had to follow her knees.

In fact, Bai Ruyue had no feelings for the old lady.

Among so many grandchildren, in addition to hating Baiju, the old lady hates Bai Ruyue.

I do n’t know why, she and Xiao Xuan Er are obviously her granddaughters, but the treatment is so different. In her eyes, Xiao Xuan Er is treasure, she is grass, no matter what she does, it is because of old age The wife targeted her everywhere, so later she didn't even bother to ask An, but she wouldn't care to ask An anyway, and the old lady wouldn't care.

Bai Ruyue thought that it might be because the old lady did not like the second wife, and she did not like her even with her. If the elder brother is not the grandson, it is estimated that the old lady will not like it.

The **** stood upright, without the slightest intention to kneel.

Looking at the dry corpse on the bed, Baitan's eyes were cold.

It can be seen that the old lady suffered great pain before she died.

Good and evil come to an end in the end, and the old lady committed evil in her lifetime. It is not sad to have such an end.

News of the old lady's death soon spread throughout Baifu.

After knowing the news of the old lady's death, the old man sent a longevity to spread the word, bluntly not to do funeral for the old lady.

It is said that the deceased is big, and with the death of the old lady, many things should be relieved, but there is no sign of softness.

Not only did he write the divorce book to make the old lady's guilt public, she also removed the old lady from the genealogical tree, and she was not allowed to do funeral for the old lady in the house.

Regarding the request of the old man, Bai Tingan dare not speak up.

Finally, under the persuasion of the second lady, Bai Tingan hurriedly buried the old lady and Bai Tingrui.

Both were removed from the family tree and could not be buried in the tomb of Bai family ancestors. Bai Ting'an could only bury them outside the imperial city.

On the day of the burial, Bai Ruxuan cried a few times.

One is her biological father, and the other is her grandmother who loves her. The death of these two people really hit Bai Ruxuan a lot.

In front of the tombs of the two men, Bai Ruxuan knelt until it was almost dark, and was persuaded by the second lady to get into the carriage.

In Huangcheng Middle Street, two carriages meet.

Murong Yu glanced quickly and saw Bai Ruxuan, who was sacked and filial, with red eyes.

is her?

Murong frowned, looking at Murong Yun around him.

"Brother, has anyone died in Baifu recently?"

Murong Yun frowned, and glanced at Murong Yan coolly.

"I don't know, why are you asking this?"

Looking at Murong Yun's suspicious gaze, Murong Yun blushed and immediately shook his head, "Why not, just ask."

Murong Xu turned her head and opened the curtains, looking at the carriage passing by behind her, and frowned slightly.

Crying like that should be a very important person.

The old lady was buried, and the **** did not go. She went to Tianluoyuan again. The old man still could not see her. The **** had no choice but to return to Wutongyuan.

Bai Ruxuan was in a bad mood. The second lady was uneasy about sleeping alone, so she packed up and went to Haitang Garden, intending to accompany her for a while.

Bai Tingan was not in a good mood, and returned home alone in the morning.

Bai Ruyue was still happy, the old lady's death had no effect on her.

Bai Yihan also returned to Jing Hanxuan early in the morning. For a few days, something happened. He hadn't slept for several days.

Late at night, the **** was sleepless in bed.

Too much has happened lately, disrupting her plan to go to Holy Heaven ahead of time.

With grandpa's current mood, she can't leave him now to heaven.

The **** picked up the pillow and put it on his face with a little annoyance.

As soon as the **** had a drowsiness, he heard someone shouting outside.

"It's not good, it's gone."

The white raccoon sat up, the pillow on his face slipped instantly.


Qiwen carried the lantern and hurried into the room.

"what happened?"

"It's Songheyuan's fire."

The **** frowned, finally awake, pulled over the screen clothes, and ran out.

Tonight, Baifu turned on the lights at the same time.

The second lady soothed Bai Ruxuan, went to Qionghuayuan to find Bai Tingan, and the two rushed to Songheyuan together.

Bai Ruyue also stumbled up, put on his clothes, and ran to Songheyuan.

Bai Yihan sat up irritably and razed his hair frantically.

Going crazy, why should he have a good night's sleep if something happens every night?

When the crowd rushed to Songhe Garden, the maids and sisters-in-law had begun to fight the fire.

However, the fire was so great that when they put out the fire, the entire Songhe Garden was also burned.

The crowd stood in front of the ruined Songhe Garden, only feeling like they were dreaming.

Only the two of them worked hard. Not only was the old lady dead, but even the old lady's yard was burned.

Bai Ting'an grabbed the little sister-in-law of Songhe Garden and yelled angrily, "Why would it be on fire?"

Xiaoxi shook her body and shook her head immediately.

"The slaves didn't know. When the slaves found out, the fire was already great."

The fire was well-known to everyone except Bai Tingan.

Who can set fire in Baifu, besides the old man?

Old man, this is to burn all the traces of the old lady, it really hates her.

Just as several people directed Xiaozhang to clean up the ruins, Changsheng hurried in.

"Miss, old lady is gone."

The crowd was shocked, and Beaver's face changed greatly. "What did you say?"

"I just sneaked into the room just to see the old lady, only to find that he was gone."

Changsheng was a little worried, and his eyes were full of worry.

The old lady is emotionally unstable now.

Baitan was equally worried and hurried to Tianluoyuan.

Others also ran to Tianluoyuan.

The **** rushed into the old man's room, and a strong scent of wine smelt.

The **** frowned and looked around. Without seeing the old man, he hurried into the other room.

Bai Tingan and others also entered Tianluo Court under the leadership of Changsheng.

Everyone searched the entire Tianluo Court, but no figure of the old man was found.

"There is a letter here."

Bai Yihan found a letter in Father's room.

"Grandpa gave it to you."

Seeing the words "Beaver Kiss", Bai Yihan handed the letter to the beaver.

Beaver took the envelope and opened it hastily.

After quickly scanning the contents of the letter, Baiju looked down and remained silent.

Bai Yihan frowned. "How?"

Baitan raised his eyes and passed the letter to Bai Yihan.

"Grandpa left and said he would not be back for the time being. Let us go to Fengshen Academy together and leave the family's affairs to Eryi."

Grandpa, after all, he couldn't let go, and felt ashamed of his grandmother, of his father and aunt, and of her.

Everyone heard the words and remained silent together.

It seems that the old lady's blow to the old man was really great.

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