Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 235: Murong Chan

Chapter 235: Murderous Vinegar Jar

It is difficult to walk downstream, the water is very rapid, and the stones are slippery. If you accidentally fall into the mountain stream.

Yun Shaoning carefully climbed down several large rocks and finally saw a fruit tree beside the mountain stream.

Yun Shaoning was so happy that he immediately flew to the edge of the mountain, picking fruit while pulling the branch.

The fruit is not big, but it is reddish and looks very tempting.

Yun Shaoning picked a fruit, wiped it directly on his body, and choked up.

The sweet juice poured into his mouth, and Yun Shaoning's eyes brightened.

I didn't expect this wild fruit to be so sweet, we must pick a little bit more and go back to the little sisters to eat them.

Yun Shaoning leaned over and picked off the big red fruits one after another on the treetops, and stopped until his arms were full.

Looking up at the steep stone wall, Yun Shaoning frowned.

It was easy when we flew down, but now it is difficult to go up.

Yun Shaoning grasped the branch with one hand and chopped the smooth stone wall with one hand, and labored to climb up.

The springs on the mountain stream continuously beat down, not only wet Yun Shaoning's clothes, but also knocked out a lot of fruit in his arms.

While Yun Shaoning was distressed by the fruit, he also accelerated his speed. Otherwise, if he climbed up to this speed, the fruit would be lost.

Because Yun Shaoning was so anxious, he stepped on the air with one foot, and the branch in his hand bounced back instantly, leaving only one hand still chopping the stone wall.

However, the stone wall was too slippery, and the spring water kept rushing down, and Yun Shaoning's hand gradually couldn't hold it.

Yun Shaoning looked down at the crested mountain stream at the foot of his eyes, and his eyes drew straight.

Damn, if you fall, you'll have to peel off if you don't die.

A large wave of spring rushed down, and Yun Shaoning's hand grabbing the stone wall was washed away.

Yun Shaoning shuddered, just as he was about to be washed down by the spring, he grabbed him with one hand.


Yun Shaoning felt a joy in his heart, immediately raised his eyes, but froze instantly.

Murong Yuan's eyes were originally worried, and when she heard the word "snow", she immediately became cold.

"You want him to save you?"

The cold voice seemed to be more piercing than the spring water in early winter.

Yun Shaoning blinked and didn't quite understand what Murong Yi meant.

Glancing at the gurgling mountain stream beneath him, Yun Shaoning swallowed his mouthful, raised his eyes and shouted at Murongyu, "Pull me up."

Murong Xu was unmoved and still asked, "Do you want him to save you?"

Yun Shaoning's eyes twitched, and he didn't understand why Murong Yu kept asking this, but fortunately he admitted it.

"Yeah, yeah, I just want Xue Qingyu to save me, what do you want?"

The deep black eyes narrowed dangerously, and the anger that Murongyu blocked in his chest erupted instantly.

"Then you wait."

Murong Yu grabbed Yun Shaoning's hand and hung him on the stone wall like hanging clothes. Then he turned away without a trace.

... Yun Shaoning was completely speechless.

Why did things turn out like this, shouldn't he pull him up? What the **** is this guy doing?

The hand was getting weaker, and the tense fingers had been washed by the spring to the edge of the stone wall.

Yun Shaoning turned pale and yelled, "You are a pervert, pull me up."

Hearing Yun Shaoning's roar, Murong stole a step, but did not turn back.

After waiting for a while to wait for Murong Yu to rescue him, Yun Shaoning felt like he had blocked a ball of cotton, which was extremely uncomfortable.

That guy is really gone, it ’s really cold-blooded, and if it ’s the little girl hanging here, he ’s afraid she would have pulled her up.

After another wave of spring came down, Yun Shaoning finally shouted.

"Xue Qingyu ..."

Xue Qingyu, who was looking for food in the upper reaches, heard Yun Shaoning's shouting, immediately picked up the three mules on the ground, and ran down.

Just as Yun Shaoning wanted to continue asking for help, a figure flashed in front of him.


Yun Shaoning looked in shock at Murongyu, who stepped on the edge of the stone wall.

This pervert is crazy, why fly down and just pull him up? Just stand by the stone wall, does he know how dangerous this is?

Murong Yan stared at Yun Shaoning with spitting fire, roaring hoarsely.

"You call me another try."

Seeing Murong's attitude was so bad, Yun Shaoning was very grieved, and he opened his mouth and shouted, "Xue ..."

Only one word came out, and the lips were sealed.


Yun Shaoning stared blankly and looked at Murongyu's enlarged handsome face in amazement.

Why did you treat him like this again, what exactly did he mean?

Murong Yu pressed Yun Shaoning all over the stone wall, and the gushing spring water hit him instantly, but he didn't care and kissed him intently.

His kiss was still astringent, but it was extremely hot, as if to vent all the dissatisfaction backlogged these days.

The fierce and wild kiss made Yun Shaoning gradually overwhelmed, and his consciousness gradually became confused. He wanted to push him away, but was afraid that he would fall. He could only cling to the stone wall and let him demand.

An unfamiliar tide came to mind, and Murong Xu only felt like a hungry beast in the desert. He could only obtain it desperately to reassure him.


Yun Shaoning's body gradually softened, and his arms became weaker.

"I ... I can't catch ..."

His hoarse, soft voice made Mu Rongyu slightly awake. He leaned around his waist, and several rolls and jumps led him to a hollow without water.

Yun Shaoning stared at Murong Min's series of handsome moves stupidly.

How did this guy do it, and how did he fly over such a long distance?

Yun Shaoning was not allowed to think, and the fiery lips were pressed up again.


Yun Shaoning uttered a flick and opened his mouth unconsciously to meet him.

The two were entangled with each other, and Yun Shaoning's original unconsciousness confused again.

He closed his eyes and involuntarily began to respond to him.

Qing Shi's kiss, tentatively tentatively, as shy as the young boy who loves the beginning of sin.

Yun Shaoning's initiative was undoubtedly pouring fuel on the fire, which made Murong Yu's original desperate suppression of the tide burst out.

He pressed him to the stone wall, pressed his hand with one hand, and kissed him fiercely with his head in one hand.

Yun Shaoning also embraced his waist and responded warmly to him.

At this moment he forgot the advice of the old man, forgot his mother's worry, and forgot his own tangles. He didn't think about the future, not the future, and just faced the person who made him lose heart.

The gurgling water brought a chill, but the temperature in the cavity was getting higher and higher.

"Yun Shaoning ..."

Just as the two kissed each other ecstatically, Xue Qingxi's anxious voice came from afar.

It's Xue Qingyu's voice ...

Yun Shaoning was instantly awake, and he was about to push Murong Yao away.


"Don't shout."

The dull voice of dissatisfaction is full of sourness.

Murong Yan re-sealed his lips, giving him no chance to speak again.

Yun Shaoning suddenly turned black.

This guy is really ...

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