Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 318: God roll unsealed

Chapter 318: God Roll Unseal

Zixia Peak.

The **** closed his eyes, clutched the sheets with both hands, and shook his head in pain.

"Master ..."

Rising up from the bed, the **** stared with cold sweat.

She dreamed of that person again, that person was the master of Little Red Fox.

But isn't it Little Red Fox? But she didn't remember when she had a master? And those things ...


The **** suddenly held his head in pain.

As long as she thought about it, her head hurt as if to crack.

"Amo ..."

She is looking for A Mo.

The white raccoon yanked open the quilt and wanted to get out of bed, but he heard a slap, something fell to the ground.

The white raccoon frowned, picking up Yujian on the ground and opening.

When I saw the words "Tian Fox God Volume", I thought slyly.

By the way, shouldn't she be on the top of the mountain? When did she return?

The white raccoon opened the sky fox **** scroll, a piece of white, there was no word or painting.

The **** was not surprised, as if he had expected it to be so.

Walked to the table, spread Yu Jian flatly on the table, and after stunning for a while, the **** bit his own fingertip, and depicted it according to the four characters of Tianhu Shenjuan.

The blood of the monster Ye penetrated into the dark font, emitting a dazzling red light.

In the fiery light, the blank jade Jane slowly appeared black handwriting.

There are words.

The **** stared at the black handwriting in shock. She didn't know why she knew it, but she knew it subconsciously.

When the red light disappeared, the characters on Yujian had all appeared.

Demon world.

A seductive handsome man seemed to sense something and rushed into the imperial palace.

"The event of the demon emperor is not good, the Sky Fox God Volume is unsealed."

"what did you say?"

The demon emperor pushes away the snake spirit wrapped around him.

Bai Xiao repeated anxiously, "Subordinates just sensed that Sky Fox God Roll was unsealed."

Bai Xiao's eyes were drooping, and his heart was frightened.

"damn it."

Bi Xue stood up tremblingly, raised the collar of Bai Xiao, and stared at the pair of green bronze bells with big eyes, "Where?"

Bai Xiao swallowed in fear, "the specific position, the subordinates can't sense it."

There was a flash of bloodthirsty blood in Bixue's eyes, and Bai Xiao was discarded.

"Waste, don't look for it yet."


Bai Xiao fell heavily on the ground and did not dare to cry, so he crawled up and ran out.

Bi Xue narrowed his eyes and squeezed his fist.

Damn, who the **** is it, Bai Bai is born again?

No, it was impossible for him to die at that time, and even if he was reborn, he would not be able to open the Sky Fox God Volume.

In the room, the **** was sitting at the table, studying the fox **** scroll carefully.

God scroll records, this Sky Fox God Volume is the highest skill of the Sky Fox family, only the purest Sky Fox Royal Family is qualified to practice.

The **** frowned.

Whether she is the Sky Fox royal family, this is to be investigated, but her bloodline should not be pure, although I do n’t know what her mother ’s identity is, but her father is human.

There is also the dark shadow, since he can take out the Sky Fox God Roll, it should be a person of the Sky Fox family, after all, that fox heart skill is not what ordinary humans can understand.

But even if she has the blood of Sky Fox, that person should not help her like this, and pass the highest skill of the Sky Fox family to her. Why is this?

There are too many things that can't be figured out. Baijue glanced briefly at the introduction and started to look at the exercises.

The Sky Fox God Volume is also a god-level method, with a total of twelve weights, one weight and one tail, one tail and one life.

Seeing the words "one heavy and one tail", Baijue narrowed his eyes in a black line.

Does she really want to practice this fox **** roll? She's not a fox now, she can't imagine the long tail on her ass.

The chill shook his body, and Baiju looked at the fox **** roll that day in embarrassment.

After practicing this, she really became a half demon.

By the way, there should be transforming skills in this fox **** roll.

Bai Tan's eyes were bright, and he immediately looked up with excitement, and sure enough, he found a skill in the third method.

Transfiguration skills, human fox transformation skills.

Really there is this, Baitan was overjoyed, and immediately studied the transfiguration technique with great excitement.

After learning the transfiguration, you can switch freely in the fox body and the human body, but this transfiguration has to be trained to the third level to learn, that is to say, when she has three tails, she can learn the transfiguration.

Great, no matter when I can learn, hope is always good. It seems that she has to practice this fox **** roll for this transformation.

The **** took a deep breath and began to study the Sky Fox Divine Scroll carefully.

After looking at it for a while, Baitan found out that this fox **** roll, she seems to have learned it before, she can hear many skills in it, such as fox heart skills, charming heart skills, obsessive skills ... and various fox fire skills.

Now that she has all the impressions, it shouldn't be difficult to learn. The **** looks more and more excited, and just feels that she can transform freely soon.

But when she saw the last page, she was dumbfounded for a moment.

The Sky Fox family has one tail in three hundred years, one tail in three years, one tail in six hundred years, one tail in six hundred years, one tail in nine hundred years, one tail in three thousand years.

... The **** narrowed his eyes with a black line.

KAO, is this playing with her, or with her?

After three hundred years, she has to learn transfiguration. Does n’t it have to wait for nine hundred years, she does n’t know what turned into ashes.

A total of twelve fox **** scrolls have been completed this time, and all of them have been completed. How many tens of thousands of years is this possible?

Cold water was poured from head to toe, and the **** prostrated to the table with grievances.

She had serious doubts as to whether she still needed to learn this fox **** scroll, and it was estimated that she would not be able to practice it until she died.

She collected the Sky Fox Divine Roll with little interest, and the **** simply washed it, and then left the room.


In the courtyard, Liu Yan and Xing Yuan saw the **** immediately relieved.

Madam, she is back.

The **** looked at the two frowningly, "You clean up the two houses and stay."

It's not a thing to keep it outside, and no one dared to break into her yard in the college.


They nodded and respectfully responded.

"You don't have to follow me these days, Master has sent dark guards to follow."

Both were frowning, and half a moment later they should respond.


When Baitan came to the main square, everyone was doing morning exercises.

Today Zuo Yuqing is also at the forefront and leads everyone to practice swords.

Seeing Baiju, Xue Yan immediately waved, "Sister Bai."

"Brother Xue is early."

The white raccoon nodded his head to Xue Yan, then turned and left.

Zuo Yuqing is also here. In order to avoid troubles, she should not stay.

Xue Yan looked at Bai's back and blinked blankly.

A few days later, Bai Shimei seems to be beautiful again.

Yu Wenbai also looked at the back of the **** infatuatedly.

"Why didn't Shishi Bai do morning exercises with us?"

If Bai Shimei did morning exercises with them, they would see her every day.

Knowing what Yu Wenbai was thinking, Xue Yan naturally also expected Baiju to do morning exercises with them.

"Bai Shimei is doing morning exercises at Orange Yufeng, but recently she seems to have not been to Orange Yufeng for a long time and has been practicing at Tianjifeng.

Che Shengjie frowned, "Isn't Tianjifeng the average person who can't enter?"

Xue Yan glanced coolly at Cheng Shengjie, "Is Bai Shimei an ordinary person?"

Che Shengjie was speechless and snorted a little.

A little girl who just entered the college, she is special in everything.

He hadn't figured out who this **** was before, but now he knew she was the white family, and he didn't like her any more.

Seeing Che Chengjie's expression of dissatisfaction, Xue Yan wanted to come forward and talk to him, but was pulled away from Li Yang.

"Bai Shimei was taught by Elder Bu himself. Naturally it is different from us. Let's practice it."

Xue Yan heard the words and snorted coldly, no longer thinking about Che Shengjie.

Zuo Yuqing looked at the back of the beaver, and narrowed his eyes narrowly.

If it was not Bu Yangzi, why would she be so arrogant.

The **** went directly to Yin Yanfeng.

Standing quietly at the entrance of the cave, saying nothing, just watching it quietly, as if you could see the people inside through the enchantment.

When A Mo first retreated, she was not used to it, and now she seems to be getting used to it.

No matter how long he will retreat, she will wait patiently for him.

After standing for a while, the **** descended Yin Yinfeng.

"White beaver."

Lan Yanyu was waiting below, and saw the **** immediately greeted.

Seeing Lan Yuyu, Baitan raised her eyebrows leisurely. "Why do you want to be beaten again?"

Lan Yanyu pouted his lips. "Yesterday you cheated. You secretly used a closed breath. Today, I also used a closed breath.

Yesterday he vomited softly and did not show his true skill at all, and lost too much.

The **** chuckled, "I happen to be bored by myself. If you want to come, then come."

After that, the **** flew directly to the mountain peak.

Lan Yanyu also immediately followed.

In the room, Bu Yangzi and Leng Yihan looked at each other and followed them with interest.

The white raccoon flew directly into the pile of gold corpses, just like the heart-burning sword, the gold corpses died instantly.

With yesterday's tempering, Lan Yanyu was much calmer today, not afraid, and followed the **** to fly into the gold corpse pile.

With a wave of Lan Yuyu's ruler, the golden corpse underneath died instantly.

The white raccoon greeted him directly holding the heart-burning sword, and the two soon fought.

The sound of "banging" weapons clamoring from time to time at the bottom of the peak.

After dozens of tricks, the **** gradually slumped.

The martial arts skills of this blue cricket aren't as bad as she thought.

Lan Yuyu also did not dare to relax. He had seen the beaver's greatness. He had lost again before, and he dared not take it lightly.

Leng Yihan frowned as he watched the two who were fighting in the golden corpse pile.

"It's worthy of being apprentices. Their hobbies are so similar."

Bu Yangzi raised his eyebrows proudly, could his apprentice be like him?

"Who do you think will win?"

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows lightly. "It's hard to say, no matter how bad the kid is, it's also a state of purple spirit. She doesn't want to win so easily."

"Really? Let's take a look."

Bu Yangzi raised his chin confidently, and his apprentice would certainly not let him down.

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