Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 324: Bai girl, are you still missing Master?

Chapter 324 Bai Girl, do you still lack a master?

Seeing Elder Tu and them, the **** immediately smiled and greeted him.

"Several uncles."

The beaver's "uncle" instantly made several people laugh with smiles.

When the Elder Tu laughed, he opened his mouth and boasted.

"Look at this little apprentice, none of my monkey cubs have filial piety."

"How can the monkey cubs compare with Bai girl, and just one Bai girl can reach them."

Elder Feng exaggerated the **** with a rare look.

The raccoon was embarrassed by them, and lowered his eyes to hide behind Bu Yangzi, and then helped him pinch his shoulders.

Looking at the beaver's hard action, several people instantly envy again.

"Look at this little girl with a small piggyback. It looks comfortable, and it's coming to your uncle Butcher."

Elder Tu sat next to Bu Yangzi and patted himself on the shoulder.

"Go, why should my apprentice slap you?"

Immediately unwilling, Bu Yangzi suddenly reached out and pushed Elder Tu out.

Elder Tu fell to the ground with half of his **** and stared angrily at Bu Yangzi.

"I let Bai girl slap me, but I don't make you slap me. What excitement do you want?"

Bu Yangzi directly gave Elder Tu a big white eye, "I want you to let Xue Yan and Yu Wenbai come to you, it's nothing to call my apprentice."

His baby apprentice, he was not willing to make a call, why should he give them a call?

Elder Tu pulled his eyes darkly.

Let them help him? Forget it, he wants to live another two years.

Looking at the embarrassment of Elder Tu, several people laughed and sat down around the table.

Elder Yuan pointed his eyes and saw a few jade bottles on the table at a glance.

"What is this, Lao Rui is sending Qi for replenishment?"

Elder Yuan said, he was going to get the jade bottle on the table.

"Let me see."

Elder Tu also excitedly went to get the jade bottle.

Last time, he had nourished Qi from Dan Butou. He was not willing to eat it. Unexpectedly, Lao Rui sent Buqi Dan again so soon.

"Go aside, a bandit."

Bu Yangzi saw the means of grabbing these two people last time. This time, where would he let them grab it, and even if he took all the six bottles of elixir into his arms.

At this moment, Elder Tu was unhappy.

"Ah, don't hide it, does your kid want to swallow it again?"

Elder Tu said as he stretched out his hand to pull Yang Bu's arms.

"That is, your kid is too unkind to swallow it privately?"

Elder Yuan was also the most treacherous and immediately followed to grab it.

Bu Yangzi guarded the jade bottle in his arms.

"What's private, this is what my apprentice honors me. What's wrong with you?"

"Your apprentice ..."

When they heard the words, their eyes widened in shock.

"These are all made by Bai Yatou."

Elder Tu stared blankly at the **** with an incredible expression on his face.

How old is this girl, and she can make elixir?

Elder Yuan also raised his eyebrows in surprise, "then those qi tonics were also practised by Bai girl."

He had tasted the Qi tonic before, but the effect was very good. Absolutely good quality elixir. He always thought it was Lao Rui Lian, but he didn't expect it to be white girl.

"I didn't expect Bai Girl to refine medicine."

Elder Feng is also very bright, and indeed he is Brother Grandpa's granddaughter. He even refining medicine, and the level of refining medicine is almost catching up with Lao Rui.

"Baby, are you still missing Master? Look at me?"

Elder Feng looked at Beaver with a smile on his face. I was very nice. Choose me.

The **** blinked blankly.

She does not lack Master, she lacks gold and herbs.

When the elder Su heard, he immediately got together.

"Yeah, I am very good at cultivation, and I can also give you immortal exercises."

Fairy exercises?

The beaver's eyes rolled up, and he really thought about it.

Elder Tu and Elder Yuan did not **** the medicine bottles when they saw this, and came to the **** together.

"Bai girl, what's so good about this stinky old man? He asked you to carry your back. You, my apprentice, promise you nothing."

Bu Yangzi was instantly black with anger.

Feeling that Bu Yangzi's mood wasn't right, Baitan immediately laughed. "Master didn't let me sting. I watched Master's hard work and volunteered."

The **** said, struggling twice more.

This makes Bu Yangzi's face look better.

"This old man's head is arrogant, and it's hard to sit down all day long."

Elder Tu glanced at Pu Yangzi with disdain, eyes full of jealousy and envy.

Elder Feng pouted enviously, "That is, Bai Girl, you have become my apprentice, and I promise I will not let you carry your back."


Seeing a few people say more and more, Bu Yangzi immediately coughed, and tilted his head to the beaver, "It's not time to practice."


The **** responded immediately and ran out as soon as he smoked.

"Hey, don't go."

When he saw the beaver, he ran away, and several people immediately wanted to chase it out.

Bu Yangzi's expression, which had just soothed, darkened again.

"Give me back."

They stopped, looked at each other, and looked at Bu Yangzi with a smile.

"I said Lao Bu, Bai Ya gave you so much elixir at one time, did you finish eating?"

"That is, we can help you share the food when you can't finish it."

Several people talked and rushed towards Bu Yangzi together.

"You bandits ..."

A muffled roar passed through several people, rushed out of the roof, and frightened the birds on the tree.

The **** ran down Tianjifeng in one breath, and when he turned to see Elder Tu, they didn't chase after him, and leaned against the stone wall, panting lightly.

Oops, these old men are terrible.

She will not be able to accept Master anymore in the future, otherwise she will be surrounded by this group of old men every day.

People really can't be too good, but it's better to keep a low profile in the future.

The **** shook his head and ran towards Huang Qifeng.

Huang Qifeng and Nangong Huang are dressing Bai Ruyue.

"When can I get out of bed?"

Bai Ruyue looked at Nangong Huang poorly.

"There are eleven days."

Nangong Huang did not lift her head, and after helping Bai Ruyue change her medicine, she carefully rebanded her.

Bai Ruyue frowned, staring anxiously.

"How come there are eleven days, do you remember me wrong?"

Nangong Huang smiled and looked up, "You ask dozens of times a day, how could I remember wrong?"

Bai Ruyue froze and grunted, "I'm bored."

Being trapped in the room every day and not letting her get out of bed is more uncomfortable for an active person than to go to jail.

Nangong Huang pretended to be angry. "You think I'm bored, so I'm going to class."

Nangong Huang said that she would get up, and Bai Ruyue immediately hugged him.

"I didn't mean that, I mean I got moldy in bed every day. Did you smell my body smell?"

There was a smile in Nangong Huang's eyes, and she really sniffed around her neck.

"No, it's still fragrant."

The ambiguous teasing sound came to his ears, and Bai Ruyue's face burnt up.


Bai Ruyue Qiao looked at Nangong Huang with a red face.

When did this guy learn so badly?

Looking at Bai Ruyue's shameless appearance, Nangong Huang's eyes darkened, and she couldn't help leaning over and kissed her slightly red lips.

Bai Ruyue trembled and closed her eyes slowly.

Nangong Huang's kiss was jerky but gentle, which gradually made Bai Ruyue intoxicated.


Just as the two kissed themselves ecstatically, a joking cough suddenly came, and the two instantly awakened.

"big sister."

When she saw Baijue, Bai Ruyue was immediately surprised, and Nangong Huang was flushed with shame.

Beaver glanced at the two with ambiguous expressions. "It seems that I am not here."

Bai Ruyue thought of it, and immediately blushed.

"What about brother?"

The **** raised an eyebrow and walked over.

Bai Ruyue pouted, "My brother hasn't been here for a few days. My sister-in-law will come to see me every afternoon."


The **** chuckled with a grin, "understandable."

According to the elder brother's sister-controlled temperament, if I look at this every day, how can I bear it? It is probably out of sight.

Bai Ruyue blushed again, and immediately shifted the topic, "Big sister has been busy these days, I haven't seen you for a few days."

The Beaver smiled, "Busy to kill insects."


What worms to kill?

Bai Ruyue frowned, did not understand the meaning of Baiju.

"Nothing, I'll give you some medicine."

Bai Tan raised her eyebrows lightly, took out two jade bottles from the storage ring and handed them to Bai Ruyue.

"What medicine?"

Bai Ruyue took the jade bottle and opened it suspiciously.

"This is ... Zhujidan!"

Bai Ruyue stared blankly and looked at the three elixir in the jade bottle with a surprised look.

"Big sister, you made it yourself."

The **** smiled and nodded, "Well, when you're injured, practice seriously, and strive to break through the human level as soon as possible."

"I will definitely work hard."

Bai Ruyue nodded excitedly, and squeezed her fist, scaring Nangong Huang immediately took her hand.

"Be careful, watch for the wound to crack again."

Nangong Huang reminded and opened her hand to examine her wound.

Looking at Nangong Huang's nervous look, Bai Ruyue was shy, and Baijue was very relieved.

"Also, here are some poisons, for your self-defense, both efficacy and effect.

The **** took out a few more black medicine bottles.

Bai Ruyue looked excitedly at the pile of poisons.

"Thank you, sister, these things are so useful."

With these poisons, she would not be afraid even if she could fight.

The **** glanced at them both in ambiguous, "You ... continue, I have to go to the Green Shadow Peak to give the elder brother medicine."

... Bai Ruyue blushed and stared at the **** with a black line.

Continue the yarn, continue, the atmosphere is destroyed by her.

What came to mind, Bai Ruyue looked at Beaver with excitement.

"Bye sister, in a few days, the college will be on vacation, you can't go down the mountain."

Monthly vacation?

Baitan raised his eyebrows with interest, and looked at Bai Ruyue with excitement.

"It doesn't matter if I can't go down, but you definitely can't go down."

Beaver finished and turned away.

Bai Ruyue stared sadly at the back of the beaver.

"The elder sister is so bad that she takes a rest once a month and won't let me go down."

Nangong Huang chuckled and rubbed Bai Ruyue's head with a smile, "You have healed your injuries, and you can go down the mountain next month."

Bai Ruyue pursed her lips and hugged Nangong Huang.

"Then you stay here with me."

Nangong Huang's eyes softened, holding Bai Ruyue in her arms.

"I stay with you."

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