Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 339: Worthless Super VIP Card

Chapter 339 Worthless Super VIP Card

Several people walked to the stairs, and Baijuan handed the special VIP card to Bai Yihan.

"You go up first. I'm going to auction some elixir."

Bai Yihan took the VIP card and nodded. "Then we will wait for you upstairs."

Everyone went upstairs with the VIP card, and Baitan went into the passage on the other side.

The passage was not too long, and the three of them soon arrived in the background.

The waiter guarding the backstage door saw Bai Jue's stunning appearance and stayed for an instant.


Seeing the waiter's obsessive eyes, Liu Yan coughed unhappyly.

The waiter returned to his heart, and immediately bowed in horror, "Sorry, I'm so rude, I wonder if I can help you?"

Beaver glanced at the three-character room in front of the identification room.

"I want to auction something."

"Okay, please follow me."

The waiter nodded, and turned to take the three to the front laboratory.

The appraisal room is very large. It is divided into more than a dozen small rooms. Each room has a different small brand. There are many people coming in and out. Most of them come to sell things, and very few people come to find things.

The rule of Banyue Pavilion is that as long as the price is right, items can be traded privately without going through the auction.

The waiter said, "Girls, what kind of items you want to auction, you can enter which room, each room has a special appraiser, small retreat."

After the waiter spoke, he resigned respectfully.

Beaver raised his eyes and scanned the sign in each room. When he scanned the last one, he saw the word "Elixir".

Unlike other long-lined rooms at the door, there is no one at the door of this alchemy appraisal room. No one can enter or come out.

The **** frowned when he thought for a moment.

Yunjing's elixir is scarce, especially high-quality elixir. Naturally, the elixir that can be auctioned cannot be too bad, but there are not many high-quality elixir. Even if someone occasionally gets one or two high-quality elixir, they are mostly used by themselves Who will come to auction.

The **** walked to the door of the appraisal room and saw that there was only one old man inside, and the old man was lying on the table as if he was sleeping soundly.

...... Asleep, is this identification elixir really so free?

The **** raised his hand in a black line and knocked on the half-open door.

It seemed that when he heard the knock on the door, the old man narrowed his eyes and raised his eyes dissatisfied.

Seeing the beaver, the old man frowned first, then frowned.

"You went wrong. Here is the elixir identification."

The lazy voice was full of impatience.

The old man said this, obviously people often go wrong, and the **** is not annoyed. He walks in with Liu Ye and Xing Yuan directly. He is serious, "I'm here to identify the elixir."

The old man looked at the raccoon suspiciously. What elixir would there be for such a young girl?

"We don't accept low-grade medicines here."

The old man frowned at the beaver, fearing that she would bother herself.

The lower-level drugs mentioned by the old man refer to solution powders that have only been refined, have not been fused, and have no Dandan solution. These semi-finished products are all low-level drugs.

There was a sneer on the corner of Beaver's lips. She started refining medicine at the age of three, and she would be able to become a dan at the age of five. After the age of five, no low-level medicine had appeared in her.

"Can you sell it? Naturally, you have to appraise it."

Baiju directly took three jade bottles from the storage ring and threw them on the old man's table.

The old man saw the rough movement of the beaver, and he didn't even believe what advanced elixir was in the jade bottle. Who got the advanced elixir and fell like this.

The old man scorned his mouth, reluctantly took the jade bottle that was still served by the raccoon, and opened it casually, but when he saw the round elixir inside, he was astonished with eyes.

Is it Hao Yuandan?

The old man sniffed solemnly, and poured out the three elixir in the bottle, and looked carefully with a magnifying glass, the more excited the old man looked.

It's really Hao Yuandan, it's all top grade.

The old man got up in excitement and walked to the **** respectfully, "Girl, please sit down, please wait for a while, the old man will be identified soon."

To the old man's 180-degree turn attitude, Baijue raised his eyebrows gently.

Yunjing mainland's refining pharmacist status is really distinguished, so he took out a few bottles of Hao Yuandan, this treatment is very different.

The **** sat on the redwood teacher's chair beside the old man's instructions.

"Please drink tea."

The old man pleased the tea, and then respectfully returned to the appraisal station to appraise Hao Yuandan.

After the three bottles of the elixir were all identified, the old man came back excitedly.

"Excuse me, are you planning to sell gold or mixed stones for these three bottles of elixir?"


Beaver answered unwillingly.

No matter how good the mixed stone is, it's not as lovely as her gold.

The old man froze, and then asked, "How much gold do you plan to sell, girl?"

The **** blinked confusedly, "This, I really don't understand the price, you take care of it, it is an auction anyway."

The old man nodded and pleased, "Well, that old man will help you decide. You can rest assured that the price will definitely satisfy you."

The **** wicked his lips, pulled two bottles of elixir from the storage ring, and threw them to the old man.

"Looking at you so well, these two bottles are also sold."

The old man was taken aback and immediately took it in a hurry.

"Well, little ancestor, don't throw it, it's all elixir."

If it falls, it's going to thunder.

Watching the old man's careful look as if holding a child, the beaver's eyes twitched.

The old man couldn't wait to open the jade bottle and looked at it, but was instantly stunned.

"Ji Yundan and Qi for Qi?"

The old man's hands trembled uncontrollably. These two bottles of elixir are a few levels higher than the previous Hao Yuandan.

Hao Yuan Dan is a spirit-level elixir, while Jin Yundan is a saint-level elixir, and Qi tonic is even an immortal elixir. Most people do n’t say they have eaten it.

"Girl, are the prices of Jinyun Dan and Buqi Dan?"

The **** waved his hand casually, "You look at the price, I believe you."

The old man moved his face instantly, and then promised, "Girls, rest assured, these bottles of elixir will sell for a good price."

Yunjing elixir is scarce, such high-quality elixir is very rare, or it is not available, and it is definitely robbed by people.

"Let's go ahead, and you take it slowly."

The **** said, and turned out of the appraisal room.

Seeing this, the old man chased out immediately. "Girl, wait a minute."

The **** paused and turned to look at the old man in doubt.

The old man smiled and found a super VIP card in his arms and handed it over, "This is our Super Moon Card in Banyue Pavilion. As a girl, you must be in the VIP room."

The **** looked at the super VIP card in the old man's hand, and unconsciously narrowed his eyes.

Do you have a lot of Super VIP Cards in Banyue Pavilion? The Super VIP Cards at every turn seem to be too worthless.

"Thank you."

Beaver picked up the card disgustedly.

The old man didn't know the beaver's mind, but turned around and ordered the waiter standing at the door of the identification room.

"Take this girl to the VIP room on the fourth floor."

The fourth floor?

The waiter froze slightly and looked subconsciously at the beaver, but was startled again.

It is this girl. She turns out to be a pharmacist.

"A few please follow me."

The waiter bowed down to salute the beaver, and turned to lead the three.

The **** threw the super VIP card in his hand to Xingyuan, "sell this."

Xingyuan frowned, blinking confusedly, "What did you sell?"

It's not easy to get VIP cards at Half Moon Court, especially this super VIP card. There aren't a few of this cloudscape. It's hard to get them. How can they be sold?

The **** dismissed his lips in disdain, "We all have one, so why do we need so much, besides that the big bag is worth five high-level mixed stones. Why should we have twenty high-level mixed stones? "

Twenty high-level mixed yuan stones are twenty-two thousand silver, which is a little less, but better than nothing.

The waiter in front heard the beaver's words, and he almost didn't plant it on the ground.

Broken card?

Twenty advanced mixed yuan stones?

They have only ten Super VIP Cards for the entire Cloudview continent, and even if she sells them, she only sells twenty high-level mixed stones. If they are known by their owner, they will definitely spit blood.

Xing Yuan also frowned disapprovingly, "Madam, this card has more than 20 high-level mixed stones, how can you sell 200?"


The raccoon stared stunned, wouldn't two hundred be two hundred thousand, wow, this must be sold.

"Your jade is still there?"

The white beaver's eyes turned brightly.

Liu Yan nodded doubtfully, "here."

The **** slyly blinked at Liu Yan, "Then you take the jade card and go to the old man and get a few."

This one is 200,000, and the two are 400,000 ...

... Ryuyan narrowed his eyes with a black line.

Madam, you really think this super VIP card is so worthless. One of the old man is a miracle. How could there be more.

Liu pursed his lips, and said solemnly, "Ma'am, Grandpa has confessed that he ca n’t show his jade card until he has no choice but to do so."

Ye is not just the regent of Mo Xueguo. I don't know how many people want to put him to death in this world.

If he hadn't seen the man dare to insult his wife just now, he would never show the jade card.

Xingyuan whispered to Beaver, "Ma'am, don't worry, my grandfather not only has a lot of gold, but also mixed stones can be piled into mountains. Whatever you like, just buy it."

The **** raised an eyebrow. "Does he have a lot of mixed stones?"

Xingyuan nodded earnestly, "There are as many mountains as there are."

The **** instantly regained his heart.

Whoops, so much, she must change them all to gold.

The waiter took the three to the fourth floor and glanced at the last two unflopped room numbers on the wall.

"Rooms 3 and 5 on the fourth floor are empty. Which girl would you like?"

The **** waved his hands indifferently, "then the number five."


The waiter turned over the sign with the number five, and took the three of them to room five.

As soon as a few people turned, they saw Bai Yihan.

The **** waved his hand immediately, "brother."

Bai Yihan hooked his lips. "I was looking for you."

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