Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 346: Spoil dog

Chapter 346: Drowning, Dog Abuse

The people under the scene were getting worse and worse, Zhuo Qingyun in the middle of the fourth floor frowned unhappyly, and her green eyes were full of impatience.

When Hong Ji on the high platform saw that the matter was going to be big, she immediately raised her hand to appease.

"Please be restless, everyone. This remnant of the three treasures belongs to our Banyue Pavilion. It took half a year to get it from an ancient tomb. All three things are extremely precious. It is definitely not a shit. Now please listen to Hong Ji One by one for everyone. "

After listening to Hong Ji's introduction, the noise underneath finally got smaller.

Hongji picked up the first remnant book on the tray and walked in front of everyone to introduce it.

"This first book is an ancient array. Although it is only a fragment, the esoteric array is definitely worth studying."

Hearing the three words in the formation book, Yun Shaoning was instantly energetic, lying on the window with a bright glance at the remaining pieces underneath.

Looking at Yun Shaoning's eager look, Murong's eyes flashed a pamper.

Not only Yun Shaoning, but also many of the array of mages below are a little emotional.

The noise underneath stopped gradually, and Hong Ji gave a sigh of relief, put down the remnant book in her hand, and picked up the remnant scroll.

"This second book is an ancient ancient pharmacopoeia, which is also just a scrap, but it is equally valuable."

When Baijue heard his eyes light up, he immediately became interested.

There is even a classic medicine book, which is her favorite.

After introducing the remnants of the elixir, Hong Ji picked up the last one.

"This last picture is a treasure map. It is said that this treasure is a seven-color flower that can bring people back to life, but unfortunately it is only a piece of scraps. If anyone has the ability to make up this residual picture and get the medicine from that life, it is absolutely It's also beautiful. "

When they heard the words "seven-colored flowers", the crowd exploded again.

"The treasure turned out to be a seven-color flower, but isn't it a legendary flower? No one has seen it so far."

"Yes, seven-color flowers can be brought back to life, but aren't they all legends? The treasures are deceptive."

"It would be amazing if Seven-colored flowers were actually found."

The **** narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes full of interest.

Seven-color flowers, the legendary medicine that can bring life back to life, did not expect it to actually exist.

"I'm only interested in treasure maps."

"I want the formation book."

There was another quarrel in the crowd below.

"Can it be sold alone?"

A big man stood up and asked Hong Ji.

Hongji shook her head. "Sorry, these three things come from the same tomb, not only for sale."

Just kidding, it's worth the money to sell these three broken books.

Not only sell a sentence, instantly dispel many people's enthusiasm.

Seeing that the seed was wrong, Hong Ji immediately quoted, "The residual price of the three books is 30,000 yuan, and the bidding now starts."

As soon as the reserve price was heard, it would be 30,000 yuan, and everyone underneath exploded.

"The reserve price is going to be 30,000, which is too high."

"Thirty thousand, who can afford this?"

"But it's just three broken books. It's going to be 30,000. Which fool would buy it, I don't want anyway."

The reserve price of 30,000 yuan really made people who had hesitated completely rested their minds, so that Hong Ji reported the reserve price for a long time without anyone bidding.

After waiting for a cup of tea, no one bid, Hong Ji started to rush.

He said that the reserve price had been set high, but the owner had to set 30,000, and no one would dare to bid on it.

Zhuo Qingyun in the middle of the fourth floor also frowned.

According to the value of these things, the thirty thousand high-level mixed yuan stones are not high. If they are placed on the gods, the base price of these things is at least 50,000 yuan.

In VIP room No. 6, Lan Yanyu stood at the window and looked at Hongji's embarrassment, raising her eyebrows with interest.

People who do n’t understand wo n’t buy it. People who understand are waiting. It seems that Baijuer wants to buy cheap.

Leng Yihan looked at Lan Yanyu with a look of interest, and raised an eyebrow. "What, you want to."

Lan Yanyu's evil-hook lips, "It's not me, but Baizier, she must want it."

Lan Yanyu said, turned to sit at the table, and added a cup of tea to himself.

"I'm just interested in those seven-color flowers, but unfortunately, it's just a residual image."

He was not interested, and he didn't have the patience to take time to find any residual pictures and treasures. Even the seven-colored flowers did not interest him.

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows in disapproval.

In VIP room No. 5, Bai Tan stood at the window and wanted to bid, so he heard someone bidding next door.

"Thirty thousand."

This is colder than the previous two sounds.

It is Murong Yu.

Beaver was relieved when he thought of it, he must have bought it for Yun Shaoning.

Since Murong Yu wants it, she won't join.

The **** chuckled and returned to the table for tea.

Hearing Murong's bid, Hong Ji was thrilled, "No. 4 on the fourth floor is 30,000."

The fourth floor on the fourth floor is really his savior. If this is a real shot, his face will be lost.

In the room downstairs, Shangguan Quanya heard Murong Yun's voice, and her eyes flashed a moment of jealousy.

He wanted to buy the law book for him, she just didn't let him do it.

"forty thousand."

After hearing Shangguan Quanya's bid, Che Wenqing began to have a headache.

The **** drank tea.

Shangguan Quanya paid the price. It seems that Murong Ye can't find it cheap, but with Murong Ye's proud personality, he shouldn't bother to pick it.

Yun Shaoning next door frowned.

Damn, this retribution is coming too fast, I wouldn't provoke that crazy woman if I knew it.

Hong Ji was so happy that she turned to the third floor with a smile, "No. 7 on the third floor is forty thousand."

"fifty thousand."

Murong Yan paid the price without expression, without being affected by Shangguan Quanya.

"No. four on the fourth floor, fifty thousand."

Hong Ji's voice was loud and a little excited.

"Sixty thousand."

Shangguan Quanya followed the bid.


Murong Yu also did not hesitate to bid, and the two were too fast for Hong Ji to keep up with the offer.


Shangguan Quanya gritted her teeth, her eyes full of jealousy and resentment.

Damn, what's so good about that Yun Shaoning, it's worth him doing it for him.

Hearing the word "80,000", Yun Shaoning's forehead protruded and pulled Lamurongxi's sleeve gently.

"Forget it, no more."

That mad woman is no different from a lunatic. If you continue to shout, you still don't know how much to shout.

Murong Yu watched Yun Shaoning petting a smile and turned and shouted, "90,000."

Yun Shaoning Jun blushed, and his heart seemed to be sweet.

The other three people in the room looked at their sweet eyes and sighed enviously.

The two people are abusing dogs again, and Bai Yihan, who has a fiancee, has suffered less damage, and Xue Qingyu and Murong Yu can't bear it.

"Ninety thousand on the fourth floor."

Hong Ji's voice was so excited that she couldn't help herself. Compared with the 30,000 people who just asked for nothing, now the price of 90,000 yuan is sky-high again.

Shangguan Quanya wanted to pay the price without thinking, "Ten ..."


Che Wenqing broke into a cold sweat and immediately stopped loudly.

Shangguanquan rolled her eyes eagerly, staring impatiently at Che Wenqing.

Che Wenqing swallowed her mouth, persuaded her head, "Princess, you have to think twice before you, in case you quoted the price, Prince Zixiao will no longer follow the price, and we can no longer check out what."

It would be a shame if you couldn't get the money to check out. Moreover, if the prince and the emperor knew that the princess had paid such a large price for three broken books, they would certainly be angry.

Shangguanquan was so fragile that he clenched his fists and stared at the three broken books underneath.

"90,000, are there any bids?"

Hongji asked it symbolically, and raised her mallet to finalize it.

"Nine thousand times."

"Twice ninety thousand."

"Ninety-three times ..."

Hongji bowed with red face towards VIP Room No. 4, "Congratulations to the VIP No. 4 on the fourth floor for the residual book and three treasures. The lot will be delivered to you later."

The people underneath began to talk about it instantly.

"It's the No. 4 thing, and No. 4 is really rich."

"Isn't it? All three broken books are willing to spend 90,000 senior mixed yuan stones, really rich."


In the room downstairs, Shangguanquan slammed all the fruit trays and teapots on the table, and it was a mess all over the floor in an instant.

Che Wenqing stood on one side, lowered her head, and did not dare to move.

The Cantonese Sambo was quickly sent over.

"Your lot, small retreat."

The waiter carefully placed the tray on the table and retreated respectfully.

Yun Shaoning stared brightly at the shabby array book.

Murong twitched his lips slightly, picked up the array of shards and handed it to him.

Yun Shaoning took over the tactics and flipped it with joy.

Looking at Yun Shaoning's twinkling peach eyes, Murong's lips evoked a petting smile.

"Do you want these two?"

Yun Shaoning shook his head and immediately thought of something. He took it and said happily, "I'll give it to Xiao Shimei. She must like it."

Yun Shaoning said, and ran out in full swing.

Murong Yu smiled, and lifted her eyes to take a teacup and took a sip.

"Mrs. Yun Yun is here."

As soon as Liu Yan finished reporting, Yun Shaoning ran in.

"Little sister."

With a look of excitement, Yun Shaoning raised the elixir and treasure map of the elixir in the beaver's hand.

Bai Tan's eyes lighted up. "Get the book."

"Well, these two are for you."

Yun Shaoning nodded and passed the two things in his hand.

The **** frowned and looked at Yun Shaoning's hand. "You don't want it."

Yun Shaoning chuckled, "I don't understand this. What I want it to do, I only need the book of formation, and I will give you both."

The **** laughed and said, "I'll accept it politely."

Yun Shaoning didn't speak, and stuffed the elixir and treasure map directly into Bai's hand.

Baitan excitedly turned over the remnants of the elixir and found that it was full of some long-lost elixir recipes and introductions to ancient herbs. This book was really useful to her.

The **** carefully collected the remnants of the elixir with the treasure map.

The waiter sent the next lot.

Hongji didn't lift the cloth as easily as before, but gently lifted the red silk cloth, looking very careful.

"This is our twenty-first lot today. Spirit-level elixir, Hao Yuandan."

As soon as Yun Shaoning's eyes lighted up, he pushed the **** immediately.

"Little sister is your panacea. Go and see."

A few people stopped drinking tea and squeezed together to the window to see the excitement.

Murong Yu and Lan Yuyu from Room 4 and Room 6 also crowded into the window to see the lively.

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