Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 353: Obviously a witch, what is her fairy

Chapter 353 Obviously a Witch

Listening to the screams of the women below, the **** pouted his lips boringly.

Lan Xiaoshouchang such women are crazy, so if A Mo appears, they are not going to grab people directly?

No, you can't let A Mo's face appear in front of so many women in the future.

Lan Yanyu ignored the crazy screaming women underneath, only with a black face, looking at Yan Hongtian.

Yan Hongtian saw Lan Yanyu's beautiful beauty, noble temperament, and magnificent style, and believed the identity of Lan Yanyu without any doubt.

"Lian Shenyi, really a long-awaited name."

Yan Hongtian bowed deeply to Lan Yuyu.

For Zhuo Er's illness, he had been looking for this blue **** doctor for several years, but there was no news at all. I didn't expect to see him here now.

Lan Yanyu chuckled her lips coldly. "What's my fame, my sister's medical skills are much better than mine."

If Lan Yuyu's words, no one believes, nodded in praise.

"This girl's medical skills are even more brilliant than that of the Blue God."

"This girl is really talented. Not only is she beautiful, she can practise medicine, and her medicine is so brilliant. It's really a strange woman."

"I don't know what the name of this blue **** doctor is."


Yan Hongtian heard the words and looked at the **** stunnedly.

Just now the girl said that she could heal medicine and he could cure Zhuo's disease. He was doubtful, but at this time the blue **** doctor also said that she had a good medicine, and he was convinced.

At the moment, Yan Hongtian knelt down in tears and gazed at Bai Jue and Lan Yuyu.

"Please ask two divine doctors to rescue the dog."

Yan Hongtian cried while rubbing his head, making the hard stone on the ground bang.

Lan Yanyu was still full of anger, and now seeing Yan Hongtian's behavior like this, she lost a lot of anger.

Beaver frowned and looked at Yan Hongtian with a solitude.

"Sir, it doesn't have to be that way. I promised to heal and I wouldn't break my word."

"Thank you Doctor."

Yan Hongtian was overjoyed when he heard his words, and immediately made a noise to the **** before standing up.

Hearing the word "Divine Doctor", the **** cursed disgustingly.

"The doctor is my younger brother, my surname is Bai, and my husband can call me Xiaobai."


In the room in the middle of the fourth floor, Zhuo Qingyun frowned and looked at Ye Lin. "What did you say that woman was last night?"

Ye Lin bowed. "The girl is called Beaver."

Zhuo Qingyun's green eyes flickered, his eyes pondered.

Even the surname is Bai, what will the two people have to do?

Hearing the name given to him by the beaver, Lan Yanyu narrowed her eyes with a black line.

Can this woman be more casual? You can get such a temperament with your name.

Yan Hongtian also stiffened his face awkwardly and thought for a while before he was stunned again. "Thanks to Bai Xianzi and Lan Shenyi. There are two **** physicians, and the dog has hope."

Hearing the words "White Fairy", Beaver rolled his eyes.

What's it called, it might as well be her little white.

Lan Yanyu also scoffed disgustingly.

Obviously a witch, what is her fairy?

It was the people underneath that all agreed.

"White Fairy, this name is good."

"Yes, yes, isn't it just a fairy, it fits her temperament too."

"In the future, there will be one more fairy doctor Baixian who cures and saves people."


The audience was discussing the new title of Beaver.

Looking at such a warm atmosphere, Hong Ji smiled with flowers on her face and raised her hand. "Now I announce that this auction is a complete success. Thank you again for your support of Banyue Pavilion. Thank you."

Hong Ji bent down and bowed deeply to the crowd.

Everyone underneath applauded enthusiastically.

Hong Ji raised her eyes, respectfully posed to Baiju.

"Please also ask Bai Xianzi to pick up your lot at our back office."

The **** nodded slightly, turned and returned to the room.

"White fairy, you are really famous this time."

Yun Shaoning raised a raised eyebrow at the **** with a playful look.

"Yeah, Baixian, it's up to you to save lives and help you later."

Qi Ziling also patted Bai Tan's shoulder jokingly.

Murong Xuefei grinned.

The **** blushed and glared at a few people.

"Don't make fun of me, haven't I just for that world?"

If it was not for A Mo, the fool would go out.

"Come on, let's get the treasure."

As soon as the **** waved his hands imposingly, everyone went out of VIP room No. 5.

Next door, Leng Yihan and Lan Yanyu also left the room together.

Several people ran into each other, and Leng Yihan's deep eyes looked at Murong Xuefei momentarily.

Murong Xuefei lifted her eyes to see Leng Yihan's burning eyes, and immediately lowered her eyes, her stunning little face could not help but slowly turn red.

Lan Yanyu's dark face stared coldly at Beaver, "You would use people."

The **** raised an eyebrow and grinned, "Why waste?"


Lan Yanyu gasped instantly, gritted her teeth, "You dead woman ..."

The white raccoon was not angry, completely ignored the blue-haired pheasant feathered by the hair, and turned away.

Yun Shaoning and others immediately followed.

Leng Yihan kept up with Murong Xuefei silently like a loyal dog, without paying any attention to Lan Yanyu.

Seeing Leng Yihan also left him and left, Lan Yanyu was instantly angry.

He's really a guy of the opposite sex.

Lan Yanyu swaggered and followed.

At the entrance of VIP Room No. 4, Murong Yu, Xue Qingyu and others were already waiting for them.


Seeing Bai Yihan, the **** ran over immediately.

Bai Yihan bowed his head and whispered, "Go out and be careful in a while. Zuo Yuqing is probably waiting there."

The **** heard that his lips were wicked.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of Shijiu, but I'm afraid of Zuo Yuqing?"

A large group of people walked towards the exit together, but before walking a few steps, they bumped into Zuo Yuqing and Liyang Bingwei.

Liyang Bingwei stared angrily at the beaver, with that gruesome look, as if to eat someone.

"Beaver, you bitch."


Zhuo Qingyun and Ye Lin were stiff at the same time in the next room. They looked at each other and walked towards the door.

After hearing the unreasonable words of Liyang Bingwei, the crowd turned black instantly.

It seemed that the **** did not hear her at all, and did not bird her at all, but led people past her.

Liyang Bingwei was stunned in an instant, "Slut stops me."

The **** demon's eyes narrowed slightly, he stopped, turned slowly, and looked at Liyang Bingwei coldly.

"Of course the **** is calling you."

Seeing Baici stop, Liyang Bingwei was even more arrogant.


There was a sneer of sneer on the corner of Beaver's lips.

As stupid as a pig, really boring.

A pity glance at Liyang Bingwei, the **** turned and left again.

The beaver's eyes instantly stimulated Liyang Bingwei.

"Beaver, you dare to ignore me."

Liyang Bingwei was so mad that she rushed to Bai Jue and stared at her with spitting fire.

Baitan raised his eyes and looked at Liyang Bingwei coolly.

"You all claim to be a slut, and I'm not interested in being a slut."

"Haha ..."

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

Yun Shaoning looked at Puyang Bingwei with a mockery.

Little Shimei is clever. How could this stupid pig, Bingwei Liyang, have beaten Little Shimei.

Lan Yanyu looked at Liyang Bingwei with a smile.

This woman's awe-inspiring skills, but he has experience, absolutely no one can match. These people want to win her out of the mouth, that's impossible.

Zhuo Qingyun quietly opened the door and looked out through the door slit.

In the crowd of people not far away, the woman's bright red dress was particularly eye-catching, but she turned her back on them and could not see her looks.

Zhuo Qingyun trembled violently, and blushed unconsciously when she thought of the feeling on the lips last night.

Is she?

Some are like, some are not.

"You, I killed you."

Liyang Bingwei was so angry that she blushed and had a thick neck. She raised her hand and wanted to draw a sword, but was held down by Zuo Yuqing.

"Do not impulse."

Zuo Yuqing stared at the **** with a sullen glance, his eyes full of killing intention.

The raccoon lip sneered at the corner of his beaver's lips and turned to glance at Puyang Bingwei.

"Do you think this is a blue fantasy, this is Banyue Pavilion, but this is not a place where you can spread wild things, you should learn Brother Zuo, and bear it for me without ability."

When Bai Tan's arrogant disdain, not only stimulated Liyang Bingwei, but also mocked Zuo Yuqing.


"Beaver, don't bully people too much."

Zuo Yuqing originally had a grudge against the beaver, but this time she was pitted with so much money, and now she was still ridiculed by this. Where can it be provoked, she immediately pointed her sword at the **** face.

The hearts of Bai Yihan and Murong Yan all lifted violently, and they came forward and surrounded the beaver.

Zhuo Qingyun in the room was also nervous, and even the hand holding the doorknob tightened a little.

The **** did not have the slightest nervousness, and glanced at the sword that reached her door with a mocking look.

"I bought this sword just now. It cost 100,000 yuan. I don't know that in your heart, Zuo Yubo's life is better than a sword."

Zuo Yutao shook his heart suddenly, his face paled instantly.

Zuo Yuqing frowned, "What do you mean?"

The **** sneered and glanced at Zuo Yutao coldly.

"At first, my brother wanted to save your brother. He only asked to pay one hundred thousand senior mixed yuan stone. I did not expect that Zuo's family could not afford one hundred thousand to save your brother, but he had the money to buy you a sword."

Zuo Yuqing heard the words, and looked languidly at Lan Yanyu.

Lan Yuyu was a black line again.

This woman really doesn't forget to trouble him anytime, anywhere.

Zuo Yuqing clutched the Moon Sword, and turned to Zuo Yutao darkly.

"Is what she said true?"

The cold voice seemed to come from hell, which made people tremble with fear.

Zuo Yutao's face turned white, anxiously, "Brother, listen to me and explain, you should know, I really can't afford that much money."

He could not have 100,000 high-level mixed yuan stones. Even if it was 10,000, he had to send it at home, and even if he had agreed to the request of Lan Shenyi at that time, it would be impossible for his family to send 10 million gold.

For the Zuo family, waste is of no value at all, even Zuo Yubo. Not to mention that 10 million gold is not a small amount for the Zuo family.

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