Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 355: In this life, she has enough Amo!

Chapter 355 In this life, she has Amo enough!

"Hahahaha ..."

Several people came out of Half Moon Pavilion and finally couldn't help laughing.

The **** couldn't smile straight. "Jianyang Bingwei's face was just uglier than stepping on shit."

Thinking of the painful faces of Liyang Bingwei and Shangguan Quanya just now, Baiju's heart was unsatisfactory, and tears burst out laughing.

"It's really bad luck to spend so much money without buying anything."

The corners of Lan Yuyu's lips were curved, so that it would pit people, the owner of this half-moon pavilion had a fight with the witch beaver.

For a while, Lan Yuyu was interested in the owner of this half-moon pavilion.

Yun Shaoning gloated his lips gleefully, "Whoever lets them smash things, deserves it."

From his point of view, the owner of Banyuege also let them accompany them less. It is time to let them pay 100,000 senior mixed yuan stones alone, and see if they dare to be stunned in the future.

Qi Ziling also skimmed his lips. "The two are sick with the princess. I like to throw plates and bowls when I'm fine. It's good to have some lessons this time."

She is also the person who is most accustomed to those princesses and princesses.

Yun Shaoning sneered in disdain, "The two crooked squashes and jujubes are also worthy of being princesses, looks, cultivation, and connotations, which is comparable to our seven princesses."

Seven princesses?

Leng Yihan frowned and looked at Murong Xuefei.

Is she a princess?

He forgot to check her identity.

The **** agreed and nodded, "That's right, Xue Fei is the real princess."

I have seen enough of Murong Lingshan, Poyang Bingwei, and princesses like Shangguan Quanya. Murong Xuefei is simply a stream of princess world. It is not indulgent, pretentious, or outrageous. It is no wonder that it is an absolute royal cultivation and connotation. Uncle Huang likes Murong Xuefei the most.

Murong Xuefei blushed and glared at several people.

"Don't brag about me, I don't want to be a princess if I can."

In fact, she is very envious of ordinary people's lives, just like Ru Yue and Zi Ling, find someone they like, just happy every day, and they may not even decide their own lives.

Murong Xuefei's words were well understood by the people present, especially Murong and Murong, as royal people, many things are involuntary, really not as comfortable as ordinary people.

For a moment, the original joyous atmosphere became a little dull.

Murong Xuefei knew she was guilty, and immediately shifted the topic, "I will give you the money for Fei Xuebing Yuqin."

Murong Xuefei said, took out a stack of silver tickets and handed them to the beaver.

Beaver smiled, indeed he did not answer.

"This little money, you are still welcome."

Little money?

When everyone heard the words, they narrowed their eyes.

To her, it was indeed a small sum.

Seeing Murong Xuefei still sticking her hands out, Baijuu hooked her lips.

"But it's just a bottle of Jinyundan's money. Just when I gave you a bottle of Jinyundan, or if it was Murongyu, I took his elixir and treasure map."

The value of these two things is much higher than a bottle of Jinyundan.

Murong Xuefei smiled bitterly, but she would comfort people. Where is Feixuebingyuqin like a bottle of Jinyundan?

"Thank you."

Knowing that she couldn't resist, Murong Xuefei had to put away a silver ticket.

When it comes to money, she is not lacking. The father and emperor always hurt her, and the emperor and mother-in-law will give her money every time she goes out. Compared to Tanuki, I'm afraid the little witch has seen the big witch.

"Thanks, all sisters."

Beaver smiled and patted Murong Xuefei on the shoulder.

She was in trouble before, and she has helped her, not to mention that she is really like a sister now.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

What Yan Hongtian thought of aside, stepped forward and bowed, "Yes, Bai Xianzi, the Qingxu Dan, forgot to return it to you."

Yan Hongtian said, carefully handing Qing Xu Dan to the beaver.

"Brother, this is for you."

Baiju took the Qingxu Dan directly to Bai Yihan, and took out two jade bottles from the storage ring and handed them over.

"I still have five Qingxu Pills, and you have a few points. With this Qingxu Pill, the elixir I gave you before, you can eat it without any side effects."

Bai Yihan took the elixir and frowned, "Aren't you going back with us?"

The **** shook his head. "You go back first. I'm going to Chishui with Mr. Yan."

Bai Yihan frowned. "I'll go with you."

"I'll go as well."

Xue Qingyu and Murong Yu also said.

The **** chuckled as he watched a few people look worried.

"No, Chishui is not far away. I will be back in two days. Besides, you will all go with me. What are you going to do with Xunzi and Xue Fei? Do you want to follow along?

Bai Yihan looked at Qi Ziling's eyes flashing lightly, and Murong Ye watched Yun Shaoning and Murong Xuefei frown.

Yan Hongtian respectfully said, "Several people, rest assured, I will bring a lot of people out this time, and I will definitely protect Baixian."

He knew what they were worried about. Bai Xianzi had just won the treasure, and it would be dangerous to go to Chishui.

He also had a bad idea. He had known that Bai Xianzi was the one who shot Xuan Tianyan's fireball. How dare he ask her out in public. However, this white fairy is also daring, I'm afraid it would be impossible to come out and meet him.

"I'll go with you."

Lan Yanyu listened for a while, and frowned.

As soon as Baitan wanted to open his mouth to refuse, he listened to Yan Hongtian and said, "The blue **** doctor naturally wants to go together."

… The **** shook his lips, and it seemed that the man still didn't believe her medicine.

The **** sighed softly, "Well then, go with me."

"I'll follow you too."

Xue Qingyan frowned at the beaver.

Baici hooked his lips and patted Xue Qingyu's shoulder.

"No, aren't there all of them? I can't help him anymore, they are all in the realm of purple spirits. It should always be useful at critical moments. Besides, I'm not a soft persimmon, nor can anyone pinch. . "

There are many people who want to kill her, depending on whether they have the ability.

Lan Yanyu narrowed her eyes with a black line.

This dead woman, why is there no good word to him?

A young man who looked like a guard walked to Yan Hongtian and whispered, "The city master is ready."

Yan Hongtian nodded and looked at Baiju.

Beaver looked up at Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxuan and smiled, "Go back early, and we're off."

Bai Yihan frowned. "Be careful."

Everyone else looked worried.

The **** raised his lips easily, "Be assured that nothing will happen."

What came to mind, Beaver said, "Yes, you go back and help me tell my two masters, lest they worry."

Bai Yihan nodded.

Leng Yihan glanced at the blue pheasant, "if you can't hit it, you will signal."

Lan Yanyu turned black for a moment, but nodded.

Farewell to the crowd, the two followed Yan Hongtian and left.

Watching the back of several people disappear, Xue Qing frowned, "Let's go."

The crowd nodded and turned together towards Fengshen Mountain.

The two followed Yan Hongtian to a big house on East Street.

"Old Yan."

A strong young man standing at the door saw Yan Hongtian immediately greeted.

Seeing the stunning looks of the raccoon and the blue pheasant, the young man froze, and then smiled, "These two are **** doctors."

Yan Hongtian nodded. "Let me introduce them. These two are Bai Xianzi and Lan Shenyi, and both of them are highly skilled. This is my brother, the master of Yingsha City and Chi Youhai."

Chi Youhai immediately bowed to the two of them, "Two **** doctors, long famous."

"Hello Lord."

The raccoon nodded politely, while Lan Yanyu was expressionless.

"Bai Xianzi is kind, just call me the sea."

Chi Youhai said and turned to Yan Hongtian again, "It's getting late, let's go now."

"it is good."

Yan Hongtian nodded, looking respectfully at Baiju and Lan Yanyu, "I don't know whether Bai Xianzi and Lan Shenyi want to ride a horse or a carriage."

The **** frowned. "How long will it take from here to Chishui?"

"It takes three days to ride a carriage and two days to ride a horse."

Beaver raised his eyes. "Then ride."

The longer the delay on the road, the more trouble there will be, and she doesn't want to stay outside for too long, lest Amo and Master worry them.

"The horse is ready to go."

Chi Youhai pointed at the horse prepared earlier in the morning.

The two passed, and one chose a dark horse, and followed Yan Hongtian and Chi Youhai towards Chishui.

Not long after a few people left, a group of people quietly followed.

Several beavers rushed eastward all the way, and finally stopped until it was dark.

Chi Youhai immediately went ahead and apologized, "Bai Xianzi, Lan Shenyi, there are no people in the first ten miles. Tonight, I can only wrong two people and take a rest here."

The white raccoon rolled over and dismissed his hand.

"Anyway, it's inevitable to go out and eat at a barbeque."

Seeing Bai Tan so open-minded, Chi Youhai nodded in appreciation.

Although the white fairy looked at the delicate and fragile, her acting style was a style of everyone, and she was truly an extraordinary woman.

Everyone turned over and dismounted, set fire and set fire, foraging and foraging.

Due to the large number of people, everyone quickly ate dinner.

After a simple meal, everyone rested.

The white raccoon sat under a big tree with his knees in his eyes, staring at the starry sky in the distance, and settled down.

The stars on the black screen seemed to be the beautiful face.

Looking at the chaotic face, Baitan couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Lan Yanyu looked at the beaver's smile full of affection, feeling a sourness in her heart, and went to sit next to Beaver.

"Thinking about him again?"

Beaver's lips didn't answer, she just said, "Do you have anyone you like?"

Lan Yanyu Jun looked at the **** with a red face.

Isn't she the one he likes?

Seeing to know Lan Yanyu's thoughts, Bai Tan's eyes flashed lightly, and he turned his eyes and said, "You don't like me like that."

Lan Yuyu stunned, then stared dissatisfied, "How do you know, I don't like you that way."

He clearly liked her. From childhood to age, he only had a feeling for her. Even if he hadn't had such experience before, he wouldn't be stupid enough to know what he liked.

Beaver lip, "I just know."

Lan Yanyu frowned unpleasantly, explaining her stubborn neck.

But the **** did not give him a chance, leaned directly on the big tree behind him, and looked at the night sky lazily.

"In the future you will meet people you really like."

No matter whether he really likes her or fakes her, she cannot accept him.

In this life, she has enough Amo!

Really like someone?

Lan Yanyu frowned, but saw that the **** was asleep.

Lan Yanyu sighed, took off her coat, and put it on the **** carefully.

The **** stumbled into Lan Yuyu's arms, and Lan Yuyu immediately caught it.

Looking at the woman who slept sweetly in her arms, Lan Yanyu smiled bitterly.

The person he likes is obviously this conscientious woman. Where else can there be anyone who really likes?

As if feeling warm, the raccoon arched unconsciously into Lan Yanyu's chest.

As soon as Lan Yuyu's breathing was chaotic, a heart began to jump wildly uncontrollably.

Lan Yanyu blushed, and carefully moved towards Bai Xiaoyan's little face.

"Amo ..."

The **** whispered, and subconsciously grasped the placket of Lan Yanyu's chest.

Hearing that "Amo", Lan Yanyu stiffened, and a ridiculous smile aroused in the corners of her lips.

Damn, what the **** is he doing?

Knowing that the person she likes is not him, but also to suffer from it.

In Fengshen Academy, in the cave on Yin Yanfeng, Mo Beichen frowned, and his black spiritual power began to fluctuate uneasily.

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