Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 371: Don't mind humans and beasts

Chapter 371: Don't Mind The Human Beast

Mo Beichen picked up Xuantianyan Fireball and studied it carefully. If he thought about it, "It is impossible. Such a pure ground fire is now gone, only a few hundred million years ago."

It seemed that he understood the words of Mo Beichen, and the flame in the middle of Xuantianyan's fireball instantly rose.

The **** was so excited that he couldn't even look at the proud flame.

"I'll show you something again."

The **** again excitedly took out the treasure map and the elixir, "Do you see these two things?"

Mo Beichen picked up the treasure map and looked at it, then picked up the remnant of the medicine and turned it over.

"These two materials are very special. The residual image is made of fine sheepskin, and the residual volume is made of the rare white jade now. Whether it is the characters on the residual volume or the residual image The paintings are all engraved, indicating that when these two things may be produced, the method of printing is not yet available, and these two things should have been a long time ago. "

Looking at Mo Beichen's serious and handsome face, Baijue couldn't help but show love.

"Amo, you can be an archeologist."

Serious men really are the most handsome. Fortunately, A Mo is not in modern times, otherwise it will definitely attract a large group of fans.


Mo Beichen raised his eyes and looked at Beaver Beaver doubtfully. He didn't understand what an archeologist was?

The **** turned back and laughed, "I'm praising you, you know a lot."

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows indifferently, "I will understand if I see more."

The old man loves to collect magic weapon and all kinds of strange things, so he has seen the used magic weapon, which can definitely be piled into a mountain.

As for the ancient artifacts, he has seen a lot of them and naturally understands them a little.

But if you ask the old man about these things, maybe he can find you other incomplete parts.

The white raccoon picked up the treasure remnants and the elixir remnants, and turned them around at will.

"These two things, as well as Yun Shaoning's hand-made method, were taken together at the auction. It is said that these three things came from the same ancient tomb. I guess not only these three things come from the same thing. The tomb, as well as the Xuantianyan Fireball and Dragon and Phoenix, are probably from the same tomb. "

Mo Beichen nodded in agreement, "If the Xuantianyan Fire Pearl and the Dragon and Phoenix Ring can be left, the owner of this ancient tomb must also be a personal character."

The beaver's evil lips, "I'm really interested in the owner of this tomb. If we have a chance, we can visit this ancient tomb."

"It can be anywhere you want."

Mo Beichen pecked her red lips pettifully.

Bai Tan pinched Mo Beichen's neck and looked at him seriously.

"Amo, will we be married when Grandpa returns?"

"it is good."

Mo Beichen nodded and kissed her red lips again.

The two, like glue, kissed each other instantly.

The red candle rocked slightly, and in the red gauze tent, their heads and necks were entangled with each other.

In the morning, the sun shines on the faces of the two through the screen, which is extremely warm.

The **** woke up stupidly, and into his eyes was Mo Beichen's strong chest muscles.

Uncontrollably swallowed the swallow, unconsciously reached out his paw and touched it.

So smooth and good Q, the most important thing is that the pectoral muscles are big.

Baitan could not help but pinch.


Mo Beichen groaned, and a turn over held her down.

Looking at Mo Beichen's long dark eyes full of longing, Baijue jumped in her heart and waved her little paws charmingly.

"I'm all like this, you can still get started."

Yes, she became a little red fox gorgeously again last night, driving Mad Mo again.

Mo Beichen smiled evilly and leaned down and bit her ear.

"I never mind humans and beasts."

The tingling sensation on the ears made the raccoon bewildered again instantly. The blurred eyes were raised, but he saw a handsome face with a bad smile.

The **** instantly regained his consciousness and rolled his eyes.

He didn't mind, she didn't mind. She would never accept her first fox finish.

Feeling that the body was getting hotter, Beaver immediately reached out her paw and held her head buried in her chest.

"Don't make a noise, it won't be back for a while."

The soft voice heard Mo Beichen hot again, and his affectionate eyes looked at the **** eagerly.

Know he wants, but ...

Baitan looked at Mo Beichen with a guilty look. "You wait, I have found a way to change freely, and I will definitely try to cultivate the Sky Fox God Volume."

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed lightly, and he turned over and took Baiju into his arms.

"Don't be stressed, I'll wait as long as you want, take your time."

Mo Beichen dialed her sharp ear, pretending to be relaxed.

The **** lay on his chest with a smile on her face. Regardless of A Mo, or herself, she must cultivate the Sky Fox God Roll to the third level as soon as possible.

The two were tired and crooked in the room for another morning, and it wasn't until the afternoon that Beaver finally became a person again.

"Finally changed back."

Watching his four claws turn back to his hands and feet, Baitan sighed with relief.

Finally, there is no need to be a fox anymore, it is better to be a human.

When Mo Beichen turned back to seeing her beast, Mo Beichen was glad, and leaned down to kiss her again.

Beaver was anxious and immediately reached out to seal his thin lips.

Mo Beichen stared at the beaver's hand with dissatisfaction.

The **** stiffly ripped the corners of his mouth and coaxed softly, "Don't kiss, it's hard to get back."

The monster Ye's eyes rolled around, and the white fox decided not to lie on the bed anymore, and she lay down again.

"Let's go and buy the materials."

Can not allow Mo Beichen to resist, the **** dragged him directly from the bed.

After a brief grooming, the two left the mansion and walked towards the main street in front.

Both of them have stunning looks, and the peerless style has attracted countless lights all the way.

It's better in the small street. When it reaches the main street, it attracts everyone's attention.

No matter men, women, young or old, no matter what they were doing, the moment when they saw Baijue and Mo Beichen, it seemed like time was still and stopped miraculously.

The girl who bought the flower cloth on the stall forgot to take the cloth, and the owner who sold the cloth on the opposite side forgot to collect the money; the guests who did n’t drink tea in the tea shed forgot to drink tea, and the little pourer who poured the tea went to the collection pot; stealing silver in front The little thief forgot to escape, and the arrest of the thief behind him also forgot to catch the thief.

Everyone's eyes were on Baiju and Mo Beichen, but they seemed to be unaware and walked into the medicine store next door.

"Guest ..."

When a customer arrived, Xiaoyao from the drugstore immediately greeted him with a smile, but when he saw Baiju and Mo Beichen, he stayed instantly.

The **** was not annoyed, walked directly through Xiaoyu, and walked to the counter.

"Boss, buy medicinal herbs."

The shopkeeper in the pharmacy, who was organizing the medicine cabinet, turned around immediately when he heard the sound, but stayed for an instant.


Looking at the obsessed eyes of the shopkeeper, Mo Beichen immediately coughed darkly.

Feeling the coldness of Mo Beichen's body, the shopkeeper instantly regained his consciousness, and then he dared not look at Bai Jue's body any more, only bowing, "I don't know this distinguished guest, what do you want?"

"that's it."

Beaver handed the list written in the morning to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper looked at the large amount of medicinal materials on the list, and was instantly overjoyed.

"Yes, yes, please wait. I'll get it for you."

"Odda, pour tea for two distinguished guests."

The shopkeeper told Xiaoyao to take the list into the backyard.

Xiao Yan turned back and immediately ran to pour tea.

The two did not drink tea, and Xiaozhang stood a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the dispensers quickly prepared all the herbs.

"Guest, all the herbs you need are here."

The shopkeeper untied the two sacks and showed the medicinal herbs to the **** one by one.

The **** glanced briefly, then nodded, "How much silver?"

The shopkeeper smiled and bowed, "A total of three hundred and twenty-two pieces of silver are counted as three hundred and two."

Bai Tan nodded, trying to pay, but Mo Beichen took a step ahead.

After paying the money, Mo Beichen put the two sacks of silver into the storage ring again.

The **** looked at Mo Beichen's series of movements, and his lips could not help rising.

With A Mo, she just needs to be as beautiful as flowers.

"Amo, I love you."

Bai Tan looked at Mo Beichen with a smile, then took his hand and pulled him out of the drug store.

Sudden confession made Mo Beichen pause for a moment, and when he returned to God, the man had already been outside.

Outside the pharmacy was crowded with people, and when they saw Bai Tan and Mo Beichen coming out, everyone was instantly excited.

"It really seems like a fairy."

"These two must be from heaven."

"What a couple of gods!"

Listening to the exclamation of the crowd, Baitan could not help but glanced at Beichen.

The charm of this guy is simply too great. She can be sure that most of these people came to see him. When she came alone before, everyone looked at her most often. The same.

But why isn't this guy wearing a mask?

Seeing Baili always looking at him, Mo Beichen thought she was scared, so he took her and went into the crowd.

Everyone saw the two coming and spontaneously gave way.

Mo Beichen led the **** through the crowd and entered the weapon shop in front.

When the owner of the weapon shop saw Mo Beichen, her eyes almost fell out.


The **** yelled twice, and the proprietress seemed stupid and unresponsive.

The **** frowned, somewhat unhappy.

Mo Beichen was directly black-faced and let out air conditioning.

It took a long time for the boss to return to her mind, and she smiled at Mo Beichen and said, "I don't know what the guests need?"

Mo Beichen didn't even look at her, and completely ignored her.

The **** dumped the list directly to her, "prepared according to the list."

Seeing that Mo Beichen didn't look at her, the proprietress was a little disappointed, and took the beaver's list and chuckled, "Please wait."

Soon the lady boss prepared everything.

Before she spoke, Mo Beichen put things into the storage ring.

Lost a senior mixed yuan stone to the counter, Mo Beichen pulled his **** away with a black face.

The crowd was still crowded outside, and Mo Beichen's face became colder. He directly held the **** and then flew out.

"Oh my God, these two are really gods."

"What fairy, that man has reached the heavens."

"Tianjie, this is too young."

Until the two flew away, the people below looked at the sky distantly and did not leave for a long time.

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