Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 373: Naked dog abuse

Chapter 373: Naked Dog Abuse

Mo Beichen turned around holding the **** and looked up at Shijiu and Zuo Yuqing coldly.

Seeing the appearance of Mo Beichen, both of them were surprised.

With a remarkable attitude, the root bones are also excellent, and they are indeed martial arts wizards.

Shijiu's eyes narrowed for a moment, and the regret and jealousy at the bottom of the eye instantly revealed.

Such a person cannot live without becoming his disciple.

Zuo Yuqing stared at Mo Beichen and Baijue with resentment.

These two will be his greatest enemies in this life, and sooner or later he will avenge Yubo.

The two flew down from the air together.

When everyone saw Shijiu immediately bowed, "See Shi Shibo."

Shijiu ignored the salute of the crowd, walked directly in front of Mo Beichen, raised his chin with high toes, "You are Mo Beichen?"

Mo Beichen raised his eyes and looked at Shijiu with an expressionless expression, as if he had not heard his question at all.

Seeing that Mo Beichen didn't put him in his eyes, the wine instantly became angry.

A proud boy, he thought he was something, and a Mo Ling dared to be so arrogant in front of him, he didn't know what to say.

When looking at the wine, his face was even uglier than wiping the shit, and the **** chuckled his lips.

It ’s a good thing to have a teacher and a disciple. A Mo is as proud as Master, and Zuo Yuqing is as sinister as Shijiu. This sentence is just two pairs of teachers and apprentices.

Baitan raised his eyes and blinked at Mo Beichen with a playful look.

"Amo, let me down."

Looking at the sly smile in Baijue's eyes, Mo Beichen hooked her lips petulantly, leaned over her red lips and kissed softly.

Baici turned red with a beautiful face, and glanced at Mo Beichen coquettishly.

This guy is really addicted and doesn't look at the occasion. Will she come out to see people in the future?

After the declaration of sovereignty was completed, Mo Beichen gently lowered the beaver.

... Everyone looked at Mo Beichen's actions that were so sweet that they were overflowing with honey, all grieving.

Brother Mo is definitely intentional, naked dog abuse.

Ming Lan clenched her fist in seven deadly eyes, her jealous eyes shot directly at the beaver, and she could not wait to put her to death with a vicious look.

Baitan raised his eyes and saw Ming Lanqi's resentful gaze, not angry but smiling.

In this way, Xiu Xiu's love is also good, at least it can stimulate someone, even if she is not mad, she can be mad for half.


The **** lowered his head and coughed, then looked at Shijiu and laughed, "See Uncle Shi."

Shijiu froze, staring angrily at the beaver.

"Doesn't Nephew Bai know that the college forbids his disciples to go out without permission?"

The **** blinked and smiled softly, "Is that right? The teacher and nephew are stupid.

Baiju suddenly turned to look at Zuo Yuqing.

Zuo Yuqing raised his eyebrows proudly, "I have naturally read Article 8 of the rules of the hospital, and disciples must not leave the hospital without permission, or they will be severely punished."

...... Everybody hears their words twitch their eyes.

How could Brother Zuo be so serious? Some disciples ran away and were caught before, but it was just copying the rules of the hospital and banning the feet.

The **** sneered, this Zuo Yuqing was holding the feather arrow, did she really know the rules? The court rules clearly did not strictly punish the two words.

"I heard Brother Zuo was badly injured yesterday. I don't know if he is better now."

The **** looked at Zuo Yuqing with a smile.

Being poked at the sore spot, Zuo Yuqing's bright face turned black instantly, squeezed his fists, and stared at Beaver and Mo Beichen with hatred.

His injuries were all worshipped by them, and he would avenge serious injuries.

Everyone heard the words and looked at Zuo Yuqing.

"Brother Zuo was injured? When did this happen?"

Bei Yiyang frowned and looked at Zuo Yuqing, seeing that his face was a little pale, but he believed that he was a bit injured.

Yu Wenbai looked at Zuo Yuqing stupidly.

"Yes, isn't the college forbidden disciples to fight? How did Brother Zuo get hurt?"

Xue Yan was the most clever. As soon as Baitan exited, he knew her intentions. At the moment, he followed the conversation and pushed the boat down the river. "Did Brother Zuo leave the college privately?"

As soon as Xue Yan said this, everyone who had just scratched their heads understood it instantly.

At this time, the elder wanted to take advantage of the fact that Brother Mo and Bai Shimei went out of college privately, but Brother Zuo also went out of college privately. If the elders were to punish, then Brother Zuo would be punished together.

The white raccoon smiled and gave Xue Yan an admiring look.

Brother Meng Xue is also clever, and when she is free, she refines some Yun Yundan to give him.

After receiving the beaver's eyes, Xue Yan smiled immediately.

Brother Zuo and Sister Bai, he naturally helped Sister Bai, who made Sister Bai look so good-looking.

Mo Beichen looked at the two men who were "browsing and expressing their feelings", and soured instantly.

It seems that the declaration of sovereignty is not enough!

Shijiu watched Baitan narrow his eyes, but he was a clever girl who knew how to preemptively attack the west, but unfortunately he would never give up today.

"Girl Tanuki."

When Shi Jiu opened his mouth to speak, Bu Yangzi and Rui flew together.

Behind the two were Elder Tu and Elder Yuan.

"See Master."

When they saw several elders, everyone saluted immediately.

Seeing his two big backers coming, Baiju immediately glanced provocatively at Shijiu and Zuo Yuqing.

Hmm, both Masters and Masters are here to see what tricks you can play.

"Master, second master."

Beaver smiled brightly at the two, and then ran over.

Bu Yangzi looked up and down at the **** and was relieved to see that she was not injured.

Rui and his team also looked at the beaver, and they also showed concern.

Bu Yangzi raised his eyes and frowned, not seeing the masked one.

"Where is Kid Mo?"

"That it."

Bai Tan turned to look at Mo Beichen.

A few people looked at Mo Beichen together, and they were dumb again.

"Well, it turns out that this kid looks so handsome. No wonder our raccoon girl catches the eye."

Elder Feng first returned to God and looked at Mo Beichen with a look of admiration.

Elder Tu also nodded in admiration. "Ah, it looks good. It's almost as good as I was then."

When they heard the words, they looked scornfully at Elder Tu.

He looked so good back then, why didn't they believe so.

Elder Yuan sneered politely. "Just blow it. You want to have a tenth of it that year, and you are full of children."

Elder Tu's face blushed, and he slumped his neck, "I'm not a woman, I'm all in one heart."

It wasn't because he blew, he really didn't want a woman himself, or he might be full of children.

Bu Yangzi saw Mo Beichen's practice and patted his shoulder with relief.

"Good boy, it's true that he has arrived at Mo Ling and has the style of being a teacher."

... their eyes narrowed, and another bragging.

Elder Yuan pursed his lips and coughed gently. "I remember someone as if it had been more than three years before he rose to Muring."

Elder Tu's eyes rolled slightly, his face teased, "He's old, and maybe three years into three months."

Everyone heard the words and laughed.

Bu Yangzi's face blushed and his eyes stared blankly.

"Go to yours."


Watching the laughter of several people, Shi Jiuhe coughed impatiently.

Hearing the soft cough of Shi Jiu, Bu Yangzi turned around as if he had just seen him, and chuckled, "Shi Shidi and Zuo Shi nephew are also here. Do you know that my two apprentices came back and greeted them specially? ? "

Shijiu was instantly black-faced, and snorted angrily. "Brother Bu has condoned his disciples out of the college privately. Today, the brother wants to see how Brother punishes these two disciples who violate the rules of the hospital."

The **** narrowed his eyes and watched the wine coldly.

This person is really like a crazy dog, biting and holding it.

Mo Beichen was expressionless, completely ignoring Shijiu, as if the person he said was not the same as him at all.

Bu Yangzi's face cooled down, his dark eyes rolled, and he raised his eyes to stare at the beaver, "Let's let you go to study around Shengtian for the teacher, why did you come back now? Is it fun again?"

...... Everyone heard the words and narrowed their eyes.

Can you make shorts more obvious?

Shijiu stared at Bu Yangzi ugly.

The **** was obviously a private college. When he got here, he was ordered to be discharged. Is this a fool?


The **** chuckled with a grin, and it was good to have a master who guarded him.

Baitan raised her eyes and smiled charmingly at Bu Yangzi, "How dare beavers, as soon as I have completed your master's task, shouldn't I be in a hurry to return?"

Yao Ye's eyes rolled around, and Bai Tan looked at Zuo Yuqing again. "If you don't believe you can ask Brother Zuo, I met Brother Zuo on our way, and we went back and forth to the college."

Zuo Yuqing's face was dark, and he hated grinding his teeth.

Damn woman, who went back to college with her back and forth, he came back last night.

The **** looked at Zuo Yuqing's dark complexion with a look of relief.

Hum, she'll have to step on her feet even if she's dead.

Bu Yangzi's face sank. He looked up at Zuo Yuqing coldly.

"Is Zuo Shi also going out to do business?"

As soon as Zuo Yuqing left the college, the dark guard told him that the dark guard was originally following him, but he did not expect that he had the ability to dump the dark guard. It seems that he really went to the raccoon.

Zuo Yuqing froze, wondering what to say?

Shiji sneered dismissively, "Why, you can let the disciples go out?"

It's short, who won't.

Bu Yangzi's deep eyes were dangling slightly, a sneer evoked in the corners of his lips.

"I didn't say anything, but some people brought their disciples, and the laborers didn't know what they wanted to do?"

When the wine was served, the evil lips hooked.

"Since Bai Shi's neighbour is working for you, it is not considered to be out of college, but Mo Shi's nephew ..."

Shijiu sneered and looked at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen raised his eyes and glanced coldly at the wine.

"This kid ..."

Bu Yangzi frowned. Just when he wanted to excuse Mo Beichen, he sneered dismissively when he heard it, "Don't say that you let him go out. When you arrive, he has already gone down to the top of the sky."

Bu Yangzi's eyes flashed lightly, and thinking of the situation that the wine had been following that night, he knew that today could not be justified.

Bu Yangzi coughed, looked up at Mo Beichen and said solemnly, "You have been discharged from the hospital without permission from the teacher, and you have been punished for copying the rules of the hospital ten times, and you have your opinion."

Mo Beichen frowned, unhappy.

Looking at Mo Beichen's expression, Bu Yangzi drew his lips.

Why is this dead boy so ignorant?

I only asked him to copy the rules ten times, but he didn't agree quickly.

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