Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 381: Is your group short of miscellaneous goods?

Chapter 381 Is your regiment lacking in miscellaneous services?

Holy City.

Xie Kun and Huo Bin returned to the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps, and put the elixir and weapons into the vault, and put it with the little Jinshan that Baiju gave to him.

"These weapons are so good, everything is top quality."

Huo Bin grabbed a long sword and waved it twice.

Xie Kun excitedly touched the small jade bottle. "These elixirs are also top grade. If they are put on the auction, they will definitely be robbed."

Huo Bin also picked up the elixir and smelled it. The special elixir made him unable to rejuvenate.

"With the backing of these things, we are sure to recruit a lot of people this time."

Xie Kun nodded, thinking of something, frowning, "This time we need to see clearly, but don't recruit people like Xue Yang again."

Xie Kun narrowed his eyes with a dark expression. If Xue Yang and the group of people under him had been chopped, it is estimated that the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment would be swallowed by those guys.

When it comes to Xue Yang, Huo Bin is also angry and scornfully.

"Xue Yang's stupid person, dare to offend even a figure like the commander, deserves his death."

Xie Kun hooked his lips and waved his hand. "Go, let's recruit someone."

When they left the vault, they fell into a big lock.

"It can be locked. These merchandise can buy several mercenary regiments."

Xie Kun frowned to remind Huo Bin.

Huo Bin raised the golden key in Yang's hand. "Rest assured, I locked two big locks and put in a formation."

"Let's go."

When they left the house, they went directly to the busiest square in the city and set up a stall.

Setting up the table and pasting the recruitment red paper, Huo Bin picked up the gong and knocked it in the middle of the square.

"Come and come, the Iron Blood Mercenary Recruitment is recruiting, the treatment is excellent, and the bonus is huge."

The loud gong sound soon caught everyone's attention, and everyone gathered around Huo Bin.

"Isn't this the Deputy Commander of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment?"

Obviously someone in the crowd knew Huo Bin.

"I heard that the people of the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps were killed overnight. Who else would dare to go?"

"Yeah, no matter how good the treatment is, it doesn't matter who can ask for money."

"Walk around ..."

Everyone, you finished my sentence, and they all dispersed.

When Huo Bin was anxious, he began to bang the gong again, and shouted with his throat.

"All the mercenaries who can join the Iron Mercenary Regiment, every month has a regular rate of ten ..."

When they heard the word "ten", everyone who had just turned back turned back.

"Is there twelve silver? I'll go with twelve."

A thin young man looked at Huo Bin with anticipation.

A tall, dark-faced man beside him sneered dismissively, "Each person in the War Wolf Mercenary Corps has only five or two silvers per month. He can give twelve. I think ten silvers are about the same.

Huo Bin was so cold that he didn't even look at the black-faced man, only shouting at the crowd.

"The monthly example of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment, each person has ten low-level mixed yuan stones per month, which is equivalent to one hundred and two."

Upon hearing the words "one hundred and two", all the people who had just walked away ran back, and even passers-by rushed together.

For a moment, Huo Bin was surrounded by three layers inside and three outside, and surrounded by a solid.

Huo Bin was tall and stood on the steps, or he would be drowned by the sea.

"What you are saying is true, this month really gave a hundred or two silver."

"This has never been a mercenary regiment that has given such a high lunar silver."

"Yeah, the Green Spirit Mercenary of the War Wolf Mercenary Regiment is only two or thirty silver coins."

Everyone looked at each other, some were not convinced.

Seeing that the black-faced man raised the Wolf Wolf mercenary regiment, Huo Bin sneered dismissively, "What is the silver money of the war wolf? I just said a monthly example."

"What does this mean? Is there any other reward?"

Everyone was wide-eyed, looking at Huo Bin expectantly.

Huo Bin hooked his lips and raised his chin proudly.

"That's natural. Every mercenary who joins my iron blood mercenary regiment, except for the ten low-level mixed stones I just said, will send another spirit weapon, a bottle of Qixue San and Qiqi liquid."

Everyone was shocked and eyes widened.

"What, but also sent spirit weapons and elixir, this is true or false."

"Oh my dear, how much does this spirit weapon cost? Last time, one of my brothers smashed a pot and sold iron for 100,000 silver, and then changed it to a spirit weapon. Why is this iron mercenary regiment giving away?

"The qi and blood powder and qi supplement are also good things. I heard that there are also tens of thousands of silver and a bottle, and the pharmacy can't buy it at all."

"Everything like elixir can be bought anywhere. It is available only at auction."

Which of the elixir drugs sold at the auction does not have to be doubled, dozens of times, where are these ordinary people who have money to buy.

Watching everyone talking about the geothermal energy, Huo Bin threw the gong excitedly again.

"If you want elixir, come to our iron blood mercenary regiment. Our iron blood mercenary regiment has all kinds of elixir. The qi and blood powder and qi tonic fluid just mentioned are issued every month."

The crowd closed again in shock.

"What, every month, wouldn't it cost more than 100,000 yuan a month?"

"This treatment is also very good. This is the treatment of mercenaries. This is simply the treatment of the commander."

"I think even the head of the group may not be able to get Qixuesan and Qiqi every month."

Huo Bin raised his eyebrows proudly, "These are just examples of the month. There are many rewards in the back. There are awards for meritorious achievements. There are awards for small achievements and end-of-year awards. If you want to join the group, you can first look at our recruitment notice. "

"Come and see."

Looking at the red recruitment notice pointed out by Huo Bin, everyone stunned and all gathered together.

"Really, there is a reward, a small merit award for Zhenyuan Dan, a great merit award for Hao Yuandan or spiritual weapon ..."

Literally read aloud the contents of the recruitment notice.

After listening to those rewards, everyone instantly boiled.

"Oh my god, a lot of rewards."

"I heard that at the auction of Banyue Pavilion some time ago, Hao Yuandan was auctioned. It is said that three bottles of Hao Yuandan took 110,000 high-grade mixed stones."

"Eleven thousand high-grade mixed yuan stones, isn't that more than ten million two gold?"

"There are year-end awards."

"The year-end award actually includes Jin Yundan and the holy weapon."

"At the last half-moon Pavilion auction, more than thirty high-quality mixed stones were shot with a bottle of Jin Yundan, and holy weapons, which are not affordable for ordinary people."

This reward is really scary.

The crowd was a little embarrassed after being excited, as if stunned by those huge rewards.

After a while, all the people came back and began to question the authenticity of the recruitment notice.

"It wouldn't be a lie to such a good treatment, which mercenary regiment would give such a good treatment."

"That is, I have been a mercenary for so many years and I have never heard of such treatment."

"Most of them are deceiving, and I don't believe they can really treat them so well."

When Huo Bin saw the black-faced man come to stir again, he was so anxious that he wanted to come forward to the theory, but Xie Kun was stopped.

"Our iron blood mercenary regiment has been in existence for more than a hundred years and has never lied."

"The commander of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment."

Someone knew Xie Kun and shouted immediately.

Everyone talked again instantly.

"This is the commander of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment."

"Even the head of the delegation is here. It seems that hate may be true."

Seeing everyone call him the head, Xie Kun frowned. "I'm not the head anymore, I'm the deputy head now."

"What, didn't you always be the head of the group? Why did you become the deputy head now?"

"No, isn't that credible?"

Everyone looked at each other, more hesitant.

Xie Kun proudly hooked his lips. "Our iron blood mercenary regiment has changed to a new regiment. Our regiment is rich in financial resources. Everyone can rest assured that everything we promise everyone will be honored.

After hearing Xie Kun's words, most people believed, and some people in the crowd shouted to join.

Huo Bin was excited to get a pen and paper, and saw a group of people crowd away from the crowd and came in.

"Who is cheating here?"

The disdainful gurgling sound could not help frowning in disgust.

Xie Kun raised his eyes and looked at Li Chong, headed indifferently. "What does Li mean?"

Li Chong, the head of the War Wolf Mercenary Regiment, is in the late period of the Purple Spirit, and is comparable to Xie Kunxiu.

"What does it mean, isn't it obvious?"

Li Chong raised his eyebrows, disdainfully, "I don't know how many pounds or two of your iron blood mercenary regiments? Just because you can get so many monthly examples and weapons and elixir, why can't I believe so?"

"That is, if you can really send two bottles of elixir and a spirit weapon each, I Wu Meng will climb a circle in Shengtian City."

Wu Meng, who was behind Li Chong, followed immediately and spoke in a contemptuous tone.

Everyone who was supposed to believe was said by the two, and they immediately retreated.

Huo Bin was so angry that he stared at Li Chong and Wu Meng resentfully.

"What do you want to believe? Why do you want to join our blood mercenary regiment?"

As soon as Wu Meng's face turned black, he opened his mouth and scolded, "Fart, my **** head was drenched in shit, and I want to join your iron blood mercenary regiment."

"It's too smelly, a smell of shit."

Huo Bin deliberately covered his nose and waved with disapproval.

Everyone laughed when they heard what they said.

Hearing the laughter of everyone, Wu Meng's face was even harder to look at.

"You **** look for death!"

Wu Meng rushed forward with a curse, and Huo Bin was too anxious to step forward.

"Huo Bin."

Xie Kun grabbed Huo Bin and stretched out his hand as Wu Meng's attack.

Seeing Xie Kun's shot, Wu Meng did not dare to pretend again, and went back to Li Chong with a black face.

Xie Kun took a cold look at Chen Chong, then turned to look at the crowd, "I Xie Kun has never been able to sit upright. If today's commitment cannot be fulfilled, I will take my life to arrive."

As soon as Xie Kun said this, the crowd was instantly quiet.

Soon someone raised his hand, "I Cao Yue believe you, I want to join the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps."

"I want to join too."

"Such good treatment is to give me an emperor. I will not do it. I will be a mercenary in the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps."

With the first person, everyone later raised their hands and asked to join.

Xie Kun glanced blankly at the cultivation of those people, proudly saying, "The Iron Blood Mercenary Corps only accepts mercenaries above the Green Spirit, and they will not accept it under the Green Spirit."

As soon as this word came out, the crowd exploded again.

"What? You want a green spirit."

"I only have Huang Ling, don't I almost accept it?"

"Is your regiment short of messenger? I'll go to messenger."

"I can cook."

"I can wash the hut, bring tea and water, as long as it can collect me, I can do everything."

Everyone rushed up and squeezed Huo Bin and Xie Kun into the middle.

Huo Bin raised his hand and knocked the gong, Xie Kun shouted with a black face, "No one except Green Spirit, it is Green Spirit who came here to register."

Wu Meng looked at the enthusiastic crowd and frowned. "Head, can they really take out those things?"

Li Chong looked at the two people squeezed in the middle, squinting squintingly.

"Check who their new head is?"


Wu Meng responded, and immediately turned around.

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