Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 399: Domineering Return to Yellow Character Class

Chapter 399: Domineering Return to the Yellow Character Class

The **** returned to Zixia Peak and entered the alchemy room without a word.

Mo Beichen knew what she was going to do. Instead of disturbing her, she went into the adornment room next door.

The two worked one alchemy and one alchemy, and they went back to the room to sleep together in the middle of the night.

The next day, the **** was awake from the bed until the clock sounded.


Upon hearing the morning training bells outside, Baijue was immediately lifted out of bed.

After a brief grooming, they hurried out of the room.

"and many more……"

Looking at the raccoon, Mo Beichen frowned and called her.

The **** turned and looked at Mo Beichen and confessed, "I'm going back to the Yellow Character Class today. You go to Tianganfeng to practice yourself."

Bai Tan said, hurriedly turned back and kissed Mo Beichen's face.

Mo Beichen chuckled, grabbed the beaver, and gave her a deep kiss.

Baitan was anxious, and patted Mo Beichen immediately.

"Don't make trouble, I'm too late."

Mo Beichen finally reluctantly released Bai Jue, lovingly pinning the hair in her ear behind her ear.

"Go to the refiner room and get those weapons."

Bai Tan's eyes lightened brightly, and he immediately ran to the refining room.

Looking at the holy weapons in the house, Baiju looked excitedly at Mo Beichen leaning against the threshold.

"Is this all for your disciples in the Yellow Character Class?"

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows, "Since the wife is going to take the lead for them, naturally she must also make some contributions for her husband."

"Amo, you are so nice, I love you."

Bai Tan jumped into Mo Beichen's arms in excitement, crossed his legs around his waist, hugged his neck, and offered him a French kiss.

When Mo Beichen kissed faintly, Baijue jumped down from him, collected the holy weapons, and ran out.

"I go first."

By the time Mo Beichen returned to God, Baiju had already run away.

Mo Beichen looked at Bai Yue's cheerful back and licked his lips.

There are a lot of tricks in this little thing, so I must not let her go so easily next time.

The **** hurried down the Zixia Peak, but did not go directly to the Orange Feifeng, but went to the Qingding Peak.

Li Guangming went to close the door, and she couldn't ignore the disciples in the yellow character class. It seems that she was going to the yellow character class every day, so it was better to have Qing Dingfeng re-schedule with the second master to learn medicine.

Orange feather peak.

Hearing the bells in the morning exercise, the disciples in the Yellow Character Class rushed to the main square to wait for the beaver.

The disciples in the other classes were all puzzled when they saw that they were all energetic and cheerful.

"What happened to the students in the Yellow Character Class today, why are they so happy one by one?"

"I think they took the wrong medicine."

"What kind of medicine is wrong, it is presumed to have been dumbed by the students in the Dizi class."

"Hahahahaha ..."

Bursts of ridiculous smiles came, but Ran Yun didn't care, they just waited for the **** to come.

Bai Ruyue did not practice in the dormitory today either. She arrived at the main square early in the morning and was ready to watch a good show.

Soon, Teacher Ding came with the disciples of the earth character class.

Everyone saw Master Ding obediently standing up and snoring.

Now that the elder is back, this teacher Ding has resumed his previous arrogance, and in addition, Teacher Li has been closed again, so this Orange Yufeng has become the only one in his family. Got him.

Ran Yun and Qiao Yuxuan glanced at the three disciples yesterday, and found that their faces were all dazzling red spots, as if stung by a poisonous bee.

Ran Yun and Qiao Yuxuan chuckled together, remembering how the three of them looked last night.

The three also noticed Ran Yun and Qiao Yuxuan early in the morning, and when they saw them ridiculed themselves, they even felt itchy.

There is even a smile on her face. Today, Bai Xier's evil star is not there. Can you laugh if you see them for a while?

Teacher Ding glanced at the disciples in the yellow character class, and a wicked smile aroused in the corners of his lips.

"What are you waiting for, and start practicing."

The disciples in the Dizi class were all eager to try.

The disciples of the Xuanzi class and the Tianzi class all have a good look.

Ran Yun, if they heard this practice in the past, it would be ashamed, but today they are not scared, but there is still a look in their eyes.

Seeing that they were not afraid, there was a doubt in Master Yin's dark eyes.

Ran Yun was not afraid of their male disciples, but some of the female disciples in the yellow character class were too scared.

Seeing Gao Yunwan's fear, Qiao Yuxuan whispered to her ear and whispered a few words.

Gao Yunwan was not afraid immediately after listening, and she looked excited.

Several other female disciples came together to Gao Yunwan and asked her what Qiao Yuxuan had just said to her.

Gao Yunwan whispered what Qiao Yuxuan had just said to them, and several of them were no longer afraid, all excited, and eager to try.

The change of several people made Teacher Ding and the disciples in the Dizi class even more confused.

Even the disciples in other classes were curious.

Last night, the disciple, who bullied Ran Yun and Qiao Yuxuan, saw that Qiao Yuxuan bit his ears with Gao Yunwan, and he was even more furious.

Gaze at Qiao Yuxuan viciously, the man walked to Ding Ding and said, "Tutor, it's too late. Let's start the practice today."

Instructor Ding narrowed his eyes and raised his eyes loudly, "Began to practice."

As soon as Teacher Ding gave an order, the disciples in the earth-character class were as crazy as they rushed towards Ran Yun.

At first, everyone was under great pressure at Fengshen College, and now Teacher Ding has found such a good outlet for them.

Ran Yun was startled subconsciously, holding the sword in their hands.

Zhao Zihang gritted his teeth, staring at the disciples who rushed towards them, suddenly raised the sword in his hand, and yelled, "Let's rush together and fight with them."

Zhao Zihang said, holding a long sword, rushed up first.

"Let's rush together."

Others also responded and rushed up with their swords.

Bai Ruyue anxiously pinched the sword and rushed out to help.

"What is this playing, how about taking me?"

At this moment, a cold voice passed into everyone's ears, and everyone stopped their actions instantly.

The fairy-like figure flew obliquely from the air, and it fascinated everyone.

The people in the yellow character class first came back to God and did not fight with them. They all dropped their swords and hurried towards the beaver.

"The monitor."

"The monitor is finally back."

"Squad, it would be great if you come back."

Ran Yun was thrilled, and Gao Yunwan's female disciples were in tears.

The squad leader came back to see who dared to bully them.

Bai Ruyue also looked at Beaver with a look of surprise.

Is older sister stepping on the point? Couldn't she be here early, causing her a fright.

When the disciples in the other classes saw the beaver, they were scared.

Damn, why is this evil star coming back?

Teacher Ding also looked at the **** strangely.

Baici glanced at the disciples in the yellow character class, and when they saw that they were all right, he turned to the disciples in the opposite character class.

The sharp eyes like eagles, the disciples who saw the characters of the earth class, looked down, and did not dare to look at the beavers.

Li Yang Bingwei in the crowd glanced at the raccoon viciously.

The bitch, Baier, came back. Did this come to avenge the people in the Yellow Character Class?

The **** ignored Puyang Bingwei's vicious eyes and looked up at Ding Ding. "I heard that Ding Ding has been taking our class lately. It's really hard for you."

Beaver bowed slightly to Ding Ding with a look of expression, as if he was really thanking him.

This respectful act of Bai Tan made Master Ding's face froze.

If the **** was disrespectful to him as soon as he came, he had a reason to provoke her in a minute, but now she behaves like this, but it makes him unable to attack for a while.

Teacher Ding was black-faced, and stared coldly at Beaver Road, "You no longer practice Zixia Peak, what are you doing here?"

The **** raised a smile and raised an eyebrow. "Looking at what you said, I am a disciple of the yellow character class. I naturally come to the class when I come back. Why is the teacher not welcome?"

Looking at Bai Xi's smirk-like look, Teacher Ding froze completely, completely speechless.

He really didn't welcome it, but he couldn't say it.

"Since you are back for class, go back and stand and prepare for morning exercises."

"Did you practice in the morning before?"

The **** raised his eyebrows, pretending to be confused, "How did I just hear it?

The **** said, looking at the disciples in the Yellow Characters for verification.

Receiving the beaver's eyes, Ran Yun nodded immediately.

"Don't you know, Teacher Ding, but every day, we will organize discussions with the brothers in the Chinese character class."

The Beaver turned to Elder Ding with a smile.

"Teacher Ding's plan is very good. This learning exercise can not only increase the practice of the disciples, but also enhance the feelings between the disciples. In such a good way, I must go back and tell Master and his elderly people that they must be performed daily.

Although the **** said with a smile, the cold light in his eyes made everyone shudder.

Instructor Ding's face was ugly, and the little kindness he had originally installed was a little bit stretched at the moment.

The dead girl was praising him on the surface, but secretly threatened him, but he had no way of refuting it.

The disciples in the earth character class were also afraid at this moment and started to shake.

Except for Liyang Bingwei and the leading disciple last night, everyone regretted it.

I knew that Baijuer would return. They should not have listened to Teacher Ding to bully the disciples in the Yellow Character Class. Now they are fine. They have come to take revenge.

Before Ting Ding spoke, Bai Tan turned to the disciples in the yellow character class and said, "Since Ting Ding is so kind, then you are not ready to start practicing."


The crowd responded instantly in high spirits.

What the **** thought of, took out all the weapons that Mo Beichen had refined.

As soon as a bunch of holy weapons appeared, everyone's eyes lit up.

"A lot of holy weapons."

The beavers raised their chins at Ran Yun. "Put all these weapons on, we must not disrespect the opponent."

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