Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 430: Meet Zhuo Lan

Chapter 430: Meeting Zhuo Lan

Under the huge banner, the white raccoon held the flower ball and fluttered in the wind. The bright red "First Mercenary" characters on the banner fluttered along with it.

For a moment, everyone was stunned, all staring at the **** hanging in the air.

She really got it.

The **** pulled down the flower ball and fell back to the top of the wooden ladder.

Beaver glanced at the flower ball in his hand, turned to face the Jagged Mercenary, and held it high, "We won."

The sound of excitement instantly pulled everyone's mind back.

"Ou ... we win ..."

"Long live the head ..."

The mercenary soldiers cheered in an instant, and even forgot that they were still on the wooden ladder, they jumped up happily.

Someone who fell below did not feel pain, but was happy to roll on the ground, and was excited and happy.

The audience below quickly returned to their hearts and all cheered excitedly.

"Win, win, Jagged win ..."

"I bought iron blood, and this time I got rich ..."

"I also bought iron blood, one lost three, and I have money to marry a woman ..."

Miao, Du, Qi, Shu, the four homeowners were all ashamed.

It's over, it's over.

Not only the audience, but also the city owners on the platform, laughed happily.

"Ha ha, finally won."

Li Maozi cheerfully looked at the gambling ticket in his hand and blossomed in his heart.

He can grow big this time.

Chen Qinghe also smiled with admiration, "I knew that Jagged Blood would win, and the head of Mo did not let me down."

"It's not easy to win the mercenary contest."

Hubbard glanced at the ugly old town idea.

Wanjiabao looked at the **** at the top of the wooden ladder and nodded in admiration. "Yes, the first mercenary, she is well deserved."

The old city owner, who had a strange face, was stimulated by Hubak and Wanjiabao at the moment, and he fainted in a moment.

"City Lord ..."


Xu Zhong and Cen Shufeng were both frightened, and the two immediately hurriedly helped the old city owner. Among the tartars among the tartars, they lost their power.

When several of the city leaders saw the old city fainted, they immediately embraced them.

"What happened to the Old Town Master?"

Li Maozi stared blankly at the comatose old town owner. "Why did he pass out?"

Hu Baike's wicked lip, "What else can be done, it must be to see that the blood has won, and I'm glad to faint."

"Happy to faint?"

Li Maozi blinked stupidly, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes brightened, "Oh, I see. The old town owner must have bought iron blood and won a lot of money, so he fainted when he was excited."

... Hubak looked at Li Maozi with a black line.

How did this fool become the master of the city?

The old city owner who had lost spiritual power to Cen Shufeng woke up a little bit, but after listening to Li Maozi's words, he passed out instantly.


Cen Shufeng was shocked, and stared at Hubak and Li Maozi severely immediately.

Li Maozi's face was inexplicable.

It wasn't his excitement to stare at what he did. This old town owner, too, just won a little money, so happy to faint?

Hu Baike had a wicked smile, and was not afraid of Cen Shufeng's murderous eyes.

"Cen Gongzi will help the old city owner back quickly. The elderly people are stimulated, but it is easy to have a stroke."

Cen Shufeng frowned frantically, and immediately raised the old town master with Xu Zhong.

Seeing that Xu Zhong was following, Hubbark raised an eyebrow. "Butler Xu, don't you announce the result of the game?"

Xu Zhong's eyes flickered, and he looked up at Cen Shufeng, "Master, please help the old city owner go back first, and the old slave will come later."

Cen Shufeng glanced at Hubbark, then glanced at Xu Zhong, and nodded.

Xu Zhong walked up to the high stage and said loudly, "The third game wins with iron blood, remember ten points. The champion of this mercenary competition is the iron blood mercenary group ..."

As soon as Xu Zhong's words came to an end, everyone immediately cheered.

"Iron, iron, first mercenary ..."

For a while, the name "Iron Blood" floated to the sky and spread to the entire city of Sacred Heaven.

The beaver's lips are raised, and his chin is raised confidently.

She said that she would win the mercenary contest.

Xie Kun and Huo Bin were also excited.

How many years did Jie Xie not win the championship, this time Jie He finally got Yang Wei.

Not only Xie Kun and Huo Bin, Cao Yue and Yu Chongjin, who just joined the group, were all excited.

The **** held the flower ball and flew directly to the high platform.

"Iron blood won the championship, thanks to everyone's love, the people decided to put on a three-day running water feast from tomorrow, and then you must come.

Hearing that there was a banquet to eat, the people underneath got excited again.

"Head of the atmosphere, we must go."

"Yes, definitely go."

The head of the iron blood is generous. Before the battle wolf won the championship, he never put a running water feast.

The **** chuckled his lips and threw a flower ball into the crowd, and everyone immediately snatched up.

"Congratulations, Chief Mo."


Several city owners came together to congratulate Baiju.

Beaver smiled and arched his hand. "Thank you, thank you, tonight's celebration party, and please the city owners to appreciate it."

"that's for sure."

Everyone expressed their opinions.

Li Maozi patted his chest directly, "I have wine and meat, I must go."

The **** turned to Hubbark with a smile, "Please also invite the Lord Hu, be sure to appreciate it."

Hu Baike raised his eyebrows. "The head of Mo is polite, and Hu must arrive."

"Walk around, go to the casino to cash."

After being happy, the audience at the bottom all held gambling tickets and embraced the gambling house.

The owner Qi looked at the crowd, and instantly passed out gorgeously.

The owner of Du Family is also ashamed, as if he has seen the scene of Du Family's decline.

Knowing this already, you shouldn't believe the old city owner and set up a gamble.

Du Jiazhu clenched his fists, resentment in the heart of the old town owner to the extreme.

The **** returned to the bottom and looked at the iron blood. "The celebration party is tonight, everyone will not be drunk!"

"Do not get drunk."

The crowd shouted immediately.

All the other mercenary groups looked at the men in the iron mercenary group with envy.

The **** glanced at the lonely Shi Ran, his eyes flickered, and he walked over to the archway, "I'm going to set up a feast tonight. I don't know if the head of the scorching sun can appreciate the light."

Shi Ran stared blankly at the beaver, and then nodded.

When Shi Ran responded, the **** laughed and arched again. "Then I will be waiting for you in the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps."

Beaver finished and turned away.

Shi Ran stared blankly at the back of the beaver, and didn't look back for a long time.

"You're good at it."

Lan Yanyu reclined against the big tree and glared at the beaver.

The **** raised his eyebrow with a smile. "It's not about asking you to save someone, why are you so mean?"

Lan Yanyu stared blankly. "I'm stingy, but it's not every time you say hello, you just pull me out."

Beaver blinked innocently, "In our relationship, we have to say hello to the rescuer."

Lan Yanyu shuddered, and stepped forward and said, "What's our relationship?"

"Sister Shi!"

Baitan raised her eyebrows as a matter of course. "Why, aren't you my teacher?"

Lan Yanyu's face darkened, and the expectations in her eyes instantly disillusioned.

Hum, he will return to dissolve the mentorship with the old man of Bu Yangzi in a moment.

Watching the interaction between the two, someone on the terrace was so jealous that he flew down, snatched the **** and flew out.

Lan Yanyu looked at Mo Beichen's back, and he smirked.

Really stingy guy, but just to say two more words, can't wait to run away.

Zhuo Qingyun looked at Lan Yuyu, her green eyes shook slightly.

"Give me a congratulation."

Ye Lin froze for a moment, then bowed.

In the backwoods forest, Bai Tan pinched Mo Beichen's neck and stared at him, "how do you ..."

Before the beaver's words were finished, Mo Beichen blocked his red lips.

Capricorn lingered on the red yarn for a while, and Mo Beichen finally tore up the red yarn impatiently.

The hot kiss seemed to carry a flame, as if to engulf her.

After a long time, the **** lay softly in Mo Beichen's arms, panting lightly.

Mo Beichen hugged the **** tightly, and the two sat quietly on the big tree.

Bai Tan's nest was in the arms of Mo Beichen, circling his hair, "Amo, I won the game."


Mo Beichen said lightly.

He could see her efforts, but she was so desperate for her safety.

As if he felt something, Baitan hugged Mo Beichen and dartedly coquettishly on his chest, "I won't do it again."

Mo Beichen looked down and looked at her suspiciously.

Seeing Mo Beichen's disbelief, Baiju immediately raised two fingers, "I swear!"

Mo Beichen's eyes softened, and she pulled down Baiju's raised hand, and took her into her arms again.

"Don't do this again."

Even if others find out her identity, whoever he is in can hurt her.


Baitan nodded and buried his face deeply in Mo Beichen's arms.

She was at ease with him.

In the evening, the **** set up a celebratory banquet in the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps. Not only all the Iron Blood Mercenaries participated, but also the city leaders and the heads of various mercenary regiments were invited.

Except for the old city owner and Chen Chong, the other city owners and the regimental commander came, and even Feng Lei's commander Luo Hao also came.

This Luo Hao is also a man of current affairs. Today, not only has the wolf lost the championship, but it is also notorious. This iron blood is far superior to the wolf in terms of financial resources and strength. It will be the first mercenary in this holy heaven city in the future.

What's more, the leader of the Iron Blood also knew a big man like Lan Shenyi. It can be seen that his identity is not simple. Since he has been invited, he has to come even with his cheeky face.

In fact, Luo Hao's thoughts are also the thoughts of several other heads and city leaders.

After these beavers' performances in the past few days, everyone was curious about her identity and had a good intention. Therefore, everyone came to participate in this celebration feast so much, and they also prepared a lot of congratulations.

Leng Yihan sent Murong Xuefei back to the college, but Mo Beichen and Lan Yanyu both stayed.

Seeing Hubbark and Li Maozi coming over, the **** immediately greeted him.

"Several city owners can be counted, I'm all hopeful."

"Head Mo is polite."

Several people responded with a smile.

Hubak looked at Mo Beichen beside Baijuan and raised an eyebrow. "This is it?"

The **** chuckled, "He is my husband."

When he heard the word "Fu Jun", Mo Beichen suffocated and looked at the **** with a burning gaze.

Baitan wasn't shy at first. Now he looked at him like this, and immediately turned his face flushed.

Hubbard nodded suddenly, looking at Mo Beichen's masked face, arching, "It was Mo Ye."

Mo Beichen gave a light glance at Hubbark, and he did not speak, and he should not speak.

Hu Baike raised his eyebrows in surprise, as if he did not expect Mo Beichen to be so cold, but looking at his cold and proud temperament, he felt quite reasonable.

"Sit inside, everyone."

The **** posed to everyone, and everyone entered the hall together.

White raccoon and Mo Beichen sat in the main seat, Lan Yanyu sat in the upper left position, the city leaders and regiment heads sat in the lower left position, and all members of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment sat on the right.

The **** raised his glass and stood up to the humanity. "Thank you all for participating in the celebration of Iron Blood. Come, I have a toast for everyone."

The **** said, drank up and drank.

Everyone underneath held up the glass and drank.

"Sorry, I'm late."

A cold voice came and everyone looked at the door.

Zhuo Qingyun took Ye Lin into the hall, her green eyes glanced unintentionally at Lan Yuyu.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun, Lan Yanyu stared blankly, and the wine glass in his hand slipped instantly.

It's him?

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