Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 441: A new interpretation of the 16-character mantra

Chapter 441: New Explanation of Sixteen Words

Elder Yuan gently glanced at Ran Yun and others who did not meet the requirements.

The disciples in the Yellow Character Class heard the words and became anxious immediately.

"Why can't we take the assessment?"

Zhao Zihang frowned and looked anxiously.

Cannot participate in the assessment, the monitor will certainly be disappointed.

Ran Yun frowned sadly. "Why is this happening, but I have been preparing for this assessment for a long time?"

He originally wanted to take advantage of this assessment to perform well and give the monitor a long face, but he did not expect that they would not be allowed to participate.

"We can't participate in the assessment. Isn't the squad leader's hard work in vain?"

Gao Yunwan was also sad and distressed.

Beaver's brow frowned and his face was sober.

I did not expect that disciples below the level of Huang Ling could not participate in the assessment. What should I do? I wonder if it would be useful to find a master?

Looking at the anxiously disciples of the Yellow Characters, the disciples of the Earth Characters could not help but sneer at last.

"Well, what about rising fast, isn't it impossible to participate in the assessment?"

An enchanting female disciple spoke first.

This female name calls Dong Jialin, the niece of Shangshufu of the Blue Fantasy Ministry. Since Zuo Shanshan was expelled from the college, Dong Jialin has become the new follower of Puyang Bingwei.

"That is, eating so much kidan is really a waste."

"If those Zhujidan were given to me, I might ascend the green spirit."

Qi Hua and Tang Jing, who had previously bullied Ran Yun and Qiao Yuxuan, also immediately followed with sour words.

They instantly said that everyone's heart was gone.

Every time they watched Zhu Jidan, the disciples in the other classes were jealous.

What good is it to eat so much kidan with those waste materials? It ’s so violent that they might as well give them food.

Liyang Bingwei smiled and looked at the beaver.

She still wants to be a hero in terms of her waste material qualifications, and it is almost the same.

Beaver raised his eyes and glanced at the few people who spoke coldly, keeping their faces in mind.

Ran Yun, they must be able to participate in the assessment. As for them, she can guarantee that they will not pass the assessment.

Bai Ruyue didn't have the patience to be so patient, and stared angrily directly. "Just rest assured, even if Chikidan is fed to dogs, it will not be given to you."


They were so popular that they stared at Bai Ruyue and scolded them immediately.

"Shut up for me. Is this where you want to be?"

With a swift drink, the atmosphere that made this sword tense suddenly disintegrated.

Elder Yuan glared angrily at several people, his eyes burning with anger.

The crowd immediately bowed their heads, all standing upright, and dare not have any extravagance.

Elder Yuan glared for a moment, then looked up at Teacher Jian and Teacher Shan, saying, "You two bring back the disciples who don't meet the requirements."


Teacher Jian and Teacher Shan immediately responded, and when they turned around, they would take Ran Yun away.

Ran Yun and others didn't move, they all looked at Baiju, waiting for Baiju's instructions.

"and many more."

The **** frowned, and approached Elder Yuan, "Please, Uncle Yuan also give them a chance to evaluate."

Elder Yuan frowned, his face embarrassed, "This doesn't make sense?"

In the past, you can enter the phantom mirror from no disciples below the level of Huang Ling.

Elder Su also looked at Beaver and frowned, "Yeah Bai, they haven't reached the level, and it will be dangerous to go in after a while."

Although many of these phantoms are illusions, they can be dangerous.

"We are not afraid of danger."

As soon as Elder Su's words were finished, the disciples in the yellow character class answered quickly.

Elder Su stared at the disciples of the yellow characters with a black line.

The newborn calf is really not afraid of tigers. It is not clear what it is. If you don't understand it, it is said here that you are not afraid of danger.

"We are not afraid of anything, please give us a chance to participate in the assessment."

Ignoring the headache expression of Elder Su, the disciples of the Yellow Characters kneeled toward Elder Yuan and Elder Su.

Seeing this, Elder Yuan's forehead suddenly burst.

These little bunnies, this is going to rebel.

Elder Su pinched his forehead with a headache.

When the two had headaches, the **** also followed his knees.

"Please ask Uncle Yuan to give them a chance to evaluate."

As soon as Baitan kneels, Bai Ruyue and Yu Fengling also kneel with them.

"Please the two elders and give them a chance."

Elder Yuan frowned at the beaver, "White girl, you ..."

This is messy enough, what mess is this girl adding?

Elder Yuan could not help but raise his eyes and ask someone in the dark.

Seeing that someone nodded, Elder Yuan was relieved. He raised Baiju in person and looked at the disciples in the yellow character class. Whatever happens, the college is not responsible. "


Everyone was overjoyed and immediately responded happily.

Elder Yuan stared helplessly, "OK, I'm not ready yet."

"Thank you two elders."

After thanking everyone, they stood up together.

Everyone did not expect that the disciples in the Yellow Character Class just kneeled like this, and then they could participate in the assessment, and their hearts became imbalanced instantly.

Especially the disciples who had previously had festivals with the yellow character class, and the remaining disciples who had not been able to enter the Xuanzi class, were all unconvinced.

"A group of fools thought it was fun, and they all rushed in to get in."

"Just relying on their practice, even if they go in, they may not pass the assessment. They might as well stay in Orange Yufeng for a lifetime."

"That **** is really a sage. With so many burdens, can you help them pass the assessment?"

"Huh, I really think I'm great. Don't even be able to pass the assessment by then."

"She doesn't have anything to do with the assessment. She had already gone to Zixia Peak and climbed Elder Bu, but she had pity for several of them who were still good enough to take these tow bottles to take risks."

Listening to the swear words of a few people, the disciples in the Yellow Character Class were angry.

Bai Ruyue was so angry that she smashed her sleeves and rushed over to her.

Bai Tan grabbed Bai Ruyue, who was flaming, raised her eyes and coldly glanced at the person speaking opposite, and turned to the disciples of the Yellow Character Class to teach.

"Don't listen to indecency, don't listen to indecent assault, don't talk about indecent assault, don't look at people who are ugly when translated, don't listen to stinking farts, take care of your mouth and brain, don't learn to say disgusting things Do disgusting things. "

The white raccoon educated him earnestly. He could hardly look at the faces of the students in the Xuanzi class and the earth character class.

Even Jian Jian and Shan Jian's faces were green and red.

Especially Jian Jian, anxious to step forward to strangle the disciple who just spoke.

This group of idiots is really stupid. With the lessons of Ding Jingyuan and Zhou Yan, they dare to provoke the disciples of the Yellow Character Class, and they don't know how to live or die.

And Ding Jingyuan's bastard, he gave him such a bad mess that couldn't be worse.

Elder Yuan stared at Beaver with an expression of interest.

This white girl is really interesting and tight. No wonder the old Bu head looks at her like an eyeball. If he had such a disciple, he would definitely treat her like a baby.

The disciples in the Yellow Character Class all smiled and answered loudly, "I understand."

The beaver's evil hooked his lips. "Very well, everyone is in a line now. Come with me in a while."


The crowd immediately lined up obediently.

Elder Yuan nodded secretly while watching the performance of the students in the yellow character class.

This white girl really teaches her disciples. The quality of this group of disciples in the yellow character class is really good. You can also see from their cultivation that these days have improved a lot, and it is estimated that it is mostly the white girl's credit

I didn't expect Baiya to have talent in this area. I had the opportunity to talk to Lao Butou and say, in the future, how can I leave Baiya at the college as a tutor or elder.

Elder Yuan returned to God and looked at the crowd, "Chen Shi is about to pass, let's all enter through the phantom mirror."


Everyone responded, all lined up one by one into the last mirror.

When it was Bait's turn, Bait turned and looked at the crowd, "Everyone follow me."


The crowd nodded solemnly.

Baijue looked up at Bai Ruyue and Yu Fengling, "Ru Yue, Feng Ling, you two go last."

They nodded and went obediently to the end.

The **** took the lead in jumping into the phantom mirror, and instantly turned around.

The **** only felt that there was a strong suction and was pulling them into a certain space.

When the **** entered the phantom mirror, others followed him.

Bai Ruyue and Yu Fengling are the last psychedelic mirrors.

Seeing that all the disciples had entered the phantom mirror, Elder Su stepped forward.

Elder Yuan looked at Elder Su uneasily and said, "Pay more attention to the disciples in the Yellow Character Class."

Although he could not let go, they were uneasy.

Although Bai Yatou is already in the state of Qingling, there are so many disciples after all, I'm afraid there will be times when I can't take care of them.

"I know."

Elder Su nodded, and then took Chang Mingze and Shu Min together into the phantom mirror.

Watching Elder Su disappear, Elder Yuan turned around and waved at Master Jian and Shan Tao, "You take them back."


Instructor Jian and Dan instructed, and immediately took the disciples who failed to participate in the assessment to the mirror room.

Seeing that everyone had gone, Elder Yuan also turned and leapt into the first magic mirror.

Until the entire hall was empty, the two people in the dark came out together.

"Aren't you afraid she won't pass?"

Bu Yangzi smiled evilly at Mo Beichen.

In his temperament, he would never agree to let an unqualified disciple participate in the assessment, but this boy rarely spoke, and the girl wanted to help the disciples in the Yellow Character Class, and he agreed with him once.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows indifferently. "Can she be involved?"

Bu Yangzi stunned, and then laughed, "It doesn't matter."

I could n’t pass the assessment. They were all disciples of Bu Yangzi, without any difference. If she wants, she can practice anywhere in Fengshen.

Mo Beichen raised his lips and raised his eyebrows, as if to say, "This is not enough."

Looking at Mo Beichen's mysterious appearance of high cold, Bu Yangzi poked his lips unconsciously.

Why does he always have the illusion that his disciples are stronger than Master?


Bu Yangzi cleared his throat and looked at Mo Beichen. "You are also a new disciple. You also need to be tested and come with me."

Bu Yangzi walked to the front as he said.

Mo Beichen glanced at the phantom mirror and followed.

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