Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 485: Shit my head

Chapter 485

Another dark mysterious wave came, and the **** staggered away to avoid it.

The **** panted, and squinted at Zuo Yuqing.

This guy's mysterious power is getting more and more powerful. It seems that only by combining mysterious power can he resist his attack.

But if I use mysterious power to unite, then Cen Shufeng must be able to see something.

However, she couldn't control so many. If she didn't use Xuanling Unity, she was afraid that she would lose if she did not make three moves.

The **** flashed again, and at the same time carried the mysterious and fire spirits in his body.

Suddenly, the dazzling cyan mystic power and the magical fire spirit power were condensed together.

The power of the mysterious spirit slowly merged, and the brilliant golden light gradually appeared.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Bai Shimei is obviously a green spirit, why is there any golden light?

Cen Shufeng in the crowd widened his eyes narrowly.

This golden light is so familiar.

What flashed in my mind so fast that Cen Shufeng couldn't hold it.

Lan Yanyu narrowed her eyes and sighed softly, "She finally did it."

After today, I'm afraid she can't hide her identity.

Mo Beichen was expressionless, but he was not worried about the identity of the beaver.

With iron blood and her current strength, not many people in Yunjing mainland can hurt her.

Murong Xuefei didn't think so much, she was excited when she saw the golden light.

"I almost forgot. The raccoon trick was awesome."

On the high platform, the elders looked at the **** in surprise.

what is this?

Mysterious power and spiritual power become one?

But how could Bai girl have spiritual power?

Bu Yangzi frowned.

The girl had a fire power, he had guessed long ago, but he didn't expect that he could combine mystic power and spiritual power into one.

Mysterious power and spiritual power are two completely different powers, both cultivation and cohesion are completely different. This simultaneous use is simply impossible. How did she do it?

Not only was Bu Yangzi surprised, but also Yan Junxian.

She has studied spiritual methods for a lifetime. It can be said that she is familiar with all kinds of spiritual methods. Although she does not have mysterious power, she knows that mysterious power and spiritual power cannot be combined at all.

Even two different types of spiritual methods cannot be used together, let alone the mysterious and spiritual powers that are completely incompatible.

Shijiu squinted and looked at the **** in shock as well.

I didn't expect that Beaver could still have fire power, but how did she fuse the two forces together?

Standing on the side of Ren Tianheng, watching the golden power gathered in Baiju's hands, his eyes jumped with excitement.

On the stage, Zuo Yuqing stared at the "new gadget" made by the beaver, and his eyes widened inconceivably.

Such a powerful force, even if he is so far away, he can feel the powerful energy that the golden light is constantly ejecting.

The **** smiled evilly and waved his hand, and the golden beam flew towards Zuo Yuqing.

Zuo Yuqing was shocked and immediately sang, "Admiralty."

Under the call of Zuo Yuqing, the Vajra hood grew instantly, covering him inside.

Jin Guang hit the Vajra hood instantly and saw a buzzing sound, and the big hood cracked instantly.

When everyone saw this, they all stared at their eyes wide.

Such a mighty power that he could even crack the divine King Kong.

After a short shock, Elder Yuan and Elder Tu all looked at Shijiu with joy, and they really saw his face distressed.

Really deserve it, let him always show his magic weapon of magic, now it cracks.

She still had the ability to crack the old guy's broken cover in one move.

Without this Vajra hood, the elders in the back contest, the old guy is even more hopeless.

Shijiu looked at the crack in the Vajra hood with a heartache.

Damn, how dare to destroy his artifact.

I thought at the beginning how much energy he had lost in order to get this Vajra hood, but now he was mostly destroyed by the beavers.

"The raccoon is really powerful."

Murong Xuefei and Bai Ruyue jumped happily when they saw the great integration of Baiju Xuanling.

On the stage, the **** was stunned.

Although I knew that my Xuan Ling was powerfully united, but I didn't know that it was so powerful that he broke the artifact Vajra mask.

Zuo Yuqing was completely dumbfounded.

Originally thinking that this Vajra hood would protect him from death and injury, the result would be cracked by one move.

The most important thing is that this magic weapon is a master ’s treasure. If he wins, it ’s better to say something. If he loses, it ’s estimated that he will have to be skinned if he does n’t die.

After the **** was surprised, he turned back and immediately strove to the Vajra hood.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another, the golden power slammed into the big golden cover, and the cracks that had been ripped apart became bigger and bigger, and when the heart was distressed, the face of the wine became white.

Shijiu erected from his seat, as if going to the stage and desperately beaver.

Elder Tu immediately got up and stopped in front of Shijiu. "The following test is not over yet. Shi Shi is not going right now."

Elder Yuan also raised his eyebrows and said, "The disciples are playing, and we should be gentlemen as masters and masters."

When the wine was extremely angry, he immediately blushed and cursed, "Polite."

Dare to fight is not their magic weapon, they will speak bluntly.

Seeing the cracks on the Vajra hood getting bigger and bigger, Shijiu immediately stretched out his palm.


With a quick drink, the Vajra hood over Zuo Yuqing flew back to Shi Jiu's hand.

Looking at the obvious crack on King Kong's hood, Shi Jiu was so distressed that his heart broke.

"Look at Yi, can you fix it?"

Shijiu no longer cared about Zuo Yuqing, and immediately took the golden cover to Elder Yi.

Elder Yi picked up the cracked Vajra hood and took a closer look, frowning, "The damage is severe. Even if it is repaired, I am afraid it is not as easy to use as before."

If it is a first-class god-level refiner, it may be possible to completely repair this diamond cover, but unfortunately there are several god-level refiners in the world. Even the most famous Master Jiang Jin of Yunjing has only the fairy level.

Shijiu was disappointed for a moment, shaking his hand and holding the Vajra hood, and regretted his intestines were green.

Was he muddled by shit? How stupid to lend Vajrayana to Zuo Yuqing.

On the arena, Zuo Yuqing, who was not protected by the Vajra hood, had to deal with the mysterious power of Baiju directly.

It's just that the power can break even the Vajra hood. How can he cope with it? When he is hit by a golden beam, he spit out old blood.

As before, Zuo Yuqing recovered soon, and the two fought again.

The integration of Baitan's mysterious spirit is indeed terrific, and Zuo Yuqing was injured three times in a row.

Only as Zuo Yuqing recovered from his injuries again and again, his mysterious power became stronger and stronger.

The competition on the stage has reached a fevered level, and the disciples watching the game are excited and nervous.


Zuo Yuqing's chest was stabbed again by Baiju, and he immediately took a step back.

Seeing Zuo Yuqing injured again, Bai Ruyue nervously, "How many times is this?"

Murong Xuefei frowned. "It seems to be the eighth time."

Bai Ruyue's eyes lightened brightly. "That's great. There are three times left. Zuo Yuqing can't jump up."

Murong Xuefei is not as optimistic as Bai Ruyue, frowning solemnly, "Looking at the **** looks like it's reaching its limit."

Bai Ruyue heard the words, looked at the stage, and she saw that the **** was pale and tired.

"What's the matter, big sister?"

She just didn't see her older sister getting hurt. Why is this happening?

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows. "The integration of the mysterious spirit must have consumed the power of the mysterious spirit. At this moment, the power of the mysterious spirit in her body should be exhausted."

Everyone heard the words, their faces were dignified again.

On the stage, the **** has felt that he was guilty.

A drop of cold sweat slipped on his forehead, and the **** immediately took three Qi dans from his arms and ate them.

For a moment, the power of the mysterious spirit seemed to be full.

After Zuo Yuqing's repair, the two quickly fought again.

In this battle, Zuo Yuqing's skills obviously increased, while Baiju became more and more tired.

The **** was eating one bottle after another, but she could not make up for it.

The **** escaped Zuo Yuqing's attack, and once again found three qi to eat.

This is the last bottle of Qi.

Beaver's brow frowned and his expression became more dignified.

This time, she probably won't win. This is **** damn bad.

Just in the beaver-headed god, a dark mysterious force flew over.

"Be careful!"

Mo Beichen shouted anxiously.

The **** returned to his thoughts and immediately wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

With a bang, the dark mysterious power hit the white raccoon, and the white raccoon spit out blood.


"big sister!"




Several exclamations sounded at the same time.

Mo Beichen's face was so cold that it was about to condense into frost, as if it was about to erupt at any time.

Baici was injured, and the first time was not to take medicine, but to look at Mo Beichen first, and think of soothing him first.

Mo Beichen's eyes were soft, and the silver-purple eyes were full of pity.

What a silly girl!

Zuo Yuqing didn't let the **** go because he was injured.

Another dark mysterious force flew in, and the **** flashed away.

"Scroll with Sky Fox God."

Two voices rang in his head at the same time, and Beaver frowned.

She knew her voice naturally, but who was a female voice?

Except for A Mo, who knows if she knows Sky Fox?

Successive mysteries flew in, and Beaver did not dare to think any more, and immediately printed with his hands.


With the beaver's coquettish applause, a flare of flames flew towards Zuo Yuqing instantly, and Zuo Yuqing was so fast that he had no chance to dodge.


A scorching heat rushed to his face, Zuo Yuqing screamed instantly, only felt that his heart was going to be burned.

That hot non-human pain made Zuo Yuqing instantly feel the feeling of life is better than death.

Everyone looked at the seductive firelight, their eyes widened in amazement.

Great fire magic, is Bai Shimei still a fire mystic?

Even Murong Yu and Xue Qingyu were shocked.

It turned out that Tanuki was a psychic, and it was the first time they saw her use a fire spell.

Bai Ruyue blinked in surprise.

Yu Yan said that her elder sister would spit fire. She didn't believe it. It turned out to be true.

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