Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 498: Purpose of Liyang Bingwei

Chapter 498: The Purpose of Xingyang Bingwei

Zixia Peak.

"Master, madam."

As soon as the white raccoons and Mo Beichen returned to the yard, Liu Yan greeted him.

"Master, ma'am, come out so soon?"

Xing Yuan also happily greeted.

The **** waved his hand, "Don't mention it."

She really regrets coming out so early, but unfortunately those exercises and medical books.

Liu Yan and Xing Yuan looked at each other, thinking that their trip to the library was not going well.

"Yes, did Ren Tianheng and Zuo Yuqing escalate?"

Baitan raised his eyes and looked at Liu Yan.

It's been a few days. Master, they should raise Ren Tianheng and Zuo Yuqing.

Liu Yan shook his head. "No."

Xing Yuan said, "Subordinates have heard that several elders will review Ren Tianheng and Zuo Yuqing tonight."

Although Liu Yan and Xing Yuan are dark guards at the same time, the two have very different temperaments, Liu Yan is restrained, and he is very reliable in his work. Xing Yuan is cheerful, and he is the best at inquiring the news.


The white raccoon's eyes lightened, and a faint light flashed in the eyes of Yaoye.

Mo Beichen looked at the bright light in Bai Tan's eyes and smiled helplessly.

This little thing has a ghost idea again.

What came to mind, Liu Yan reported again and again, "Madam, that blue fantasy princess wants to see you?"

Baitan raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You mean Liyang Bingwei?"

Liu Yan nodded. "Yes, that's her."

The white **** frowned. What did the woman from Liyang Bingwei ask her?

"When did she come to me?"

Liu Yan looked down, "In the morning, after you and Grandpa entered the library."

The **** groaned for a moment and raised her eyebrows. "Go notify her and let her meet me at the Chihongfeng Tea House."


Liu Ye answered respectfully, and immediately left the yard.

Baitan turned and looked at Mo Beichen, "I'll meet her."

Mo Beichen frowned and nodded, "Be careful."

Baici hooked his lips. "It's okay, I can't hurt me by repairing that point of Liyang Bingwei."

The **** said, and turned out of the yard.

Baici went to Chihongfeng Tea House and asked for a small private room. As soon as the waiter brought the tea, he heard a gurgling voice.

"Mrs. Princess Blue Magic is here."

The **** raised her eyebrows, and came quite quickly. Is there anything urgent to find her?

"Let her come in."

Outside the room, Liu Yan heard Bai Tan's order, and asked Poyang Bingwei for a pose.

Liyang Bingwei took a breath and entered the room.

Baitan raised her eyes and looked at Liyang Bingwei, and said with a chin, "If you don't want to abandon, just sit down."

The white raccoon said whether she was sitting or not, she poured a cup of tea and handed it to the opposite side.

Liyang Bingwei watched the tea handed over by the **** and sat down.

Liyang Bingwei didn't speak, holding a teacup and tapping softly.

The white raccoon did not rush to speak, while sipping tea, while observing Liyang Bingwei.

Today's Liyang Bingwei does not wear a veil, and the scars on her face have become old wounds. I am afraid that the general ointment cannot be removed, but it is rare to see her so quiet. It is not difficult to see the scar at first glance.

Until a pot of tea was drunk, Liyang Bingwei did not speak, and Baiju gradually became impatient.

What is this woman looking for?


As soon as Baitan took a word, Liyang Bingwei looked up and spoke.

"I'm looking for you because I want to thank you for saving me in the fantasy world last time."

Liyang Bingwei looked at the **** sincerely.

If it were not her shot last time, she would not have passed the assessment.

I didn't expect Liyang Bingwei to thank him, and Baitan raised her eyebrows and said, "You should know that I'm not going to save you."

It was really unnecessary for her to thank him, after all, she didn't do it to save her.

Liyang Bingwei's face turned black and she slumped her neck and said, "Whether you want to save me or not, I really did because of the assessment you passed, so I should thank you."

"Well, I accept your thanks."

The **** raised his eyebrow and nodded, and readily accepted the thanks from Liyang Bingwei.

The **** accepted it all at once, but Liyang Bingwei's face was not good-looking.

"I know you don't lack anything, so thank you is not prepared."

Seeming to be angry, Liyang Bingwei suddenly uttered such a sentence.

The **** blinked inexplicably.

Who says she is short of everything, is she short of gold?

Drinking the tea in the cup, Baitan raised his eyes and said, "What the **** did you find me today?"

She didn't believe it, she came to her just to say thank you.

If you really want to say it, you should have said it already, where can you still use it now?

Puyang Bingwei blushed and looked up, "I was bad before, I did a lot of things that hurt you."

Looking at the opposite side of Yang Yang Bingwei, who looked guilty, Baijue's eyes twitched.

Is this woman really Liyang Bingwei? The ghost is up, right?

"Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

If it weren't for the sick, how could Poyang Bingwei's temperament say such things.

In a word, Baitan instantly dispelled a little guilt in Bingwei's heart.

The woman still hated as before.

Liyang Bingwei raised her eyes, her face glared at the **** very badly.

"I was in Zixiao before, but I'm sorry for you, but I also eat you a lot."

She had harmed her several times before when she was stupid, but since she was awake, she has never been pleased again.

Just the ten cities that were cut to her made her out of favor in the presence of her father and brother. If she hadn't entered Fengshen Academy this time, she still didn't know how to be run by those aunts and sisters in the palace.

The **** raised his eyebrows indiscriminately.

If you want to harm her, you will have to pay the price. She is not a **** who can harm anyone.

Thinking of all the previous ones, Liyang Bingwei sighed softly, "I won't hurt you anymore in the future. Let's write off all the previous grudges."

Liyang Bingwei said to stand up and raised a glass to the beaver, "I substitute tea for wine, and I apologize to you."

Liyang Bingwei said, she drank the tea in the cup and drank it.

The **** shook the tea in the cup and raised an eyebrow. "What the **** do you want to do?"

The woman spoke for a long time and couldn't say a word.

Liyang Bingwei's face darkened again instantly.

Every time she faced Beaver, she had a deep sense of weakness.

Seeing Liyang Bingwei not talking, Baitan slowly put down the tea cup.

"You don't say, I don't have time to accompany you here."

The **** said, he really got up and went outside.


Liyang Bingwei frowned and shouted at the **** subconsciously.

The white raccoon turned to look at Liyang Bingwei, waiting for her following.

Liyang Bingwei took a deep breath and raised her eyes. "I want an elderberry."

The **** demon's eyes blinked, and the evil eyebrows raised, "Want?"

Who wants her beaver's elixir?

Liyang Bingwei's face flushed "Teng" and immediately said, "I can buy it."

The Beaver sneered, "But why should I sell it to you?"

Does she really want to write off the past just because of her words?

Aside from other things, Bai Taner was killed in Yanyulou. Except for Bai Ruoyu's big head, she also had a share.

Watching Baidu's suddenly cold face, Liyang Bingwei frowned. After struggling for a moment, she walked in front of Baici, "knooted", and knelt down.

The **** frowned, looking at Liyang Bingwei in shock.

Was this woman crazy? She even kneeled.

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