Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 57: Qi Yun Yun Shaoning

Chapter 57

With a loud bang, the sharp arrow hit the target.

When Miao Yi saw this situation, she immediately pushed Yunzhi Yan excitedly, "Master, master hit the target."

"What?" Yunzhi Yan immediately turned his eyes, and when he saw the arrow on the target, there was a smile on his old face.

The waiter glanced at the target and raised the small blue flag. "Three rings."

After Yun Shao-ning paused for two seconds, he jumped up happily.

The **** blinked stupidly, "What is he doing?"

The third ring, not the tenth ring, what is that guy happy about?

Xue Qing scratched her lips. "He's celebrating his miss."

Murong Yu also laughed, "Brother Yun has improved. He used to miss the target often."

The **** was instantly black. Often off target, that guy dare to promise her ten rings.

Then came the second arrow, which was also aimed for a long time. This time, he did not miss the target and shot a fourth ring.

This time, Yun Zhiyu and An's happy. Two arrows shot seven rings, but this has never happened before.

Yun Shaoning was also very happy and continued to shoot the third arrow. "Boom" for a moment and hit the target again.

"Three rings." The waiter shook the small blue flag.

Yun Shaoning immediately jumped up in excitement, and ran towards Bai Tan's side with a bow.

"Well, Yun Shizi, bow, bow ..." The waiter shouted twice, but when Yun Shaoning came back, he had no choice but to catch up.

"Yun Shizi, wait a minute." The waiter gasped after Yun Shaoning.

"Why?" Yun Shaoning frowned.

"Bow, bow ..." The waiter gasped, holding his knees, staring directly at the bow in Yun Shaoning's hand.

Yun Shaoning's handsome face was instantly dark, "What father-in-law, am I a father-in-law?"

Yun Shaoning kicked angrily at the waiter's ass.

The waiter immediately hugged his buttocks and grieved, "Yunshizi, you misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? You have just been looking down at me, and you have been 'public, public'?" Yun Shaoning said to go to the waiter again.

The waiter immediately hurried, "The younger did not look under you, the younger looked at the bow."

"Hahahaha ..." The crowd finally couldn't help laughing, and even Murongyu, who was always cold-faced, drew a rare lip.

The white raccoon smiled forward and leaned back, pointing at the bow in Yun Shaoning's hand, "Fool, others want a bow, but don't give him the bow in your hand yet."

Along the beaver's finger, Yun Shaoning finally saw the bow in his hand and immediately returned to his thoughts.

"Oh oh, I forgot, here you are." Yun Shaoning embarrassedly handed the bow to the waiter.

The waiter immediately took the bow, covered his own ass, and ran quickly.

"Okay, don't laugh anymore." Yun Shaoning blushed, glaring at the crowd, and then looked at the **** with another look of expectation, "Little sister, give me a water bag."

The **** stopped and laughed, pointing behind him, "Here are a bunch, take it yourself."

Yun Shaoning was immediately unwilling, "Don't you say I shot ten rings, just get me a water bottle?"

The **** raised his eyebrows, "Did you shoot ten rings?"

"Why not, don't three, four and three add up to exactly ten rings?" Yun Shaoning said, and held up ten fingers while calculating.

"Well ..." Baitan laughed momentarily holding his stomach. "Yun Shaoning, are you sent by the monkey to make fun?"

Yun Shaoning blinked stupidly, and did not understand the beaver's meaning.

"It's OK, it's progress, here you are." Baici managed to stop laughing, and found a water bag from behind and threw it to Yun Shaoning.

"Thank you, Shishi." Yun Shaoning took the water bag with joy, and squeezed to the beaver. "Actually, this archery is not difficult at all. I will teach you. After a while, you close your eyes and aim , And '嗖' like this, the arrow will hit the target. "

Looking at the vigorous Yun Shaoning, everyone was black. At this level, I am embarrassed to teach it.

The **** heard it well, and nodded from time to time, like a good student.

The men's first round ended, and the results were announced soon. The top three were Murong Yu, Xue Qingyu, and Murong Yu.

Seeing the result, Yun Shaoning looked at the **** with excitement, "Little sister, I am the second."

Beaver glanced coolly at Yun Shaoning, "You said less of the last two words."

Yun Shaoning grinned indifferently. "I'm also happy for the penultimate. I usually have the penultimate."

The **** had a black line, and moved towards Murongyu with a look of disgust.

Yun Shaoning immediately followed and moved over, "Little sister, don't be nervous, you will follow the method I taught you in a while, you will not be the last."

"Of course." Baitan raised her brows proudly, so she wouldn't win the last place.

When the man is over, it is the woman's turn. The women came to the shooting range together, but the **** was not moving, still sitting in place.

When he saw the first person pulling the bow in front, Baiju raised his eyebrows in amazement. What the hell, why is Bai Ruoyu?

"The order of appearance of this shooting is based on the results of the last spring perimeter." It seems that he saw the beaver's doubt, Xue Qingxuan explained.

Yun Shaoning also nodded, "Yes, this Bai Ruoyu was the first in the last spring perimeter, so this time she will shoot arrows first."

Chunwei first? Baitan raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect Bai Ruoyu to have such ability. She thought she would act.

In front of the shooting range, Bai Ruoyu has shot his first arrow.

With a loud bang, the sharp arrow hit the target.

"Nine rings." The waiter immediately raised the small yellow flag.

The crowd was cheering, but Bai Ruoyu didn't seem very satisfied. He frowned and pulled up his bow, another arrow.

"Gang" a moment, sharp arrows on the target, right in the heart.

"Ten rings." The waiter immediately replaced the small yellow flag in his hand and raised the small red flag.

Excited cheers sounded instantly.

In the stands, the queen looked at Bai Qingyan with admiration and said, "The Bai family is worthy of the military commander's family. Miss Bai Er's archery is really good."

"Niangniu praises me." Bai Qingyan bowed humbly.

For Bai Ruoyu, Bai Qingyan still likes it. The eldest brother died in the battlefield, leaving only two daughters. Before that Baiju had been stupid, and only Bai Ruoyu was a normal child. How could Bai Qingyan not love him.

If Bai Ruoyu could come to participate in the hunting competition, Bai Qingyan also contributed a lot. It stands to reason that a niece like Bai Ruoyu is not qualified to come on such a big occasion. Because the **** is stupid, Bai Ruoyu can represent the **** in this hunting competition.

The **** faintly touched his lips. Bai Ruoyu still has two sons. It's no wonder that the old lady can talk to the old lady. Those who have the ability are always better than those who have no ability.

Bai Ruoyu hooked his lips confidently and pulled out another arrow.

"Ten rings." The waiter raised the small red flag again.

"Ou ..." The crowd in the stands was again jubilant.

This Miss Bai Jiaer, this time the expression is really good, better than the last Chunwei results.

Bai Ruoyu's lips twitched a wicked smile, and suddenly raised his bow, "I want to challenge."

Qingying's voice floated upward, shocking everyone.

The jubilant applause stopped abruptly, and the audience was silent.

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