Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 650: Domineering

Chapter 650: Domineering Crush

Chen Qianwen raised her eyebrows and looked proudly at the beaver: "You can't use force, it's really a pity."

For the attitude that the other party was cheap and betrayal, Baiju didn't care about it, only smiled lightly: "It's just to discuss and exchange, so as not to hurt you."

Chen Xiwen said in an instant, they changed their faces.

It seemed to smell the gunpowder, and Elder Yuan's deep eyes jumped with excitement. He raised the small banner in Yang's hand and said, "The game starts, time is a joss stick, and Yun Ying holds the ball."

Chen Qianwen's evil lips: "Master Bai, please give me some advice."

Beaver also politely raised his chin and said, "Everyone."

As soon as Chen Qianwen's eyes were cold, he waved easily, and Yao Waner and Yi Silin immediately rode into the beaver's camp toward the horse.

The striker came out, and Chen Qianwen rushed forward with a small ball with a Ju rod.

Bai Ruyue and Shu Yan immediately stepped forward to defend Yao Waner and Yi Silin.

Nangong Ying also quietly retreated to the goal to defend.

As soon as the ball moved, everyone on the field moved. Only the **** remained motionless, keeping an eye on the ball under Chen Qianwen's pole.

Just when Chen Xiwen passed away from Beaver, she suddenly moved.

Chen Qianwen only felt that Ju pole was hit. Before she could react, the next figure flew towards their camp.

"Back to defense!" Chen Qianwen was shocked, and immediately took the stable to chase the beaver.

Yao Waner, Yi Silin, wrapped in Bai Ruyue, they also flew over in an instant.

The **** controlled the ball and galloped towards Yun Ying's goal all the way. Gong Xiaoqin and Zheng Lanxuan also tried to stop her, but she was too fast, let alone to stop it. , She ran past them.

There was only one Zheng Lanxuan left, and she did not dare to come forward to stop, so she could only wait silently at the goal.

However, the **** did not wait to approach the goal at all, then suddenly waved the Ju rod, and the ball flew high instantly.

Zheng Lanxuan was startled, and immediately held the Ju rod, rushing forward, but did not even wipe the edge of the ball.

The ball passed by and went straight to the goal.

For a moment, everyone's heart was lifted up with the little ball, especially the disciples of Yun Yi and Wu Ying, all of them were afraid to come out.

In the spotlight, the ball "slammed" and successfully scored the goal.

"it is good!"

The crowd cheered cheerfully in an instant.

Mo Beichen looked proudly at the **** on the field with pride in his eyes.

Both Bu Yangzi and Rui were proud.

Elder Yuan glanced at the **** cheerfully and raised the blue flag in his hand. "Fengshen got a point."

The elder Su who was in charge of writing the scoreboard over there immediately wrote a point under the Fengshen women's group.

Chen Qianwen hammered the horse's back in annoyance, and the horse screamed in pain immediately.

Zheng Lanxuan and Yao Waner were both helpless.

Just now she was too fast and they couldn't stop them at all.

The **** raised his chin proudly, and looked at Chen Qianwen with contempt.

I really thought they could win by not using force, but the left was just not so bad.

Murong Xuefei came over on horseback, and stretched out her hand to the beaver, "The **** played well."

The **** smiled proudly, and reached out with Murong Xuefei.

"Fengshen holds the ball."

A small ball rolled under Bai Juju battle.

The **** and Murong Xuefei glanced at each other tacitly, and the two flew together to the opposite side in an instant.

The **** swiftly carried the ball, Chen Qianwen, Yao Waner, Gong Xiaoqin, and the three of them stepped forward to surround the beaver.

The **** glanced at Murong Xuefei, and saw that she had ran to the front, and her evil lips caught her lips.

The **** suddenly raised Ju Zhan, everyone was shocked, thinking she was going to take a shot, and immediately took up Ju Zhan and rushed over, but saw that she took a turn and passed the ball.

Chen Qianwen immediately turned back and saw that Murong Xuefei had reached the goal, and immediately shouted at Zheng Lanxuan: "Don't let her shoot."

In fact, when Chen Qianwen shouted, Zheng Lanxuan rushed to intercept it, but it was obviously too late.

Murong Xuefei didn't even catch the ball, and swung the ball directly at the speeding ball.

"Enter again!"

The disciples watching the game immediately cheered.

Standing at the viewing area, Lan Yanyu watched Murong Xuefei's chic movement and excitedly hit the cold and cold shoulder: "Well, your little beauty, this polo is really good, no matter the posture It ’s super beautiful. ”

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows with pride, a look of pride.

Bai Ruyue and Shu Min glanced at each other and smiled helplessly.

These two are also great. With two enemies and five, they don't need their shots at all.

The **** looked at Murong Xuefei's beautiful pose, and couldn't help but hang her lips.

I heard that her equestrian skills were good before, and now it seems that the rumors are not false. No wonder the annual hunting competition can suppress Bai Ruoyu.

Murong Xuefei returned to Baiju and gave her a high-five.

"Next year's hunting competition, you must participate, no opponent is really lonely." Baitan smiled at Murong Xuefei, looking very lonely.

Murong Xuefei chuckled, "Okay, tomorrow's hunting contest, we'll compare it."

Bai Ruyue was very speechless when she looked at the free chat.

The two still talked like this, is it really good to be so leisurely?

Elder Yuan once again happily raised the little blue flag, "Fengshen got one more point."

The elder Su over there had already recorded it before he raised the flag.

Even losing two points, Chen Qianwen and Yao Waner were a bit frustrated.

The **** is too powerful to deal with them all by herself. Even without Murong Xuefei's cooperation, she can score a goal by herself.

A **** is hard enough to deal with, and a equally powerful Murong Xuefei, just these two people are enough for them to have a headache, not to mention there are Bai Ruyue and Nangong Ying them. It's really hard to fight.

"Yunying holds the ball."

After receiving the ball, Chen Qianwen looked at Yao Waner and said, "The opponents are strong. We must follow what we just said. Everyone remembers the person they want to stare at."

"Okay." The other four nodded together and followed Chen Qianwen to the opposite side.

Yao Wan'er rushed to the beaver's side and blocked her way, Yi Silin went to Murong Xuefei's side, and Gong Xiaoqin and Zheng Lanxuan also went to Shu Yi and Bai Ruyue respectively.

No one stopped, Chen Qianwen rushed straight to the goal in an instant of excitement, just as she thought that as long as she passed the Nangong Sakura level, she could score a goal, a kick was absent from her kick small ball.

Chen Qianwen lifted his eyes and saw that Beaver suddenly looked at Yao Wan'er with an itching tooth.

Damn, didn't she let her catch her? Why did she suddenly come to the front?

Yao Waner also stayed, looking at the **** stupidly, as if stupid.

When did she go to the front and she kept pestering her?

"Ruyue." Baitan glanced at Bai Ruyue and hit the ball directly towards the goal.

"Come here." Bai Ruyue knew, and rushed towards the goal immediately.

There was no one across from them, and Chen Xiwen immediately hurried back to their defense, but it was too late.

"Pop", the ball hit the goal frame and bounced back. Bai Ruyue immediately lifted the club and swung it hard. The ball returned immediately. This time without deflection, he immediately entered the goal.

"Enter again, enter again!"

In the cheers of the disciples, Elder Yuan raised the small blue flag with a smile, "Fengshen got another point."

Elder Yuan raised his flag here and was happy, and the elder Su there remembered the happiness.

Bai Ruyue was also very happy when she saw the ball. She raised her eyes and looked at the place of Nangonghuang Station. She saw that she was also looking at herself with a smile, and then blushed unconsciously.

"Fengshen holds the ball."

Elder Yuan shouted loudly, and Bai Ruyue returned to the team instantly.

Chen Qianwen glanced at the **** with the ball, and turned to Gong Xiaoqin and said, "Xiao Qin, you and Yao Wan'er stopped the beaver."

"it is good."

Gong Xiaoqin nodded immediately.

Yao Wan'er's face turned red, burning hot, and looking up at the beaver's gaze became hated.

It was this woman that made her shame.

As soon as Baitan came with the ball, they were entangled by Chen Qianwen.

The three of them were in a triangle and surrounded the beavers. Beavers had no choice but to pass the ball to Bai Ruyue.

Bai Ruyue was also entangled by Zheng Lanxuan and couldn't break the goal at all.

"Give me the ball." At this moment a figure Hidden Bai Ruyue flew by.

Bai Ruyue immediately understood and passed the ball to Shu Min.

It turned out that Gong Xiaoqin stopped the beaver, and Shu Yan was no one to defend.

Shu Min received the small ball and went straight to the goal. Chen Qianwen was too late when they chased it.

"Hello," it's easy to get started again.

"Enter again, Sister Shu is mighty!"

Even after scoring so many times, they still couldn't stop everyone's enthusiasm.

"Fengshen gets one more point."

Elder Yuan waved the little blue flag tirelessly.

He felt that little red flag, it is estimated that this time there is no chance to play.

"Good job."

Bai Ruyue immediately ran to Shu Yan and gave her a high five.

Shu Min raised her eyebrows happily, and she finally scored.

Seeing them score again, Chen Qianwen looked annoyed.

Their team is really strong. Not only are the two strong beavers and Murong Xuefei, but Bai Ruyue and Shu Yan are not weak. They can't beat any two of them.

"Yunying holds the ball."

The ball came to their side again.

Chen Qianwen held the ball, staring at the beavers and said, "This time we have to score anyway."

Everyone frowned, and no one answered.

Not only are they strong, they also cooperate with each other. They want to score too hard.

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