Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 776: Ren Tianheng exposed

Time seemed to be still, the whole battlefield was silent, and everyone seemed to be still.

The deputy general next to the general was so frightened that he fell straight from the horse and fell on his feet.

A very powerful person, the hundreds of thousands of troops are as simple as searching for the first level, this person is really terrible.

The pair of generals froze for a while before they got up in shock.

He glanced at Mo Beichen and Baiju, and suddenly felt that this battle was not as good as they imagined, but it would be difficult to fight. If they lost here today, then they would also be dead.

What's more, they have 150,000 people, and he doesn't believe they can't break the Chishui City with tens of thousands of people.

"Everyone go up, siege the city gate, climb the city wall, and win Chishui City for me anyway."


The lieutenant screamed loudly, and the soldiers immediately returned to God, stepping on the companion's body together, and attacked the gate again.

Mo Beichen and Baiju stood directly in front of the city gate, and did not give them the opportunity to approach at all.

The wise soldiers rushed to the wall and started to climb the wall. Compared to attacking the gate, it was obviously safer to climb the wall.

Yan Hongtian looked at the people who were constantly climbing up below, squinting his eyes and saying, "Go and smoke."


Xi Shen will answer immediately, turn around and go to light smoke.

Wolves are lighted to inform Yingsha, bathe, and battles in the cities of Guanning. Chilie ten cities have always been united. If they knew that someone was attacking Chishui, they would definitely send troops to support them.

Seeing a soldier climb up to the wall, Yan Hongtian immediately picked up his sharp knife and chopped it.

After cutting off the man's head, Yan Hongtian took the sword and flew down the wall.

When the **** saw this, he immediately came to help Yan Hongtian.

A Mo Xiu is too high, he can keep the door alone, she might as well come and kill a few more people.

Because the Chishui epidemic is a lot lighter than Lanchi, they are relatively easier to defend the city than Lanchi.

In addition, the **** quickly thought of the method of using poison water for teeth, so it was easier for them to defend the city.


The battle between Blue Pond and Chishui was in full swing here, and the old town master in Holy City over there was no longer calm.

City main house.

The old town owner looked at the man in black in front of his private soldier, General Fang Qi, "What happened to Chishui and Blue Pond?"

Fang Qi bowed. "They are siege. Rest assured. With so many of us, Lanchi and Chishui today are not our opponents at all. They must have successfully won Lanchi and Chishui."

The old city owner narrowed his eyes slightly, "Lanchi and Chishui are naturally not afraid now. I am worried about Yingsha and Shanghe."

Fang Qi's eyes flashed, and he stepped forward carefully, "City owners rest assured, now that Lanchi and Chishui are finished, they may not send troops to save people, everyone is selfish, and who will join themselves in order to save people."

Fang Qi's words pleased the old city owner instantly. He yelled his lips darkly and hummed, "The ten northwest cities and the ten southeast cities have always been united and famous, and it may not seem right now."

The plagues of Chishui and Blue Pond have been out for a long time, and they have not seen their people to help them. Now it is just right for him to help them measure how united they are.

Fang Qi immediately bowed, "The city owner is wise."

"Have you done anything before?"

"City owners rest assured, I have already arranged, a total of a hundred gunpowder barrels, all of them have been scattered throughout the city."

Outside the house, Ren Tianheng heard the word "powder powder" and was shocked to step on the branch next to him.


Suddenly, the room drunk, and Ren Tianheng turned around and ran without thinking.

Fang Qi chased out, and uttered a dark power to Ren Tianheng's back.

"Oh!" There was a sharp pain in the back, and Ren Tianheng spit out a blood, but still didn't stop.

He knew he couldn't stop, just stop to die.

The old town owner squinted and looked at Ren Tianheng's back, and yelled in anger, "Chasing!"

"Yes." Fang Qi responded immediately, quickly chasing Ren Tianheng.

Ren Tianheng flew out of the city's main house in a breath, attracting numerous secret guards to hunt.

He didn't know where he should run. He wanted to go to the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment, but he was afraid of involving them and could only keep running up the mountain. Only Elder Bu can save him now.

Ren Tianheng increased his speed to the extreme, and finally ran to Fengshen College before those people caught up.

Looking at the faint blue enchantment, he prayed in his heart that he could enter this time, otherwise he would really be dead this time.

Perhaps God heard his prayer, and when he plunged into the blue enchantment, he actually entered it miraculously.

When the behind guards chased the enchantment, they were all bounced out by the enchantment, no matter how many times they tried, they were not allowed to enter.

Ren Tianheng's heart relaxed immediately. He sat on the ground, panting desperately.

God finally treated him well this time.

In fact, there was nothing to go to heaven, it was Baitan who prevented such a day, and specially made Mo Beichen the gate for Ren Tianheng to stay.

The courtyard door suddenly opened, and those dark guards could only hide.

The two disciples stepped out and were surprised when they saw Ren Tianheng. "What are you doing?"

They naturally knew Ren Tianheng and knew that he had been kicked out by the dean, so their attitude was not good.

Ren Tianheng didn't care, and immediately bowed in a proper manner, "I have something to ask Elder Bu, and bother my brother and sister to help pass the message."

The two disciples frowned immediately when they heard the words, "Who is your master?"

Ren Tianheng frowned, and said, "I want to see Elder Bu.

The disciple did not go to report, but glanced at him dismissively, "Elder Bu will not see you, you go."

Elder Bu still has injuries on his body, but he can't bother him to climb up and down.

Ren Tianheng frowned anxiously, "I really have something urgent."

It's so good to see King Yan, it's hard for a little ghost to hang around.

When Ren Tianheng saw that they were unmoved, his eyes turned and said, "It's news about Bai Shimei."

He did not directly tell about gunpowder, but made up a reason, believing that the beaver's thing would interest him.

Sure enough, the disciple heard the news that it was Baitan, and frowned suddenly, "Is there something wrong with Master Bai?"

Ren Tianheng glanced at him and squeezed his lips tightly. "I want to tell Elder Bu."

The disciple was a little annoyed, but there was no way to take Ren Tianheng, but he said, "Then you wait, I'll report."

The disciple glanced at the disciple next to him, and went in to inform.

Another disciple stood at the door to prevent Ren Tianheng from letting him in.

After a while, Bu Yangzi hurried down.

Seeing Bu Yangzi coming out, Ren Tianheng immediately bowed down and saluted, "The disciples see Elder Bu."

Bu Yangzi looked at Ren Tianheng and said anxiously, "Is something wrong with Tanuki?"

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