Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 786: The descendants do not kill

Zhuo Qingyun flew down the city wall, killing the soldiers behind Hubak who were about to attack.

Hubbard turned abruptly, and saw Zhuo Qingyun, he stayed for a moment, "You ..."

Zhuo Qingyun leaped directly in front of Hubbark and slashed the soldier with a sword. "I don't want to leave regret. Instead of living uneasily, it's better to die."

If he left so many people like Hubbark and Blue Pond, he wouldn't be able to get through this.

Hubbard's eyes were red and he almost cried.

Li Maozi laughed aloud, "Brother Zhuo Xian is good. Our brothers can't afford them even if they die."

Hang Xiujie also exclaimed, "Yes, you can kill one more if you can kill one more, and don't stop without killing the last drop of blood."

"we are coming."

Lan Yuyu and Xingyuan flew down the city wall together with the shocked gaze of Lieutenant General.

Lieutenant General Yu turned and stared at Li Yundao, "What's going on, why are you back?"

Li Yun looked at them below Zhuo Qingyun and blinked innocently. "I don't want to leave. What can I do?"

If it is one, he can find a way to knock out and take away. If these three are unwilling to leave, he will be right.

However, Zhuo Zhuangzhu, Lan Shenyi and Xingxiaxia are all lovers, and he admires them.

"You ..." Zhuo Qingyun looked at Lan Yuyu and Xingyuan in surprise.

Lan Yanyu glanced at him coolly, "Do you think I will leave you and leave alone?"

Xingyuan Tijian guarded beside Lan Yuyu and said, "It is not a man's retreat to stand back."

Wu Huailin looked at Lan Yuyu and Xingyuan and laughed, "The blue **** doctor and the star heroes are also hot-blooded men. I'm blessed to know you in this life."

Lan Yanyu gently raised her lips. "Everyone is the same. Being together is fate. After this battle, we are brothers regardless of life or death."

Li Maozi was instantly excited when he heard the words. "Okay, our brothers are going to kill us today. They are going to die anyway. It's better to pull a few backs."

Li Maozi said as he rushed out, beheaded two soldiers.

Wu Huailin and Xie Qingdi rushed out together, and everyone no longer had any scruples, and they seemed to be desperately fighting with each other.

As time passed, Hubbark's troops were getting less and less, and soon there were only a few thousand people. They no longer dared to venture in. They only surrounded their own city masters as their human shields.

It was getting dark, and the battle below the city seemed to have ended. No one continued to attack the city, and a black army stepped neatly towards the gate. The powerful momentum seemed to settle the entire Blue Pool City.

Someone stopped at Hubbark. They didn't step forward or back anymore. They waited together as if waiting for the final sentence.

Vice Admiral Mao led the 200,000 army to Hubbark, and leaned down and looked at him: "I still say that, the survivor will not kill."

Before Hu Buck said, Li Maozi rushed to the front. "Well, you son of a bitch, if you dream, the old man will not surrender if he dies."

Vice Admiral Mao's eyes lighted, and sharp eyes shot directly at Li Maozi.

At the same time, a sharp arrow shot Li Maozi directly.

Li Maozi frowned, and as soon as the sharp arrow was about to be hit back, Hubbard stopped in front of him to catch the arrow.

Hubbard clutched his arrow and looked at Vice Admiral Mao coldly. "Let them go, I will kill you."

Vice Admiral Mao sneered sneered, "Return the tiger to the mountain, are you stupid?"

The ten cities in the southeast were originally what they had in their pockets. Now they have been released and they will be killed again at that time.

The general who came with a hundred thousand reinforcements looked at Hu Baike and said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense with them, the city owner has a order, and he must win the Blue Pool City as soon as possible."

Vice Admiral Mao looked unpleasant and yelled, "Kill me, one is not left."

When the 200,000 army heard the order, they attacked Hubak instantly.

As soon as the war broke out, watching the city gate was about to be broken, suddenly a wild horseshoe came from far and near.

At the sound of the horse's hoof, Li Maozi's eyes flashed brightly, "Will it be Ding Taiyuan's conscience that they came to save us?"

Hubbark and Wu Huailin frowned at the same time, but didn't give much hope in their hearts.

Not to mention that they are unlikely to come, even if they do come, I am afraid they will just die.

Xing Yuan and Lan Yanyu looked at each other, both holding the last glimmer of hope.

They now only hope that the battle over Chishui is over, and Grandpa and Madam can come and rescue them.

Vice Chairman Mao immediately became nervous. They also hoped that the people coming in were their reinforcements. If not, as long as the number is not large, they will not look at them. After all, they now have 200,000 troops and occupy absolute Powerful situation, the broken city is already on the string.

The speed of the coming was very fast. The wild horseshoe sound came just a blink of an eye. The dark night's clothes could not be seen clearly, just a dark piece, watching a lot of people.

The hearts of Lieutenant General Mao and that general immediately became uneasy, and the visitors were not good. Seeing their uniform footsteps sounded more regular than they heard. There is also the friction of that heavy armor, this equipment should also be much better than them.

Listening to the footsteps that were getting closer, the reinforcement general was anxious, and he shouted out loud for fear of extravagance, "Continue to attack me, we must attack ..."

"Oh!" Before the words of the reinforcement generals had time to shout, a silver sharp arrow cut through the night sky and penetrated his chest.

The general was stiff, his eyes widened in disbelief, and the word "city gate" stuck in his throat, after all, he couldn't say it.

"Oh!" The general fell off the horse stiffly, terrifying everyone.

All the siege soldiers were shot and killed in an instant.

Vice Admiral Mao was so scared that he didn't have the courage of the general. He didn't dare to shout. He didn't even dare to move.

Hubbard all frowned at the army rushing from the dark.

Good sharp means, I do not know who is coming? Where's the army?

Just when no one knew why, a general in a silver jersey rode out of the shadows on a horse.

At the same time, the soldiers behind him dispersed and surrounded the 200,000 corps of the Holy Spirit.

Vice Admiral Mao looked at the soldiers who surrounded them, and instantly felt a despair in his heart.

They have 200,000 troops, but looking at them, they seem to have more than doubled.

Hubbard, they looked at the general in that side, and they were even more confused.

Who is this person? Why did you bring so many soldiers at once?

Only Xingyuan looked at the general, his eyes widened inconceivably.

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