Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 796: Sounding

The two walked to the back of the yard lightly, and saw the situation inside through the cracks of the worn paper window.

A small room was full of arrested people, men and women, young and old, and many women and children were crying. The outside door was tightly closed and should be locked.

Yu Zhongjin glanced at Cao Yue, and the two looked at the other rooms separately.

The farm yard is not very large. There are four rooms on the east and west sides, all of which are full of people. There are dozens of officers and soldiers guarding the yard.

Yu Chongjin patted Cao Yue gently, without a voice, "Go."

Cao Yue frowned, some didn't want to leave, but he also knew that they couldn't save people now, so he quietly backed out.

Here, Shi Ran and Nie Qing also touched a closed dungeon. The two stunned the dungeon soldiers and touched them together.

"Little lady, come and play with your brothers."

The whole dungeon resounded with the laughter of soldiers.

Shi Ran and Nie Qing glanced at each other and immediately ran over here.

"Ah!" A soldier was shot straight out of the cell.

"How dare you do it, it seems you are impatient."

When his companion was beaten, the other soldiers rolled up their sleeves and rushed up.

The young man was not afraid, and at the same time guarded his maiden behind him, he easily dealt with the soldiers.

"It's Jiang Yan and his lady!"

Hiding in the dark, Nie Qing saw the beating youth and immediately wanted to rush out, but was pulled by Shi Ran, "Don't impulse, look at it again."

"Stop it for me." After hearing the movement here, someone soon ran over.

Shi Ran immediately pulled Nie Qing into hiding.

The soldiers did not dare to fight when they saw the people, and they knelt down in fear, "General."

Hearing the words "general general", Jiang Yan finally raised his eyes and officially glanced at the man in black.

The man in black looked at the soldiers coldly, and shouted, "If I find out who would dare to attack the people in the future, let alone kill them."

These things that don't know how to live and die, I don't know when they are dead, and this carelessness harms the people.

"Subordinates **** it." When the men in black got angry, the soldiers became even more frightened.

Jiang Yan glanced at the man in black with a surprised look. This man was their general. It didn't look very evil.

In the dark, Shi Ran and Nie Qing were also surprised and defended by the general on the people.

The people in the jail saw the men in black speak for them, and they knelt down and begged.

"Sir, let us go."

"Let us go back, we are innocent."

The man in black frowned and looked at the people. He didn't want to arrest people either. He also wanted to escape from the Holy City, but his fate didn't allow him to resist.

The man in black took a deep breath and tried to make himself look as gentle as possible. "Don't be afraid, there will be war soon in the city. We will gather you not to shut you down, but to protect you."

The people panicked when they heard that there was going to be a war.

Jiang narrowed his eyes and sneered dismissively.

For some sounding words, if they really have a heart of protection, they should go to guard the city, instead of catching them all, disturbing the people's hearts, and the chickens and dogs are restless.

Nie Qing in the dark couldn't help but whispered, "Pretend!"

Really speaking is better than singing. Only a fool will believe him.


The man in black snorted suddenly, and his sharp eyes shot at Shi Ran and Nie Qing's hiding place.

"Run away."

Shi Ran was startled and ran Nie Qing out.

The man in black frowned, biting his teeth, "Follow me."

The soldiers were ordered and chased immediately.

Jiang Yan looked at the back of Shi Ran and Nie Qing, his deep eyes blinked.

Xiao's apparently recognized Shi Ran and Nie Qing, and pulled the sleeves of La Jiangxi in fear, "Sangong."

Jiang Yan looked back and patted Xiao's hand gently, "Don't be afraid."

The two ran out of the dungeon, did not dare to stay in the city, and flew out of the city directly.

The soldiers chased them out, and they took them out for five or six laps outside the city, and they were directly dizzy before they returned to the Fairy Fox Palace.

"You're finally back. If you don't come back, we're going to find you."

Everyone was relieved to see the two return.

Ning Qing panted, and sat down on the chair with his buttocks. "Don't mention it, we're out of luck."

As Nie Qing said, he grabbed a teapot and drank a few sips of tea.

Shi Ran even drank three cups of tea before he felt his throat feel better.

Xie Kun frowned. "What the **** is going on?"

Nie Qing lowered the teapot and said, "We touched the dungeon of the prisoner and saw Jiang Yan and his lady."

"Is he okay?" Luo Hao's eyes lightened and he was immediately excited.

Luo Hao and Jiang Yan were doing well. They had been worried for a long time when they heard he was arrested before.

Nie Qingdao: "These men teased his lady, and he fought with others."

Luo Hao was startled, and immediately nervous, "Then he is fine."

Nie Qing shook his head. "Rest assured, he's in the realm of purple spirits. How can those soldiers hurt him?"

Luo Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded, "Yes, but why don't you save people back?"

Nie Qing rolled his eyes directly at him. "How to save? There are many people inside, and there are a lot of guards. There are so many patrolling soldiers in the city. Do n’t say they are going to suffer, and we ca n’t go."

Luo Hao was silent for a moment, and began to worry again.

Xie Kun glanced at everyone and said, "We have followed a place where people are closed today. It is a small farmhouse."

Cao Yue also said, "We also saw a place where people were closed, and it was also a farmyard. On the south side, I don't know if it was the one you saw."

Xie Kun and Huo Bin stared at each other and said, "That's not what we see is to the west."

Yu Zhongjin groaned for a moment and said, "It doesn't seem that they are detaining people centrally, but decentralizing them."

Huo Bin frowned. "Why are they so troublesome?"

Wouldn't it be more convenient to keep people together?

Shi Ran thought and thought, "Maybe there is no such large place for detention, after all, the people in the city have been arrested, or it has prevented us from being rescued and scattered detention has brought us a lot of inconvenience."

Everyone nodded silently.

"Indeed, there are so many people in the city, it is not easy to save one, let alone so many people."

After hearing everyone's discussions, Dong Ming was silent for a moment and said, "Who has a map of the Holy City?"

"I have got."

Huo Bin took out a roll of map from his sleeve and passed it.

Dong Ming opened the map and spread it on the table. "Everyone draws the place where people are found today."

Everyone stepped forward and marked the place they found today on the map according to Dong Ming's request.

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