Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 809: Two sturdy women

Dong Ming looked up dumbly, but when he saw the familiar face, his face turned pale for a moment.

Behind him, Wu Yan, Ping Xing, and others also panicked.

Luo Qi flew down the city wall and fell in front of Dong Ming.

She stared straight at him, her original conviction shook instantly when she saw his pale face.

Dong Ming looked at Luo Qi for a moment, and the hand holding the reins tightened unconsciously.

Luo Qi sneered dismissively, "Why, does Brother 2 don't know me?"

Dong Ming's face was white again for an instant, and she spoke hard, "Seven Sisters."

Behind him, Wu Yan, Pu Xing and others immediately followed, "Seven heads."

Hearing the phrase "seven masters", Luo Qi's sneer was even more sneer, and their eyes looked at Wu Yan as cold as a knife.

Wu Xun and Xing Xing and others immediately drew their eyes in guilty conscience.

Seven masters are as scary as ever.

The **** on the side frowned slightly, glancing silently at Luo Qi.

This woman is the seven head of Langya Village? She looks small and exquisite, with a delicate baby face. It looks like she is not yet an adult, but she heard that she used to be a thousand, and she can take the first rank within a hundred miles. It is the most powerful in Langya Village. Roles.

Luo Qiqiang suppressed the anger in her heart and raised a bright smile to Dong Ming. "The second brother, the second brother, the third sister, the fifth brother, where are they?"

Dong Ming stiffened, her hand holding the reins tightened, and her face became harder to look at.

After all, she came back. He always ought to come. He owed her, owed Langyazhai, owed his elder brother, and three sisters, and he would pay them back.

Dong Ming took a deep breath and looked up at Luo Qi. "Brother, three sisters ... they are dead, Langya Village is gone, I'm sorry ..."

What Dong Ming said was very difficult. Even though he was intelligent and delicate, he could not say anything to justify himself at this moment.

Luo Qi's blushing complexion turned pale, and people didn't take a step backward.

Although she heard about the death of her eldest brother and three sisters early in the morning, she really couldn't accept the news.

The eldest brother's martial arts is so high, and there are three sisters, four brothers, and five brothers. Their cultivation is not weak. Coupled with thousands of people up and down in Langya Village, how can they be easily destroyed by people.

Luo Qi bit her silver tooth and squeezed her fist. "Who is it?"

Dong Ming frowned, and his face suddenly rose.

Wu Yan and Xing Xing are also vigilant. Although they all respect the seven masters, they still respect the palace master more than seven masters. If the seven masters and the palace master give them choices, they will choose without hesitation Gongzhu.

The **** squinted slightly, did this woman really come to avenge her? What role does the old fox play here?

Seeing Dong Ming's obvious meaning of maintenance, Luo Qi's face became even colder. "Dong Ming, you really became a traitor."

There was a hint of guilt in Dong Ming's eyes, but the meaning of his face's maintenance was not small.

He was a traitor, but he didn't regret it. It was him who did the wrong thing. He had nothing to do with the palace master.

Seeing Dong Ming defend the man in such a way, Luo Qi was even more angry. She grabbed the silver whip around her waist and threw it hard to the ground. "Pop", a deep whip mark was left on the ground instantly.

Luo Qi held up her long whip and looked at Dong Ming with his eyes spitting fire. "I ask you again, who is the one who destroyed my Langya Village?"

Dong Ming kept her mouth shut tightly without saying a word.

"Okay, good." Luo Qi smirked in disgust, and she looked at his eyes from disappointment to despair.

Even if she didn't believe it, his rebellion was an indisputable fact.

In this case, don't blame her for being ruthless, he thought he wouldn't know anything if he didn't speak.

She shook the silver whip and looked up at the old town lord who was watching the show on the tower. "Can you tell me now?"

The old city owner glanced at the deep pits on the ground, and laughed even more happily.

"Isn't that obvious? It was the woman in front of you that killed Su Fang, Hua Xiong, and killed you Langya Village?"

The master of the old city has always spared no effort in this matter.

Luo Qi raised her eyes and looked at Baiju with a stern look, "Is that you?"

The **** did not panic at all, only raised his eyebrow lightly, "It's me."

In Luo Qi's eyes, the intention of killing was stronger, and the silver whip in his hand flew towards the **** instantly.

When everyone saw this, they flew towards the beaver, and Yan Hongtian and Hubak, who were closest to the beaver, stopped in front of the **** for the first time.

Dong Ming finally reacted here, and immediately flew over. Before the silver whip was dropped, he grabbed the barbed whip. "Sister Seven, don't make a noise, I will explain this to you in a moment. "

Luo Qi was so angry that she pulled the silver whip hard, angrily, "Don't call me Qi Mei, you are no longer my second brother."

Dong Ming's face was white, Yin Hong's blood slipped from his finger joints, the sharp pain in his palm seemed to be connected to his heart, and the pain was choking.

Looking at Dong Ming's pale complexion, Luo Qi's brows were frowned, and there was a distress in the bottom of her eyes, and her hand motion stopped immediately.

"Dong Ming." Beaver also frowned.

"Gongzhu." Dong Ming heard the voice of Baijue immediately.

The **** walked to Dong Ming, looked at his **** hands, and frowned, "You step back."

"Master of the palace?" Dong Ming looked at Baitan in surprise.

The **** glanced at Luo Qi, his voice softened, "back down."


Dong Ming couldn't help but glanced at Luo Qi vigilantly, and released the silver whip in his hand.

Dong Ming's eyes instantly stimulated Luo Qi, and at the same time, she could not help but swelled with sour water.

Is this still her second brother? The second brother hurt her most, but now, he is desperately guarding her, fearing that she will hurt this woman. Is this woman more important to her than her?

The **** looked at Luo Qi coldly, "I killed the man, and I burned the walled village. If you look for it, look for me."

Luo Qi's clear eyes were instantly murderous, "I killed you."

The whip in his hand flew at the **** instantly.

Bai Tan raised his right hand, and the heart-burning sword came to his hand in an instant.

With a bang, the heart-burning sword waved the silver whip.

One took the whip and the other held the sword, and the two soon fought.

Hubbark and Yan Hongtian, who were nearby, wanted to come forward to help, but found that they couldn't get involved at all.

Not only is the **** ’s cultivation high, but the woman ’s cultivation is not weak at all, let alone their hands, it ’s dangerous to watch beside them, not to mention that Mo Ye did n’t take the shot, the fairy should always be able to cope .

Mo Beichen was really in no hurry, he was still sitting on the horse, watching Bai Jue and Luo Qi fight.

Although Luo Qi was good, he knew she would not lose.

The only thing that was urgent was Dong Ming. He didn't want any of them to be injured.

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