Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 811: Promoted

Looking at Fang Qi's **** body, the old city man suddenly laughed viciously, "I still have hole cards, and I have hole cards. You can't help me, you can't help me ..."

The **** rolled his eyes, "Do you mean the people you are holding? Sorry, they are all mine now."

She really didn't want to stimulate him any more, but this person was cheap and required stimulation, so she had to respectfully and irritate him.

"You ..." The old town owner was indeed irritated, and his breath was blocked in his chest. He almost missed it.

Looking at the old town owner whose face was flushed and out of breath, Baitan sneered, "I said that you are still the master of a city. If you don't consider it for the people, you will still stab them everywhere, and these soldiers, no matter what Say, they all do things for you, how can you bear to let them all be buried with you? "

"Funeral ..."

The soldiers, who were still in a state of stubborn resistance, heard these words, and all of a sudden they slowed down.

Lan Yuyu's eyes flashed lightly, and he turned to look at the soldiers, "You don't know yet, your city lord has buried gunpowder everywhere in the city, and we will end up with us only when we enter the city, and you These people, at best, are like burials like cattle and horses. "

Lan Yuyu's words made the soldiers panic.

Not only those soldiers, but even Father Zuo and Yi Xiang, Liao Fentou all changed their faces.

Father Zuo frowned, watching the old town's eyes from disdain to disgust.

Just now he hasn't understood the words of Baijia girl, and he hasn't figured out what happened to gunpowder? I didn't expect this old thing to bury so much gunpowder in this holy heaven city, he wanted to let them all be buried with him.

Yi Xiang and Liao Fentou couldn't help getting cold. As his subordinates, they always knew him, but he didn't expect that he would want everyone's life so viciously.

They really couldn't believe it. If Bai Xianzi didn't clear those gunpowder buckets, what would happen to them?

The old town owner totally ignored their feelings and only sneered arrogantly, "That's right, these people can be buried with me, which is a blessing they have repaired for generations."

These people were raised by him. He raised them for decades and spent countless money and hard work. Shouldn't they be buried with him?

The words of the old town master instantly made those tens of thousands of soldiers even more chilling.

It turned out that they were just a funeral in his eyes. Why did they work hard here?

The **** glanced at the soldiers' chilling faces and exclaimed, "Have you heard? Is it worth your life to treat human beings as masters of grass?"

The clear sound was like a beacon, and the hearts of the entire soldiers were illuminated in one fell swoop.

"I won't fight." A soldier dropped his weapon.

"I won't fight anymore."

"Why should we kill him?"

"Even if he is not our father and mother, why should we kill him?"

The soldiers dropped their weapons one by one and surrendered. In fact, they knew very well that if they did not surrender, they would have no choice but to die under the siege of this million army.

"You ..." Seeing the soldiers surrender in this way, the old town master was out of breath for an instant.

With a big wave of Mo Beichen, Qin Tian immediately asked the soldiers to suppress the surrendered private soldiers.

As the most elite regular army of Mo Xue Country, Qin Tian despise these private soldiers, but no matter how bad the soldiers are, they will be honed, and there will always be a day when they become a dragon.

Soon, the heavenly soldiers were all dealt with.

On the tower, only the old city owner, Father Zuo, Zuo Fangyi, Yi Xiang, and Liao Futou were left.

Father Zuo frowned, he did not expect that this would happen in a moment.

Originally, he thought that they had at least 100,000 soldiers and horses, although they were private soldiers, but anyway, there were 100,000, but I didn't expect that the blink of an eye would be so gone.

He no longer thinks about Mo Beichen's identity, he just thinks how he should retreat.

Yi Xiang and Liao Fentou were even more frightened and shivered. They had collapsed to the ground and never got up since they entered the city tower. Now they have no courage to stand up and can only sit on the ground and silently climb under the city wall.

Without waiting for them to climb two steps, the knife holder was on their necks, and they did not dare to move any more.

The **** looked at the old city host with an evil smile and said, "How, what other cards do you show up with?"

The old town owner glanced viciously at the beaver, but his heart was anxious.

The calculation time should be almost the same. Why is there no movement so far? At this critical juncture, don't make any mistakes with this last hole card.

The old town master did not speak, and the beavers were not polite to him.

Just as a few people were about to kill the old city owner, a few bright lightnings suddenly lit up in the sky, at the same time, a strong coercion struck them like a whirlwind.

Bai Jue and Zhuo Qingyun, and Lan Yanyu instantly felt like their hearts were being suppressed, and they couldn't breathe.

Not only the beavers, but even those soldiers who didn't cultivate themselves felt dizzy.

The old town owner and the old father left them sweating for a moment, but they were very happy and even excited.

Mo Beichen glanced expressionlessly at the direction of the city's main mansion, his purple eyes narrowed slightly.

At this point, everyone in the city's main house dazzled out of the room.

"What's the matter? I'm dizzy."

"Good coercion, is that person about to be promoted to the rank of god."

Everyone looked at each other and ran to Xiyuan.

Cen Miaolu also ran to Zuo Yuqing's room with her belly.

Outside Zuo Yuqing's room, a strong silver mysterious force was constantly leaking, and everyone was afraid to approach.

In the room, Zuo Yuqing closed his eyes, his face flushed and sweaty, and suddenly he opened his eyes suddenly and yelled up.

"Yeah!" A silver mysterious pillar went straight for nine days.

The movement of the city's mansion instantly shocked Bu Yangzi and others at Fengshen College.

"What's going on? So strong mysterious power fluctuations." Elder Tu first ran out of the yard.

Elder Yuan looked at Yinguang at the horizon and frowned, "In Shengtian City, that person should have been promoted."

Elder Su said brightly, "I'm really more and more curious about that exercise, it turned out to be so fast."

He has studied countless exercises in his life, and has never seen such amazing exercises.

Bu Yangzi frowned and looked at Shengtian. "Go and see, Tanuki may need our help."


A few people flew down the Fengshen Mountain in an uproar.

Not long after a few people left, another figure of Fengshen College flew out.

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