Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 817: The king is defeated and he does n’t understand.

Chen Chong raised his eyes and looked at Baiju in amazement.

How did she know that gunpowder was related to them?

Hubak and Yan Hongtian were all surprised, did they just explode the gunpowder?

The **** squinted his eyes again, and Chen Chong's boots were stained with yellow mud. "This kind of hard yellow mud is rare."

Chen Chong looked at the boots on his feet and frowned instantly.

Shi Ran and Nie Qing finally stunned. Isn't this yellow mud exactly like the yellow mud in that secret passage?

When the beavers found evidence, the mercenary regiments hurriedly cleared their responsibilities.

"It's not us, it's our head, it's nothing to do with us."

"Yes, Chen Chong did it. We don't know anything."

"Kill Chen Chong if you want to kill, let us go."

Listening to the sorrows of the mercenaries, Chen Chong's face became ugly in an instant, and he looked up at Baitan calmly, "I'm just acting as instructed, why should the head of Mo hold me?"

The **** sneered sneer, "Killing a man to pay for his life, no matter whose life you serve, you should pay."

Chen Chong's face changed greatly, panic, "You want to kill me?"

The **** raised his eyebrows and asked coldly, "Why, don't you think you should die?"

He must have died a hundred times for the evil he had done for that man.

Chen Chong's face instantly turned into a pig's liver color, and he no longer knelt. He stood up and said, "White beaver, how old are you, why kill me?"

He has always been above 10,000 people in Shengtian City, and even Yi Xiang had to bow to his knees when he saw him. Why did this woman dare to treat him like this?

Liu Yan and Xing Yuan were so angry that they immediately wanted to rush forward to teach Chen Chong, but was stopped by Mo Beichen.

The **** was not upset, slowly raised his eyes, and finally glanced at Chen Chong.

Several gold needles flew out, and before Chen Chong responded, he fell to the ground.

He just heard the answer before dying.

Beaver looked at Chen Chong's body coldly, and slowly retrieved her golden needle.

The king did not understand the defeat, and he died unfairly.

Seeing Chen Chong's death, the mercenaries of War Wolf immediately begged in fear.

"Head Mo, let us go."

"Please, Commander Mo, we will never dare."

"I have old, young, and young, give me a way to live."


The **** glanced at them with an expressionless expression, "Abandoning their cultivation and throwing out of the city.


Cao Yue and they immediately responded.

Ignoring the begging of those people, Baiju directly pulled Mo Beichen away.

Yan Hongtian, Hubak and others immediately followed.

The screams were endless behind him, but no one turned back sympathetically.

These people take their own faults and are not worthy of sympathy.

The **** walked to the middle street, looked at the two corpses on the ground frowning frantically, and leaned his head and instructed Huo Bin, "Collect the corpses of these people in the city, and let the people return to the city to recognize the bodies."


Huo Bin looked at the two bodies on the ground with pity, turned around and found someone to collect the bodies.

"Let's go to the city's capital."

Baitan pulled Mo Beichen and walked to the main city.

City main house backyard.

Old Master Zuo and Fang Zuo originally wanted to find a carriage, but the entire city's main house was blown up, let alone a carriage, not even a carriage.

Zuo Fangyi glanced sadly at Zuo Yuqing Road in the arms of Mr. Zuo, "You wait here for a while, I'll look elsewhere."

Mr. Zuo nodded, and then left Zuo Yuqing carefully.

Zuo Fangyi left the backyard and went directly to the government office not far away.

Looking at the corpse in the courtyard, the **** Lengman was shot instantly in the left father's eyes.

That man designed everyone in his plan. If they didn't go to the tower with him, then they would die in the main palace, or if the woman Beaver was stupid, they would all die in the tower.

He didn't want them to leave Shengtian City alive, but unfortunately his organs were exhausted, but he failed in the end, but he was also vicious, and even his closest children and grandchildren could be pulled together for funeral, just like that, He is worse than him.

Zuo Fangyi found a carriage in the house and drove back to the backyard. "Daddy, get in the car."

Mr. Zuo picked up Zuo Yuqing and was about to get in the car, but he heard a weak voice shouting, "Grandfather, save me."

The two turned around and looked back at the same time, and saw Cen Miaolu slowly move towards them with blood.

"It's you."

Seeing Cen Miaolu, Father Zuo instantly raised a wicked fire and raised his hand to hack at her.

"Dad, don't." Zuo Fangyi saw this and immediately clasped Father Zuo's hand. "She is pregnant with Qing'er's child."

Zuo Fangyi's eyes looked at Cen Miaolu brightly, as if he had seen the last hope in his dim life.

Father Zuo narrowed his eyes resentfully. He hated this woman. If it weren't for her, why would Qinger die? How could they fall into such danger?

"I beg you ... take me away." Cen Miaolu crawled desperately towards them, begging hard.

She knew that this was her only hope for life. She had only a dead end to stay here, so she had to go back to Blue Magic with them.

Zuo Fangyi glanced at Cen Miaolu and begged, "Dad, let's take her away, she has Qing'er's child."

He has only three sons in his life, but now he has left him. The pain of white hair and black hair has been experienced three times in his life. The child in this woman's belly is his only hope now. Take her anyway.

Father Zuo's eyes flashed, hesitantly looking at Cen Miaolu's **** legs.

As if he knew what Master Zuo thought, Cen Miaolu quickly explained, "I hurt my leg ... child ... nothing."

Fortunately, she has just protected the child in the stomach for the first time, otherwise this child will not be able to keep it, and her life will not be saved.

Father Zuo frowned, glanced at the booklet exposed by Cen Miaolu's chest, and his eyes flashed lightly, "Take her away."


Zuo Fang Yi was overjoyed and immediately stepped forward and carried Cen Miaolu into the carriage.

Three men left the city with a corpse.

As soon as Father Left left here, Bai Tan and Mo Beichen went to the front yard of the city's main government house.

After the explosion, the city's main government building has been completely ruined, with broken limbs everywhere, and it is impossible to tell how many people have died, but it seems that there should be no survivors.

The **** frowned. Although she did not sympathize with the Cen family, she was still distressed for the crimes committed by the old city host.

Beaver turned and watched Xie Kun commanded, "Pick up these wreckages and bury them with him."

Since he wanted his children and grandchildren to be buried with him, she would complete him, and let them go to the ground to settle their accounts.


Xie Kun responded immediately and packed up with the others.

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