Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 843: A different kind of candle night

Zhuo Qingyun frowned, becoming more confused.

That woman doesn't want to marry him? So what did she do to marry their Zhuo family?

Seeing his face confused, Lan Yanyu smiled lightly, and briefly explained the cause and effect of the incident.

After listening to Zhuo Qingyun, she felt for a moment before saying, "This family marriage is really good."

He doesn't want to marry, and people don't want to marry. If they really get together, I'm afraid they are also a pair of grudges.

Zhuo Qingyun shivered and hugged Lan Yuyu tightly. "Thank you for loving me too."

Complaints are terrible, but fortunately they have people who love each other.

Lan Yanyu's lip angle slightly raised, and handed him the cloth towel in his hand, "Wipe me back."

"it is good."

Zhuo Qingyun immediately took the cloth towel obediently and helped Lan Yanyu to wipe her back.

Zhuo Qingyun's movements were very light. Lan Yanyu lay beside the tub and narrowed her eyes comfortably.

When Zhuo Qingyun started, she rubbed it seriously, but she rubbed her heart and began to care about it.

He leaned down and kissed the drops of water on his back, his hot body pressed against him, and the fiery kiss spread a little bit upwards, wrapping his ears.


Lan Yanyu groaned unconsciously, turned and looked at Zhuo Qingyun in confusion.

Zhuo Qingyun hugged Lan Yuyu to him, holding his head, and eagerly kissed his thin lips.

Lan Yanyu reached out to his chest and tried to push him away, but he kissed weakly.

A hot kiss, like a torrential rain in a blast, was quick and fast.

Lan Yanyu couldn't bear it, like a flat boat wandering on the sea, drowsy, rising and falling with his hot kiss.

Suddenly, he opened his **** eyes and looked at him nervously.

Zhuo Qingyun kissed his eyes lovingly, grinding his body, and muttering in his ear, "Give me, I want you."

A series of currents ran through his body at once, and Lan Yanyu let go of his hand and closed his eyes sinkingly.

Suddenly, his face was pale, and the tear-like pain made him lie on Zhuo Qingyun's neck.

Zhuo Qingyun was startled and quickly raised his face anxiously, "Are you hurting? Sorry."

I didn't expect him to be so painful because he was so anxious.

Lan Yanyu leaned weakly into his arms, gritted his teeth, "Go to bed."

Zhuo Qingyun frowned, and quickly obediently took him out of the tub.

Putting him gently on the bed, looking at his pale complexion, Zhuo Qingyun felt that his heart was broken.

"Forget it, don't do it."

Zhuo Qingyun kissed his forehead and pulled him over the quilt.

Lan Yanyu felt warm, took out a pill box from the storage ring and handed it to Zhuo Qingyun, "use this."

The candlelight twined, under the red tent, lingering.

The old Mrs. Zhuo, who was returning outside, heard the ambiguous voice in the room and was instantly excited.

Originally she was not at ease, thinking that it was the kid's strategy to her again. Now that she heard the movement, she was finally at ease.

This kid finally has a woman. Although this granddaughter is not the one she chose, the kid has a good vision and the girl looks good. Her grandson must look good in the future.

As long as Qing'er had it, she could close her eyes with peace of mind.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, had a complex look and could not tell what the mood was.

The owner and the new wife turned out to be a round house. Is it the old lady's plan? If the owner is awake, he will not regret it.

Mrs. Zhuo overheared for a while, then turned red-faced, and saw Ye Lin in a daze. She raised her hand and patted him on the head.

Ye Lin turned back and immediately bowed.

Mrs. Zhuo took Ye Lin out of the yard lightly, "It looks like your master will not run tonight, you go to rest."


Ye Lin bowed, and watched the old lady go away, then glanced at Zhuo Qingyun's room quietly, sighed, and turned away.

Zhuo Qingyun entangled Lan Yuyu all night, and stopped at dawn.

Looking at Lan Yuyu's tired sleeping face, Zhuo Qingyun leaned over and kissed lovingly.

He is finally his, and he can get him, and he has no regrets in this life, even if he was immediately killed, he has no regrets.

Zhuo Qingyun hugged Lan Yuyu, looked at him so stupidly, and never slept.

Lan Yanyu didn't sleep long, and woke up before dawn.

Zhuo Qingyun looked at the dim sky outside and said softly, "It's still early, you can sleep for a while."

Lan Yanyu looked at Zhuo Qingyun with a red face, "I want to take a bath, can you help me get water?"

"Okay, you wait for me."

Zhuo Qingyun gently put a kiss on his forehead, and got up to get dressed and go out to fetch water.

Lan Yanyu sat up, got out of bed with some difficulty, and picked out a piece of Zhuo Qingyun's clothes from the closet to put on.

Nostalgicly glanced at the entire room before Lan Yanyu took a letter from the storage ring and placed it on the table, then sneaked out of the room.

Zhuo Qingyun quickly returned with two buckets of hot water. He poured the hot water into a wooden bucket, put the bath water in, and then entered the room.

Seeing no one on the bed, Zhuo Qingyun went to the atrium again, and still did not see the figure, he was in a hurry, "Lan Yuyu!"

Zhuo Qingyun ran out, but stopped momentarily when she saw the letter on the table.

Zhuo Qingyun hurriedly opened the letter.

I'm gone, don't look for me.

I used to think naively that two people would love each other until I met you.

I have escaped countless times before, but still cannot escape your love and my heart.

Zhuo Qingyun, did I say I love you?

I love you, Zhuo Qingyun!

I love you, I do n’t regret it, and if I marry you, I do n’t regret it. I wo n’t regret what happened last night.

No matter if we will meet again in the future, you are my favorite person in my life.

In this world, there are too many people who love but cannot be together, and too many people who do not love but tend to be together.

So don't be sad, at least we've loved it before.

You and I have too many responsibilities and missions. I can't escape, but you can't avoid it.

Zhuo Qingyun, let's see you again.

Zhuo Qingyun was panicked to the extreme, shaking her hand uncontrollably.

Lan Yuyu!

Zhuo Qingyun immediately ran out with red eyes.

"Lan Yuyu!"

He shouted and ran, and soon shocked the people in the house.

After a while, the villa lit a candlelight all over the moon.

"what happened?"

"Looks like the owner, what is the name of the blue bird?"

"What kind of blue pheasant, who is it? Isn't Madame Zhou Peiyun?"

Ye Lin heard Zhuo Qingyun's voice, and a spirit erected from the bed.

Something really happened!

"Lan Yuyu!"

Zhuo Qingyun ran out of Banyue Mountain Villa at a stretch. He chased after a long time without finding anything.

"Lan Yuyu!"

Zhuo Qingyun shouted from the sky, kneeling heavily on the ground.

Lan Yuyu ...

The burning tears in the corner of his eyes could no longer fall down uncontrollably, drop by drop into the dust.

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