Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 849: Buy people

Ju Lao looked at Beaver Road with a smile, "This is the new city main mansion. Look at the city owner. If you are not satisfied, I will let the artisans change it."

As soon as Ju Lao's voice fell, there were people saying, "Does the city's owner like this city's mansion? We all have a share."

"Yeah, yeah, we all build it."

Baitan originally wanted to say "too big", but nodded in disappointment. "I like it very much, thank you all, you worked hard."

The **** said, and bowed at them.

The people were moved for a moment, and they quickly bowed back to salute.

Ju Lao looked at the **** with relief.

It is true that she was elected as the new city master. It is the blessing of the city to have such respect for the people.

Ju Lao smiled at Baiju with a pleased gesture, "Citylord, go in and see."

Bai Tan nodded, and entered the city's main house with Mo Beichen.

Liu Yan and Ren Tianheng also wanted to follow up, but the gifts over their heads blocked their sight and they couldn't move at all.

Ju Lao looked at the funny moves of the two, and immediately directed the two young men behind him to help.

Liu Ye and Ren Tianheng were a lot more relaxed this time. Several people worked together to send the gifts to the kitchen of the city's main house.

The city's main mansion is very magnificent outside, and the space inside is also large. There are as many as four or five main courtyards, and there are many side courts and guest courts.

The **** walked past several main courtyards, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

The city's main government building is indeed large enough, and it is larger than their Bai family. The courtyard is not as large as Bai government.

After visiting a few courts, Ju Lao and the two led the two to the largest main court. "This main court is located in the middle. This is the place to live for you. Of course, if you don't like it, you can change to another main court. "

The **** raised his eyebrows indifferently. "It's fine here. There's nothing to dislike."

Beaver looked at some empty yard, his eyes flashed.

Seeing Bai Ju's thoughts, Ju Lao immediately bowed and said, "Because of the rush of time, I have only had time to build the government.

The **** chuckled, and when he was about to say something, he listened to Mo Beichen and said, "You don't need to worry about the furnishings. I will send someone to do it."

"Yes." Ju Lao hesitated and quickly responded.

Mo Beichen tilted his head to look at Liu Yan, who immediately retreated with a smile.

The wife has her own mansion, and Ye's collections are somewhere.

Lao Ju bowed again and said, "The city main house has been built. When is the city host planning to host a succession banquet?"

The **** groaned for a moment and said, "The day after tomorrow."

Ju Lao nodded, "Okay, I'll let them prepare."

Ju Lao bowed and retreated.

The white raccoon glanced at the empty courtyard, and his eyebrows narrowed again.

"Let's go, let's go out and buy a few people to come back, this is really space."

Said by the beaver, he pulled Mo Beichen out of the city's main mansion.

Ren Tianheng immediately followed.

The three arrived at the Yujiaofang in the city. This Yujiaofang is a place where the people in Shengtian City buy and sell people. Whether they want to sell themselves or buy people, they all come here.

The boss of Yujiaofang saw Baiju and Mo Beichen, hurriedly greeted him, bowed and saluted, "Small, see the Lord of the City, Mo Ye."

"No courtesy."

Before the boss got up, Bai Tan and Mo Beichen went directly to the Yujiaofang.

After the boss stunned, he quickly followed up and flattered, "I wonder if there is anything I can do to help the two?"

Beaver glanced at the boss. "Let's pick some maids and sisters-in-law, and let the boss introduce you."

The boss laughed even more when he heard that the business came to the door. "Originally, you have to pick slaves. You just need to say something, and the younger will take you to your house to pick you up. Where does it take you to come home? "

The boss patted the **** while leading the **** to the backyard.

The backyard of Yujiaofang is quite large. There are a lot of people inside, including men and women, old and young, like a large mixed house.

"City Lord please wait a moment." The boss bowed to Baiju before he walked forward and said, "Stop it all, come all over."

When those people heard the voice of the boss, they all stopped and ran over.

The boss glanced at everyone, cleared his throat and said, "This is the new city owner, and this is the city's husband and grandfather Momo."

Everyone raised their eyes and looked at Baiju and Mo Beichen, but they were all shocked.

A beautiful pair of people, just like the immortals who fell into the world.

After a long while, all the people came back and saluted, "See the city master, Moye."

The boss yelled proudly again, "The city owner is here today to choose someone, and they have stood up to me. If anyone can enter the city mansion, it will be a great blessing."


Everyone was happy when they heard.

The Lord of the City has come to pick people. This is a good thing. If he is selected, he can serve the Lord of the City.

All of a sudden, everyone stood upright.

The boss returned to the **** and nodded his head and said, "The city owner can choose."

The **** walked over, first glanced at the crowd, and then exclaimed, "Hui Wugong is out."

As soon as the beaver's words fell, several people came out of the team. There were not many people, only six people, five men, and one woman.

The beavers checked their practices and found that they were not very high. Most people were just red spirits, and only one man was orange spirit.

The white **** raised his eyebrows. Although they were not high, they all had room for improvement, and it was no harm to be a guard.

"You go aside."

Several people hurriedly moved to the side.

"Can cook to depart."

Soon a few people stood up. This time there were more people, a dozen, mostly middle-aged women and a few middle-aged men.

The **** walked to a few people, observed them silently, and finally chose a relatively clean two men and three women, "You guys go there."

The people who were selected were overjoyed immediately, and those who were able to martial arts were immediately happy. It seemed that they had been selected by the city owner.

After choosing the guard and the cook, the chef, Baijue chose a few embroidered women who can make clothes, servants and young women who can wash and clean, and a few rough girls. The ones who were chosen were all relatively clean people.

Beaver looked at two or thirty people behind him and raised an eyebrow. "Okay, just a few of them. How much does it cost?"

The boss glanced at the remaining half, charmingly, "Just a few, don't you choose two more? Choose a few more personal maids."

As soon as the boss said this, the young women who had lost their faces in the middle suddenly became energetic.

Without waiting for the **** to speak, a good-looking woman rushed over, "Citylord buy me, I can do everything."

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