Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 851: Everything i have is yours

When Bai Tan and Mo Beichen returned to the main city, Ren Tianheng had already arrived.

"Bai Shimei, this is their selling deed, as well as these silver tickets." Ren Tianheng gave the selling deed to the **** along with the silver ticket.

Beaver looked at the silver ticket and frowned. "Why are you back?"

Ren Tianheng chuckled, "Maybe I was angry at you, afraid you would blame him."

The **** scowled and said, "I'm really angry. This is even my mental loss."

Beaver was also polite and shoved the stack of silver tickets into his arms.

What came to mind, Bai Tan looked at Ren Tianheng again, "Yes, Brother Ren will help me find Xu Zhong."

Ren Tianheng said slightly, uncertainly, "is the housekeeper Xu Zhong of the former city master?"

The **** nodded. "Yes, that's him. I want to invite him to be a housekeeper in the main city house."

After the city's main government fell, she felt that he had no place in this holy heaven city, and then let him leave. Now that she is the city main, she can naturally protect him.

Xu Zhong was the steward of that person before, but she felt that others were good, hard-working and not very talkative, and did not do any bad things, and he had been a steward for so many years, and had experience, which happened to be in her city's main government Lack of management like him.

Ren Tianheng nodded silently. He had lived in the city's mansion for a while before, but the character of the housekeeper Xu was really good.

"I'll find it now."

When Ren Tianheng finished speaking, he turned around and left the city's main mansion to go to the county to check Xu Zhong's information.

The **** summoned those who had just bought, said a few rules, and then assigned their own tasks, and that was all.

The city's main government building has just been built, and there are still many things that have not been arranged. Baiju and Mo Beichen did not stay in the government any more, but returned to Xianhu Palace.

When Mo Beichen returned, Qin Tian and Qin Lang came to find someone.

"Prince, princess."

Mo Beichen raised his eyes and looked at the two of them, expressing expressionlessly, "Is something wrong?"

Qin Tian immediately bowed. "It's so. The subordinates don't know what to do with the 100,000 soldiers who surrendered before, so please ask for instructions."

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrow and looked at Baiju.

The **** groaned for a moment and said, "Shengtian City has just passed through the tragedy. The city must be left without guards, but they are all private soldiers. It is best if someone can train them."

The **** said babblely and looked at Mo Beichen.

Although she has a lot of people around her, she really doesn't have any talents to lead the army. In this regard, she definitely has to rely on Amo.

The corner of Mo Beichen's lips ticked slightly, looking at her petulantly, "I leave Qin Lang to you."

Qin Lang was dumbfounded. Wang Ye wanted to leave him here to train private soldiers?

Qin Tian frowned.

Bai Tan's eyes brightened with surprise.

Qin Lang was naturally satisfied, but was it appropriate for the great general of the Moxue Kingdom to stay in the Holy Heaven like this?

There is nothing wrong with Mo Beichen's evil lips. Qin Tian and Qin Lang are his exclusive generals. They only obey him.

Hearing Mo Beichen's heartfelt, Bai Tan then looked at Qin Lang with confidence, "I don't know if General Qin would like to stay and help me."

Qin Lang returned to his knees, and immediately knelt down, "Subordinates are willing to work for the princess."

"General Qin, please." The **** immediately got up and helped Qin Lang.

Qin Lang took a step back and bowed, "Did your subordinates start training them tomorrow?"

The **** narrowed his eyes and said, "Find out if they have done evil before, killers without cause, and adulterers have beheaded and beheaded, and all the maggots are picked out before training.

Qin Lang smiled and bowed, "Subordinates understand."

Mo Beichen waved at the two, and they bowed down.

After the two went out, Bai Tan pinched Mo Beichen's neck and said, "You really want to leave me your general?"

Mo Beichen held her in his arms. "Everything I own is yours, even I belong to you, not to mention them."

Beaver smiled, and kissed him on the lips like a reward.

Outside, Qin Tian looked at Qin Lang and frowned, "Do you really want to stay?"

Qin Langyang glanced at Qin Tian, ​​"Do you think I have a choice?"

The lives of both of their brothers were given by Wang Ye, who trained them and led their soldiers to fight, so that they could become great generals. Without Wang Ye, they would be nothing.

Qin Tian frowned and did not speak.

Qin Lang chuckled, "In fact, the princess is very interesting, and the ability of the princess is not worse than that of the king."

He said that the ability is not to lead the soldiers to fight. The princess is very clever, knows how to use people, and buys people ’s hearts. Anyone who is willing to follow her is dead-hearted. This is different from Wang Ye.

Lord Wang never bothered to run these, or he was disdainful, so except for a few of their loyal subordinates, not many people were available. At this point, the princess is much stronger than the prince.

Another thing is that the princess is more ambitious than the grandfather. The grandfather never cares about power. Even when she became the regent, she never saw him. The princess is different. She has ambitions, plans, and methods. Everything is paving the way for the future.

Do those people really think that the Lord of the Heavenly City was picked up by the princess? How could she easily win the Holy City without the pavement that the princess had done before.

Qin Lang looked up at the sky, "Brother, do you believe? In the future, the success of the princess may not be under the royal lord."

"Really?" Qin Tian raised his eyebrows lightly.

Qin Lang took a deep breath and suddenly walked, "Don't you think our final destination will be here?"

Wang Ye has long retired. He has been cultivating the independence of the little emperor over the years. Many things have been let go. I believe it wo n’t be long before Wang Ye will leave Mo Xue, and they will naturally follow Wang Ye.

The king retired, and the most convenient place to come was the Holy City, because this was the princess's territory.

Therefore, he chose to stay. Since he will come here sooner or later, it is better to come early and have a good relationship with the princess first, and Xie Kun and Cao Yue are both good and get along well.

Qin Tian followed his eyes and looked at the sky, only to feel that the sky was blue and pure, as if it could purify the soul.

In the afternoon, Qin Lang went to investigate the private soldiers.

According to Baitan's request, all soldiers who committed murder and raped for no reason during the period of defending the city were all escorted to the prison car. After a circle around the city, they were escorted to the execution ground and beheaded in public.

On the day of the execution, people gathered on the sidelines, and everyone threw stinky eggs and rotten vegetables at the soldiers.

Watching them beheaded, the families of the victims were comforted in their hearts.

After today ’s incident, the **** ’s profound righteousness has been praised by the people, and the people in the city have been discussing it for several days.

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