Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 867: Trust me, give everything to me

From a nibble to a light kiss, his movements became gentle, and seemed to be very satisfied with his answer.

His lips moved slowly between his neck, brushing his neck slightly, his shoulders, his collarbone.

His body became weaker and weaker, and he could only cling to him tightly to prevent his body from sliding down.

The fiery lips moved to his ear again, nibbling at the tip of his ear, "Trust me, give me everything."

"Hmm ..." A moaning and answering voice lit the tinder in his body instantly.

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Murong Yan raised his eyes, facing his equally dazzling eyes, and said dumbly, "Trust me."

Yun Shaoning flushed a small medicine box from the pile of clothes, and used it for himself in his suspicious eyes.

As clever as he was, he quickly understood the role of the little pillbox.

He grinds at him and quiesces dumbly, "Where did it come from?"

Yun Shaoning was so ashamed that he didn't talk.

If you let him know that the thing that Lan Yanyu gave, he will definitely overturn the vinegar jar.

Yun Shaoning didn't answer, and Murong Min was not upset, still teasing him slowly, "Take this thing with you, it seems you've already prepared."

Yun Shaoning's face turned redder with his ambiguous voice. Under his burning eyes, he took the initiative to put on his lips.

On the outside, the moon is cold like water, and on the inside, it is like fire.

The ambiguous voice is like a moving piece of music, perfectly interpreted in this quiet valley.

It was a long time before the crippled voice stopped.

Yun Shaoning panted lightly back to Murong Hui, and Jun Mei's face was flushed.

After the passion, he seemed to have finally let go, but it seemed like he was carrying a heavy load, and he was unable to breathe a bit.

Mu Rongxi hugged him from behind with a slumped face, and gently nudged his head, as if he had been the world's most satisfied.

The warmth behind him made Yun Shaoning's eyes hot, and a tear fell down instantly, "Sorry, I still hurt you."

Even after all his struggles, he still became a sinner.

Murong suddenly felt a pain in his heart, gently leveled him, and lovingly lifted the tears from the corner of his eye. "No, I'm glad, I'm glad you finally belonged to me completely."

He just didn't want to give himself any retreat, he didn't need any retreat, he didn't need anything, as long as he was always by his side.

Yun Shaoning looked at him calmly, his eyes full of movement.

He Ho De Ho can get such a blessing, he is really not afraid, even if he is dead now, he has no regrets.

Murong Yu bowed his head gently and kissed gently, "Don't be afraid, leave everything to me, I believe I can handle it."

"Um." Yun Shaoning raised his lips and responded softly.


Murong Hui held him back in his arms and patted his back like a kid.

Xu was really tired, and Yun Shaoning soon fell asleep.

Murong Yu gently slapped him in the forehead and hugged him to sleep.

East Palace.

Murong Shuofeng sat in Murong's house all night without waiting for him to return.

The sky brightened a little, Murong Shuofeng squeezed the corner of the table, his face was so dull that it could freeze into frost.

Rong Gong trembled forward to the ground, bowed and said, "The emperor, five is more heavenly, and is about to go up."

Murong Shuofeng held back his anger and said with a dark face, "What did the people sent to Dingguo Government say?"

Rong Gong frowned, and said arduously, "Say ... say Yun Shizi didn't return home last night."

In a word, Murong Shuofeng's anger soared to the apex instantly, and the table smashed into powder instantly.

Rong Gong shivered and immediately knelt down on the ground.

Murong Shuo narrowed his eyes angrily and said, "Look for him, and dig the ground three feet to find them."

Rong Gong frowned and bowed his head, "The emperor, maybe ... His Royal Highness is just ..."

Without waiting for Rong to finish his speech, Murong Shuofeng growled angrily, "Go and find me, and go now."


Rong Gong dare to say one more thing, he crawled up and ran out.

Where is Murong Shuofeng?

"Where have your princes gone?"

Zhuyun's eyes flickered lightly, and he lowered his eyes and said, "I don't know."

Murong Shuofeng was instantly angry, and yelled, "Useless slave, get a hundred boards by myself."


After chasing clouds, obediently went out to get the board.

The sound of "popping" boards rang through the entire yard, making people panic.

Zhuiyun gritted his teeth coldly, without saying a word.

Your Highness, Your Highness, the next time you leave is not enough.

Next time he must follow His Royal Highness, it is better to face the ice cube than to the tyrant.

Sang Zhi looked at the board again and again, and immediately ran back to the room with a chill on his back.

Murong Xuefei frowned. "Did the emperor go up?"

Mulberry shook his head and pursed his lips. "No, the emperor said he won't be facing today."

Murong Xuefei's face was sullen and dignified, and it was awful. The father and the emperor didn't go up, and the matter was a big deal. Certainly even the mother will know after a while.

Where did he go, the emperor, knowing his father doubted him, he didn't return all night.

As Murong Xuefei thought, things would soon get into trouble. Xue Guifei, Yunfu, Xu Fei, and Lan Feitong went to the East Palace, but Murong Shuofeng was gone, not even the Queen and Murong Xuefei.

Everyone was in the mist and fog, I don't know what happened, and the queen was so anxious that she even sent people to Murongyu, but there was no news at all.

The civil and military officials in the court here were told that the emperor was boiling when he did not go to the dynasty today.

"Is the emperor ill, why not come up?"

"Probably not. Yesterday was fine."

"What the **** happened?"

Murong Shuofeng has always been diligent, his body is very tough, and ordinary small hair and minor illnesses will not come to the upside, so this rare absence promptly caused the speculation of courtiers.

Yunzhi listened anxiously to the speculations of his colleagues.

After Ning'er went to the palace last night, he never returned. He also sent someone to Xuefu. Xue Qingyu returned home early. He thought Ning'er was left in the palace. I didn't expect anyone in the palace at midnight Come here.

Ning'er and his prince were gone, so the emperor did not come to the court.

Thinking of his son and his prince, Yun Zhiyu ran back to Yunfu in a cold sweat.

He must find Ning'er and Prince Edward as soon as possible.

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