Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 870: Marriage

Murong Shuofeng returned to the Royal Study and attracted Zijin.


Murong Shuofeng looked at Zijin, squinting his eyes and said, "Lead all Ziwei to guard the prince's palace for me. The prince is not allowed to step out of the palace."

Zi Jin lifted her eyes, as if she had heard it wrong, with a shock in her face.

Murong Shuofeng ignored Zijin's shock and continued with a dark face, "No one is allowed to enter the East Palace."

Zijin finally realized that he heard it right. The emperor really wanted to put the prince under house arrest.

"Yes." Zijin didn't dare to speculate on the divine will, and quickly responded.

After Zijin left, Murong Shuofeng leaned back tiredly on the back of the chair.

Seeing this from Murong Shuofeng, the father-in-law did not dare to step forward, but could only hold his head down and stand side by side respectfully.

"I want Yun Shaoning, I love him."

"I only like Yun Shaoning. I don't want anyone except him."

"I won't be a prince or prince. You deserve me as a citizen."

Murong Shuofeng gritted his teeth.

No, he never allows ...

Mu Rongshuo sat up satisfactorily, picked up the pen and the imperial decree, and immediately thought of writing a killing order, he immediately thought of Murong's warning words.

"Don't touch him, don't touch Yun's house, otherwise you know my temper."

Murong Shuo Feng Feng for a long time, angrily threw the Zhu pen on the table.

"Go, get the books and scrolls from the Home Office."

Rong Gong slightly responded and quickly responded, bowed out, and soon took a few eunuchs in, holding the roster and scroll.

Murong Shuofeng waved everyone back and buried himself in the roster and paintings.

Early the next morning, the imperial decree of marriage to General Weiyuan.

"Carried from heaven, the emperor said: Fu Ruoshi, the daughter of General Wenwen Yuan, is very generous, gentle and good-looking, and has a good appearance. She is named the prince's side concubine and immediately enters the palace."

After listening to the decree, the family instantly rejoiced.

This is a good thing of God. Although it is only the prince's side concubine, but the prince has not formally married, if you first conceive the dragon, then it will not be impossible for the prince to become the queen.

The most important thing is that if Ruo Shi's children are likely to be crowned Princes in the future, if that is the case, their Weiyuan General House will really rise.

Fu Ruoshi is also happy and excited.

She has seen His Royal Highness a few times before. His Royal Highness is so beautiful and noble. She has long been the target of marriage for all the women in the Imperial City. Unfortunately, the **** has been occupying the place of Princess Royal. No chance at all.

It is a pity that it is only a side concubine, but it does not matter. It is good to be a side concubine as her. As long as she can get the favor of her Royal Highness, is she worried that she has no chance to climb up?

Rong Gong glanced at Fu Ruoshi's excited expression and frowned.

Sure enough, she is the daughter of Wufu, and there is no way to compare with the sons and daughters of the family, but unfortunately why Yun Shizi is a male.

Father Rong sighed and handed out the imperial edict in his hand, "General Weiyuan, take the edict."

General Wei Yuan Fu Yan immediately gave his head a thankful excitement, "Thank Lord Ron."

After Fu Yi accepted the imperial edict, Father Rong pointed to the pink cabway aside, "Front concubine, go with the slave."

Fu Ruoshi looked at the pink coupe for a while, "But I haven't changed my clothes yet."

She hasn't been seriously dressed yet, should she let her go to see the prince like this? She doesn't want to.

Rong Gong scorned his lips and said, "Into the palace, what kind of clothes and jewellery are not available, but the concubine and concubine must think clearly, this is the imperative.

Fu Ruoshi frowned, and was somewhat dissatisfied with Rongrong's attitude, but he felt relieved to hear him call her a concubine.

Afraid to offend Rong Gong, Fu Yansheng quickly pushed his daughter and said, "The emperor asked you to go now, and now go, what is Luo Luo?"

Mrs. Fu Chen also immediately said, "Shi Er goes first, and tomorrow's mother will let your things pass by."

Fu Ruoshi nodded, "All right."

In fact, tonight, when she was flattered, where did she care about these gold and silver jewelry at home?

Fu Ruoshi glanced proudly at Rongrong, then raised his head and raised his chest, and entered the pink sedan gracefully.

Looking at Fu Ruoshi's pretentious gesture, Rong Gong's eyes were even more disdainful.

However, it is just a concubine who has not yet been favored, so it is arrogant. When she sees His Royal Highness Her Royal Highness, she may not be arrogant. It is estimated that this life is also a concubine.

Fu Yan quickly took out a stack of silver tickets and shoved them into Ronggong's arms.

Rong Gong glanced at Fu Yan, and said indifferently, "General Fu is assured that the queen concubine was personally ordered by the emperor. As long as she is safe and secure, she will not make any big mistakes, and she will always have her place in the palace even if she is not allowed . "

After saying these meaningful words, Rong Gong pushed the silver ticket back to Fu Yan, and led a group of people and the pink coupe away.

Holding on to the silver ticket, Fu Yan looked up at the pink coupe that was gradually away.

What does Rong Gong mean? How did he know that they must not be favored if they were poetry? He also hoped that Ruo Shi would give them the shining lintel of General Weiyuan.

Fu Zheng was a little angry when he thought about it. The father-in-law Rong really couldn't speak.

At the same time, the state government.

"Carried in Fengtian, the emperor said: The son of Dingguo, Yun Shaoning, is a man of high moral character. The emperor's son and son can be regarded as heaven and earth, so he specially gave a marriage and will marry tomorrow. "

When he heard the last sentence of tomorrow's marriage, Yunzhi Yan had turned pale.

Yun Shaoning was even more shocked. The emperor even gave him a wedding. What should he do?

After reading the decree, the **** smiled and passed it to Yun Shaoning. "Congratulations to Yun Shizi. Come on."

Yun Shaoning frowned ugly, clutching his hem tightly, as if he hadn't heard the little **** talking to him.

Yunzhi Yan glanced at Yun Shaoning's ugly face, and took the decree on his behalf, "Thank Lord Ron."

The little **** didn't see anything, just smiled at Yunzhi and said, "Come up, Yun Guogong is so blessed, the emperor is thinking about you, and he will also marry Yun Shizi personally. Yun Shizi's future is very good."

You know that the emperor does not easily marry. There are not many noble sons in Beijing who can make the emperor marry.

"Yes." Yunzhi Zheng stood up with a stiff face, and found a money bag from his sleeve and handed it to the little eunuch, "Let you have good words."

The little **** turned the money bag, and immediately laughed even more. "These days there are many happy events. The prince accepted the concubine today, and Yun Shizi married tomorrow. Good things have run into each other."

Yun Shaoning looked up at the words, "What did you say?"

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