Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 873: Concubine

Murong Shuofeng's deep eyes dangled, "It's Ye Er, he refused to get married. He had to choose a side concubine for him first, wasn't he afraid he wouldn't want this side concubine, so I thought of this. . "

Murong Shuofeng explained half-truthly that the truth must not be said, and because of her nature, she didn't know what was going to happen, let alone she was pregnant.

After listening to Murong Shuofeng's explanation, the queen's tense heart was relaxed.

"Just hold him up for this, you are not ignorant of his temperament, and he will blame you if you will."

From a young age, I've been a donkey temper, and I'm very opinionated. As long as what he wants to do is not the same, as long as he doesn't want to do it, it's useless to force you.

Murong Shuofeng's face turned black, which also required her to say, what is the temper of his own son, he would not know, but what else can he do now, he can only die as a live horse doctor.

"I won't hold him all the time, I have already decided to let the Fu family girl enter the palace, and when they round the room, I naturally let him out."

The queen frowned. "Girl Fu? Of General Weiyuan?"

Murong Shuofeng nodded, "Well, his niece, Fu Ruoshi."

"Is she?" The queen frowned slightly, dissatisfied. "Will it be too hasty?"

Then General Weiyuan was just a general of Sanpin. How could his daughter be worthy of a son?

Murong Shuofeng pouted his lips. "Yi'er is not young anymore, it's twenty-one years old. He refuses to get married, and it doesn't matter if he accepts a concubine first. Isn't it good if they have a son?

As soon as she heard the word "zi", the queen's eyes lightened, and she nodded immediately. "Also. Where have you arranged people?"

Although the identity is a bit worse, but it is just a concubine, and it really does not hinder anything. If it is really bad at that time, you will directly drop a place.

"Luo Shui Gong, I plan to let her go to the East Palace to serve my son tonight."

It is not too late, it must be done as soon as possible.

"Then I'll see."

The queen said, and then went away again.

Murong Shuofeng breathed a sigh of relief, leaning exhaustively on the dragon chair.

Luoshui Palace.

Fu Ruoshi was both excited and nervous, and the whole person seemed to be dreaming.

Looking at this luxurious palace, exquisitely carved beams and jade walls, and all kinds of precious furnishings, all are exciting.

No wonder so many people want to enter the palace with their heads crowded. This is indeed the place where all women dream of coming.

Now that she has finally arrived here, since she is here, she must be favored, and she will stay in this palace as a noble anyway.

Fu Ruoshi's personal maid Yuzhu touched the table and the chair excitedly, "Miss, this palace is so beautiful."

The things in this palace are different from the outside, which is much more refined than the outside, and there are many things that can't be seen outside. It is true that I followed the lady into the palace this time, and she will be regarded as a person in the palace.

Another impersonal maid jade stared at Yuzhu strangely, and then looked at Fu Ruoshi slaps and said, "What lady, our lady is already a concubine, and it's time to change her name to mother."

"Mother-in-law." Yuzhu rushed to Fu Ruoshi's blessing from the good.

Fu Ruoshi was so relieved that she called "Mother Niang" proudly. She raised her neck proudly and took a picture of the left and right side of the bronze mirror. "Okay, don't be poor, I don't know if Prince Edward likes me."

Yuzhu hurriedly said, "Mother-in-law, rest assured, Mother-in-law looks so beautiful, Her Royal Highness Crown Prince will definitely like her."

Jade also answered, "Yes, maiden, you are the queen concubine who the emperor has personally enshrined. How could her Royal Highness dislike you? Maybe her Royal Highness is looking for a marriage from the emperor."

Fu Ruoshi's eyes lit up brightly, and his heart was instantly excited.

Is it really the Prince who is looking for a marriage from the emperor?

This is not impossible. Although Dad is a general, he is only a third-class product. It is logical that the side concubine should not take her turn.

After all, His Royal Highness will want to be crowned emperor in the future. By then, even if the prince's side concubine cannot become the queen and the concubine, how can there be a concubine, not to mention that she is still the first concubine of Her Royal Highness, and the sentiment must be more different.

Maybe it was the Crown Prince who saw her where she would find the emperor to marry him. Although he was just a concubine, he could also see his affection for himself.

As soon as she thought that she would be happy with His Royal Highness, Fu Ruoshi couldn't help simmering, and she even started to imagine her future life with Prince Edward.

"The Queen Mother is here!"

Just as Fu Ruoshi was daydreaming, the queen arrived.

Fu Ruoshi was startled, and quickly got up and knelt, "See Queen Mother."

Both jadeware and jade beads knelt down in a sincere fear, "see the queen maiden."

The queen helped Cui Xia to sit on the main seat, and then glanced down at her. Fu Ruoshi, kneeling on the ground, "you are the daughter-in-law, Fu Ruoshi."

After hearing the majestic voice of the queen, Fu Ruoshi trembled suddenly and immediately bowed his head cautiously, "Yes, the daughter is the eldest daughter in the family."

The queen's lips sneered in disdain, and after a while, she raised her eyebrows, "Let's get up."

"Thank Queen Mother."

The three stood up with relief.

After Fu Ruoshi got up, the queen finally saw her.

Looking at her featureless face and the shabby clothes and jewelry on her body, the queen's face suddenly cooled down.

Sure enough, small doors and small households could not get on the table.

Although she didn't like Baijuer's woman, she had to admit that Baijuer was much better than this woman. Comparing them, it was one star and one mud.

The queen wanted to deal with Ruo Shi's dissatisfaction instantly. This woman really was not worthy of their sister-in-law. She didn't even have the qualifications to be a concubine.

The queen was black-faced and stared at Fu Ruoshi for a while before she said, "Do you know what it is to recruit you into the palace?"

Fu Ruoshi's cheeky face "teng" became red, and she quickly blessed and said, "The people know."

Looking at Fu Ruoshi's shameful gesture, the queen's face turned darker. "Go to the East Palace tonight. If the prince likes you, you are the concubine. If he doesn't like you, you are superfluous."

Fu Ruoshi's complexion turned pale, and her body stiffened and blessed.

Even jade articles and jade beads were scared, all with their heads bowed, and they dared not even breathe.

The queen didn't want to stay any more, so she got up and said, "Remember to serve the prince properly. If you provoke the prince, you should be clear in the end."

Fu Ruoshi's back was cold, and he immediately knelt down, "The people will definitely serve His Royal Highness."

Jade wares and Yuzhu also quickly knelt down.

The queen glanced coldly at the three servants and helped Cui Xia walk slowly.

When the queen was gone, Fu Ruoshi was shocked to sit on the ground.

Originally thought that the decree had been made, she must have been a concubine. I did not expect that it might not even be possible to do it.

No, she must win the favor of Her Royal Highness and be blessed by her. She must stay in the palace anyway. If she is really driven back, she will not be laughed to death or drowned by those people. of.

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