Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 875: Do you want to be my woman?

Luoshui Palace.

As soon as it was night, I came over to dress up Fu Ruoshi.

Fu Ruoshi washed inside and out three or four times, opened her face again, put on makeup, and then sent the housekeeper to the East Palace.

Fu Ruoshi was naked and wrapped in a quilt like a silkworm, shy and looking forward.

In the prince's palace here, Murong Yun was thinking about Yun Shaoning.

One day disappeared, I wonder what Yun Shaoning is doing now? Did you miss him?

After two days, the Emperor's father died, and he ran out to find him.

In the room, the housekeeper ordered incense, and the thick fragrance made Murong frown, but also felt a little hot.

Murong became alert immediately, and just about to get up to destroy the incense, the door opened.

The two eunuchs carried a woman into the room one after the other, and before Murong Chan spoke, they lifted the woman to Murong Chan's bed.

Murong Yan's face chilled coldly, and his murderous eyes shot at the two of them "suddenly", "If you want to die, you just let it go."

Listening to the cold sound without any feeling, Fu Ruoshi's heart trembled fiercely.

The two little eunuchs were even more frightened, and they stopped immediately and looked embarrassedly at Murong, "His Royal Highness, this is the emperor ..."

Before the words of the two were finished, they listened to Murong Yu screaming, "Get out."

Suddenly, the two trembled in fear, and no matter what, they directly placed Fu Ruoshi, who was on his shoulders, on the ground, and then rolled out.

Murong Yi got up and glanced at Fu Ruoshi on the ground, sneer, "Aren't you gonna spoil her? You two aren't going out yet, do you want to watch the solitary show?"

When the two housekeepers in the room heard this, they didn't dare to stay any more, and bowed out together.

The door was closed, and Murong Yue squatted down, looking coldly at Fu Ruoshi, "You want to be my woman?"

The cold voice heard Fu Ruoshi's embarrassment, but Murong Yan's beautiful and handsome face, but people could not help but yearn for longing.

This was the first time she had seen him up close. Before, she could only look at him from a distance. At this moment, she finally felt that her dream would come true.

Fu Ruoshi was wrapped in a quilt, looking at Murong Yu with a shameful face, "His Royal Highness, Chen Ye admired you for a long time."

I don't know if it's too excited or the quilt is too thick. Fu Ruoshi feels like his blood is constantly rising, and his whole body can't help getting hot.

Chen Ye?

The corners of Murong's lips were cold, and she was really a cheeky woman.

Looking at Murongyu's disdainful look, Fu Ruoshi was immediately disturbed.

Thinking of what the queen said to her, she unconsciously raised her fist.

She couldn't be sent back, no matter what, she would get his favor and be his woman.

Fu Ruoshi extended his hand from the quilt, struggling to get up, trying to seduce Murong.

But before she untied the quilt, she was stunned by Murong Yun.

Murong Yu looked at Fu Ruoshi who was faint in disgust. The **** woman almost stained his eyes.

Murong Yu got up and tried to destroy the incense, but felt that her legs were weak and she couldn't do anything. She could only sit on the bed again.

Murong Yan secretly transported mysterious energy, but found that as soon as he performed the exercises, the heat in his body would increase exponentially.

Murong Yu immediately stopped Yun Gong, cold in his eyes.

In order to force him into submission, he really did everything.

Fortunately, Murong Yu didn't move anymore. She lay directly on the bed, and secretly controlled the rising heat in her body.

Outside the house, the housekeepers and Ziwei couldn't hear a little voice, and were anxious.

There is no sound at all, it seems that His Royal Highness does not deserve this side concubine, but it is no wonder that this side concubine really looks normal and is not worthy of His Royal Highness.

However, the emperor asked them to complete the task. His Royal Highness was unwilling to submit. How could this be good?

Here, Murong Yu and the housemaids fought for wisdom, and Xue Qingyu and Bai Yihan had sneaked into the East Palace.

Only when the two entered the East Palace, they found that the guards outside Murongyu ’s dormitory were more than ten times outside the East Palace. They all had a difficult time in an East palace. If they did n’t alarm anyone, they would sneak into Murong ’s dormitory. impossible.

The two squatted helplessly in the bushes, their eyes widened and their eyes lost.

Suddenly, a breath came, and the two turned around and attacked subconsciously, but they were caught in fists.

"Is it you?" Seeing the person clearly, the two of them were instantly silent.

"Go." Leng Yihan turned around and flew out.

Xue Qingyi and Bai Yihan quickly followed.

Leng Yihan took the two directly to the side hall where he was hiding.

Xue Qingxuan pulled down the face scarf. "Why are you here?"

Leng Yihan gave him an expressionless look, "Xue Er is in the East Palace."

Xue Qing frowned. When did Xiao Qi live in the East Palace?

Bai Yihan also took off the black scarf on his face and looked at Leng Yihan, "How long have you been here?"

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows, "It's almost a month."

They both frowned when they heard the words. What happened last time, why did they suddenly fall into trouble?

Before waiting for the two to speak, Leng Yihan said, "You want to see Murong Yu?"

Xue Qing looked up, "What the **** is going on now?"

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows. "As you can see, he was under house arrest, and the emperor gave him a side concubine tonight."

"Side concubine?" Both shouted in surprise at the same time.

Immediately realizing what, Bai Yihan lowered his voice and said, "The emperor really has a two-pronged approach. Yun Shaoning will also be married tomorrow."

Whoever compromised between the two of them, he was considered successful.

Yun Shaoning became a pro and would no longer be able to be with Murong Hui. At least the two of them could not be related to each other.

And he has the responsibility, it can't be the same as before, so the emperor chose him the Jing'anhou House which is the door-to-door with the Dingguo Government House. If Yun Shaoning and Mu Rongzhen are still involved, Jinganhou People in the government cannot sit idly by.

As for Murong Yu, the emperor was afraid that as long as he stayed alive, he couldn't control Murong Yu in other matters.

Xue Qingyi groaned for a moment, looked up at Leng Yihan, "Can you get in his dormitory?"

"You want me to save him?"

"Can you?" The two looked at Leng Yihan expectantly together.

His cultivation is much higher than them. He has reached the late Mo Ling. Even the most powerful Zijin in the Ziwei is only in the middle of Mo Ling. He should sneak into the dormitory secretly. There should be no problem.

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows. "It's not impossible."

The big sister-in-law is in trouble. Now is the best time for him to perform. Xueer also always wants to rescue Murong. If he helps, Xueer may not be angry when he is happy.

Leng Yihan thought and looked at Xue Qingyu and Bai Yihan, "You are waiting for me here."

Leng Yihan said and then disappeared.

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