Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 882: Even your brother's woman dare to move

Listening to Fu Ruoshi's sharp ghost crying and wolverine, Murong Shuofeng's forehead violently burst out of the blue tendons.

The randomly chosen woman was not reliable, and for a moment, he was glad that the woman had not climbed to the bed of the child.

Under the baptism of Murong in a bucket of ice water, there was a hint of clarity in the chaotic head.

Seeing Murong Shuofeng, Murong Yu's face turned white, and when she thought of what she had just gone crazy, she was shocked.

"Father Emperor, sons and daughters **** it!" Murong awkwardly got up and knelt down, and pulled a piece of clothing to block underneath.

Hearing Murong Xi ’s father, Fu Ruoshi finally realized what he was, and he knelt down holding the quilt in panic.

Murong Shuofeng stared at Murong Yan with a stern face, "You must be damned, you dare to move even the woman of your emperor."

As soon as this word came out, Fu Ruoshi's face was instantly filled with unbelievableness. She suddenly raised her eyes and looked at the man next to her. When she saw the strange face again, she suddenly fell to the ground as if she was ashamed.

How could this be? Why is it not His Royal Highness?

At this moment, Murong Yao finally noticed Fu Ruoshi, remembering everything from last night, his back was cold, and he immediately cleared out the relationship, "The son-in-law didn't know anything, the son-in-law slept well in Yongfu Palace last night. Someone stunned me and got here, and what they did after that, the son-in-law didn't remember it at all. "

Last night, of course, he was not impressed. Although he was stunned, he recovered his consciousness after waking up. At that time, he felt confused and entangled with someone.

He also thought that this might be someone to frame him, but at that time he couldn't control the impulse in his body, as if someone pushed himself to do those things.

If it is an ordinary woman, it would be Murong Xin Xin's concubine, the first woman prepared by his father and emperor, and this situation is really bad.

Even without looking up, Murong Ye knew how ugly Murong's face was at this moment.

Feeling Murong Shuofeng's cold murderous intention, Murong shivered and quickly justified, "Someone must have framed the son-in-law."

Murong Shuofeng's face sank again, and he bit his teeth, "Who wants to frame you?"

Murong Yan looked up, "Isn't this obvious? This is the palace of the emperor, who can get me here without knowing him except the emperor."

Murong Yu said that she was angry. Murong Yu didn't want this woman, but she used it to frame him. It was horrible.

When Murong Yue mentioned Murong Yue, Murong Shuofeng was so angry that "you don't know the checkpoint yourself, you still blame your emperor."

Seeing Murong Shuofeng's indiscriminate favoritism for Murong Su, Murong Su shouted immediately, "Children are wronged!"

Murong Shuofeng ignored Mu Rongzhen completely, and turned his eyes red as if to be frightened, Fu Ruoshi, "There is still you, to seal you as the prince's side concubine, but you seduce the three princes, there is no pardon."

"Come here, drag this woman down to the horse and split it up."

As soon as Murong Shuofeng's violent violent cries fell, an inner servant immediately came in and dragged Fu Ruoshi.

Fu Ruoshi came back to God, struggling desperately, "Don't, emperor, the daughter is wronged, the daughter doesn't know anything."

Fu Ruoshi's quilt covering her body slipped, and Murong Shuofeng looked away in disgust.

Seeing that Murong Shuofeng ignored her, Fu Ruoshi immediately rushed to Murong Hui, "Three princes, three princes save me ..."

Murong Yan looked at the traces on Fu Ruoshi's body, his eyes darkened with dim light.

Although this woman looks average, she has a good body and tastes good. He tossed her so much yesterday and she can cooperate. The most important thing is that she is Fu Wei's daughter.

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Fu Ruoshi was about to be pulled out of the door, Murong Yu quickly said.

When the two housekeepers heard Murong Yu spoke, they hesitated immediately.

Fu Ruoshi's face was so pale and frightened that he looked at Murong Yue in amazement, hoping that he could save her life.

Murong Yu glanced at Fu Ruoshi and quickly watched Murong Shuofeng begging, "Father Emperor, you can't blame her last night. She really doesn't know anything."

Murong Shuo stared with puffiness. "Don't blame her or you. Blame it?"

Murong Xia secretly pursed his lips, didn't he blame him and Murong Xuan? Obviously they are the two fighting methods, and in the end they became the victims.

Father Huang Ming knew that he was murdered by Murong, and still favored him that way, it was too partial.

Suppressing the dissatisfaction in her heart, Murong Xuan looked down and said, "I beg her father to spare her life. Last night, her son favored her, and she is likely to have children."

Knowing that Murong Shuofeng cares about his daughter-in-law, Murong-chan deliberately says so.

Murong Shuo frowned, but hesitated.

That love medicine was specially prepared for his uncle, and it really has the effect of assisting pregnancy. If you really have a pregnancy, you really can't kill it.

Murong Shuofeng groaned for a moment with a dark face, "The waiter waited for her for a month. If she didn't have an emperor, she dragged it out."

Murong Shuofeng also gave himself a step down. Just now he was stunned and wanted to kill Fu Ruoshi.

In fact, he also knew that it was not possible to blame Yuner and Fu Ruoshi completely, but most of them were ghosts of Yuner, but it was because he had a little bit more pain for him, so he was so angry.

Murong Shuofeng glanced at Murong Yan with a frown, "And you, don't go anywhere this month, just let me stay in Yongfu Palace and think of you behind closed doors."

Murong Yu pouted his lips dissatisfied, but did not dare to resist, and bowed his head, "Yes."

After hearing Murong Shuofeng's words, the two housekeepers finally let go of Fu Ruoshi.

Knowing that he had temporarily saved his life, Fu Ruoshi slumped to the ground.

After dealing with Murong Yu and Fu Ruoshi, Murong Shuofeng left the room.

Zijin rushed forward and greeted, "His subordinates were unable to watch His Royal Highness, please the emperor to punish him."

He thought that His Royal Highness was okay in the palace. He did not expect that the people in the house had been dropped by His Royal Highness long ago. He wanted to help the Prince yesterday.

Zijin knelt straight, and other Ziwei also followed.

Before, they still smugly thought that the emperor's plan was successful, but they did not know that His Royal Highness had ran out long ago, and they had all done it.

Murong Shuofeng clenched his fists, narrowed his eyes and said, "Order the Guards, let them all dispatch, and be sure to find the Prince as soon as possible."


Zijin responded, immediately got up and went out to give orders.

Murong Shuo left vigorously, and by the way took away all the Ziwei in the East Palace.

In the room, Murong Wong was getting dressed, but when Fu Ruoshi was still naked on the ground, she frowned, and picked up the clothes on the ground and walked over.

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