Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 895: return

Zhuo Qingyun nodded sadly, "Yes, he left after that night, leaving only this letter."

Zhuo Qingyun handed the letter left by Lan Yanyu to Leng Yihan.

Leng Yihan frowned, took the letter and looked up.

After reading the letter, Leng Yihan was silent.

He never knew that his affection for him had reached such a point. The grand master of the blue family turned out to be a man in a woman's dress to marry a man. How much he loved this man and how silly he would let go Do all things with dignity.

Leng Yihan's heart suddenly felt very painful and painful, for the folly of Lan Yanyu, and for his unacceptable feelings.

Zhuo Qingyun stood up, "Did he return to the God Continent?"

"It should be." Leng Yihan returned to God, and returned the letter in his hand to Zhuo Qingyun.

Zhuo Qingyun was instantly excited, and he grabbed Leng Yihan's shoulder. "Will you take me to the godsland or you tell me how to get to the godsland."

Leng Yihan frowned at Zhuo Qingyun, "Since he wrote this letter, he didn't want you to go to him, why are you so persistent?"

Zhuo Qingyun raised an eyebrow and smiled bitterly, "You say I am persistent, where are you better than me?"

He didn't come here to find Murong Xuefei, but he arrived here from heaven.

Leng Yihan's heart suddenly became painful again, and his complexion turned pale.

Zhuo Qingyun looked down, "I don't know what happened between you and her, all I know is that I love him very much, and without him I would die."

The same "life is better to die" passed to the ear, coincided with her indifferent voice, and instantly made him heartbreak.

Leng Yihan suddenly grabbed Zhuo Qingyun's clothes and snarled, "You only want your own feelings. Have you ever thought about him or would you like to approach him?"

Zhuo Qingyun frowned, and her eyes became confused instantly.

"He's all gone back to the God of God, why are you still holding him?" Leng Yihan's hysterical roar, startled Zhuo Qingyun.

Doesn't he want to approach him? But he couldn't let him go.

Leng Yihan gasped heavily and calmed down a little before he dropped Zhuo Qingyun, "You die, I won't let you harass him."

These words should have been with him himself, but now he has left them to Zhuo Qingyun.

Leng Yihan spurned himself, and stumbled away.

After Leng Yihan walked for a while, Zhuo Qingyun came back to God and quickly chased him up, "I won't give up, I must go to him."

Leng Yihan shook his head with a headache. Now he finally understands how his sister-in-law feels. Is this considered retribution?

General Bai's Mansion, Jing Hanxuan.

Bai Ruyue looked at Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxuan with excitement, "Murong Yun really eloped with Yun Shaoning. He was so handsome."

The two looked at each other, but both laughed.

This is indeed something that only Murong Yun can do.

Bai Ruyue lay on the desk in excitement, "Is the emperor unresponsive?"

Bai Yihan stretched out her hand and bounced her head, and laughed, "How could there be no response, there are still people searching the mountain over Xiangshan now."

Bai Ruyue blinked and lowered her voice, "Do you know where Murong Yue and Yun Shaoning have gone?"

Bai Yihan glanced at Xue Qingyu, and both shook their heads.

Bai Ruyue sat down in the chair with some disappointment. "Even you don't even know that Murong Ye is doing a good job of keeping secrets."

Bai Ruyue said and laughed again, "Since you don't even know you, the emperor will certainly not find them for a while and a half."

Xue Qingxi nodded silently. Indeed, if Murong Qi didn't want to come back, the emperor would be hard to find them.

Several people were talking and the door was pushed open.

The three turned their eyes at the same time, and they were all surprised when they saw the two people breaking in.

"Why are you here?"

Leng Yihan didn't answer. He sat beside Xue Qingyu politely and poured himself a cup of tea.

Zhuo Qingyun didn't say a word, she sat down with her, but she didn't want to drink tea.

Xue Qingxi looked at Leng Yihan's fuzzy hand, and subconsciously looked at Zhuo Qing's dark and handsome face.

What happened to the two, did they fight?

Bai Ruyue followed directly and sat beside Zhuo Qingyun, "Zhuo Zhuang, why are you here too?"

Zhuo Qingyun looked cold and cold, and did not speak.

Bai Ruyue was not angry, and she continued to ask, "My older sister, are they okay?"

Zhuo Qingyun's eyes flickered, and she finally said, "They should be back soon."

There was a flash of excitement in Bai Ruyue's eyes, and she immediately rejoiced, "Great, big sister is coming back."

As soon as Bai Ruyue's happy words were finished, Bai Yihan's close-knit sapphire rushed in, "Master Master, Miss Three, and the county master returned."

"What big sister is back?" Bai Ruyue jumped up with a sigh.

Bai Yihan also got up and said, "Where have you been?"

Bao Lu immediately smiled and bowed. "It's already at the door."

Bai Ruyue rushed out, and Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu immediately went out with them.

Zhuo Qingyun and Leng Yihan didn't move. One was still sitting and drinking tea, the other was sitting and watching him drinking tea.

Gate of White House.

"The lord of the county is back."

Immediately after Bai Tan and Mo Beichen got off the horse, a small cricket stepped forward to lead the horse.

"Older sister, older brother-in-law." Bai Ruyue rushed to the door and saw Bai Jue and Mo Beichen.


Seeing Bai Ruyue, Bai Tan was also very happy.

Bai Ruyue rushed into Baiju's arms, and hugged her in excitement. "Sister, you are finally back. It's almost a month now, I want to die for you."

"I miss you too." Bai Tan smiled and patted Bai Ruyue's back.

This girl is still so animated when she hasn't seen it for a month.

Bai Ruyue looked up at Mo Beichen and smiled brightly. "Big brother-in-law."

Bai Yihan looked at Bai Tan and Mo Beichen with a smile, "Go ahead."

"Sister is not tired? Come in and rest." Bai Ruyue pulled Baiju directly to Bai Hanhan's Jing Hanxuan.

Mo Beichen and Bai Yihan were behind them.

Bai Ruyue kept talking to the **** in front, but the three of them didn't say anything.

After a while, a few people arrived at Jing Hanxuan.

Baitan has never been to Jinghanxuan before. This is the first time that I can't help but have a curious look.

Looking at the Qionghua tree in the yard without Qionghua, Baijue couldn't help but raise his lips.

How much do you like Qionghua? Not only does she have Qionghua in Qionghua Garden, but even Yueyue Xuan of Ruyue and Jing Hanxuan of his elder brother have Qionghua tree.

Bai Ruyue directly led the **** into the study.

Seeing Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun in the study, Baitan raised his eyebrows in surprise, "People are quite homogeneous."

The two met so quickly.

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