Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 912: Own daughter learns by herself

When the second lady arrived with the old doctor and Shan Yan, Bai Ruyue was practicing sword in the yard.

Bai Ruyue's movements are unpleasant and sharp, but she is very casual and casual.

The second lady looked at Bai Ruyue's chic movements and couldn't help but hook her lips.

Then what came to mind, two more flames ignited in his eyes.

Her moon is so good that some people dare to stigmatize her like that.

The old doctor looked at Bai Ruyue's handsome appearance, and nodded in appreciation.

Although he didn't understand swordsmanship, he knew she danced well.

These two girls in the second room are only the three girls who are somewhat prosperous, the niece and the niece are different.

Seeing that Bai Ruyue was practicing swords, Shan Yan and Siqin were also relieved.

Who said that Miss Three was pregnant, and Miss Three is still practicing sword. Has anyone ever seen a pregnant person dance a sword?

After Bai Ruyue danced a set of swordsmanship, she saw the second lady.

"Mother?" Bai Ruyue immediately put away his sword and walked over.

"Miss Three."

Shan Yan and Siqin immediately saluted to Bai Ruyue.

Bai Ruyue looked at the old doctor carrying the medicine box, his eyes flickered for a moment.

The second lady looked at Bai Ruyue lovingly, took out the parchment and wiped the fine sweat on her forehead. "How about, tired?"

Bai Ruyue quickly shook her head and took the second lady's hand, "Mother, are you better off?"

The second lady chuckled, "Much better, Tanuki's acupuncture is very useful."

Bai Ruyue smiled immediately, "Is that right? I'll ask the older sister to get you some more needles in a while."

"Mother is fine." The second lady smiled and pulled Bai Ruyue into the room.

The old physician followed Shan Shan and Siqin together.

"Mrs." Xing Yumianwu in the room saw the second lady salute quickly.

The second lady ignored them and took Bai Ruyue to the table.

Xing Yumianwu was frightened when she saw the old doctor following Mrs. Er.

Why did the lady invite the doctor? Did she come to give the pulse to the lady?

The second lady took Bai Ruyue's hand and patted him gently. "My mother is here today to confirm something."

Bai Ruyue "suckled" in her heart, her face suddenly turned pale.

Bai Ruyue took a quiet breath, and always came, there was nothing to be nervous about.

The second lady said that she would ask the old doctor to come and give Bai Ruyue a pulse.

Bai Ruyue quickly grabbed the second lady, "Mother, I have something to tell you."

The second lady looked at Bai Ruyue in doubt. As soon as she was about to speak, Bai Tingan came in, followed by Auntie Hua and Bai Ruomeng.

Seeing Bai Ting'an and Auntie Hua, Bai Ruyue's spirit was tense again.

"Second Lord." Shan Yan salutes them together to Bai Tingan.

The second lady was expressionless, as if she did not see Bai Tingan and Auntie Hua at all.

Bai Ting'an glanced at Mrs. Er, her gloomy complexion instantly changed, and her angry eyes eased a lot, "Mrs. is also here."

The second lady didn't look at Bai Ting'an, she didn't mean to answer at all. Bai Tingan was a little embarrassed at once.

"Dad." Bai Ruyue got up and shouted to Bai Tingan.

Bai Ting'an frowned at Bai Ruyue, and didn't know how to speak.

It was Auntie Hua behind him. When she saw Bai Ruyue stood up, she immediately ran over and said, "Oh, Miss Three, you are a pregnant person. Do n’t stand, sit down quickly."

Auntie Hua shouted exaggeratedly, while holding Bai Ruyue to sit down.

Bai Ruyue's face cooled down, and she took a cold look at Aunt Hua.

Startled by Bai Ruyue's murderous eyes, Auntie Flower immediately retracted her hand and did not dare to touch Bai Ruyue again.

The atmosphere became embarrassing to the extreme. Except the old doctor was unknown, everyone knew the meaning of Aunt Hua.

Shan Ye stared angrily at Aunt Hua, and the girls were all lowering their heads in fear.

Opposite Bai Ruomeng's gloat, Bai Tingan's face was ugly, and some aunts were contrived and calculated.

The originally silent second lady suddenly got up.

"Pop!" With a crisp sound, Madam Er used all her strength to straighten Aunt Hua's face.

For a moment, everyone was holding back again.

Auntie Hua paused for a long time, until she tasted the sweet smell in her mouth, and finally returned to her senses, and flew to Bai Tingan's arms and cried, "Second Lord ..."

Bai Ting'an hugged Aunt Hua, and took a hard look at Mrs. Er, "She is not well ..."

The second lady's cold eyes shot at Bai Ting'an, squinting angrily and crying, "You should keep it in the room if you are not well, and chew out the tongue."

Bai Ting'an froze for a moment, speechless.

Seeing that Bai Ting'an didn't help her, Aunt Hua was even more angry and cried even more.

Seeing that Auntie Hua was beaten, Bai Ruomeng immediately exclaimed, "My auntie didn't chew her tongue at all. Bai Ruyue was pregnant. I heard it myself."

Bai Ruomeng glared provocatively at Bai Ruyue.

As if suddenly she understood something, the second lady suddenly looked at Bai Ruomeng, "So you passed it on."

"I ..." Bai Ruomeng swallowed guilty guilty, his face tense.

"Slap!" Another slap was thrown severely on Bai Ruomeng's face.

The second lady glared coldly at Bai Ruomeng, gritted her teeth and said, "Frame your sister, I can kill you now."

Looking at the killing intention on Mrs. Er's face, Bai Ruomeng was anxious for a moment, and quickly shouted to Bai Tingan, "Dad, I didn't frame Bai Ruyue, she is really pregnant, I don't believe you will let the doctor diagnose her pulse."

Bai Ting'an frowned, glanced at the old doctor, and looked at Bai Ruyue again, as if he was tangling whether to let the doctor give Bai Ruyue pulse.

Bai Ting'an's eyes made Bai Ruyue's breath out of depression, and she suddenly shouted anxiously, "Don't make a noise."

She raised her eyes and glanced coldly at everyone present, saying "I am pregnant."

For a moment, the house was silent and everyone looked at Bai Ruyue in disbelief.

The most shocked was Mrs. Er, who looked at her nervously as if she had not heard her.

Looking at Mrs. Er, Bai Ruyue was sore in pain, she walked to Mrs. Er, kneeling straight, "Mother, I'm sorry ..."

She knew that she was most sorry for her mother-in-law, she lived up to her expectations, she made her late at night, and she was scolded by her ...

The second lady stared blankly at Bai Ruyue kneeling in front of her, only to feel her head blank.

After Auntie Hua and Bai Ruomeng were shocked, they were gloated.

Bai Ruyue was pregnant without marriage, shameless.

"You an inverse girl!" After a huge impact, Bai Ting'an became furious instantly, and raised his hand to hit Bai Ruyue's head.

The stunned second wife moved at this moment, and she blocked directly in front of Bai Ruyue. "My own daughter taught herself, others are not qualified to move her."

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