Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 935: You can never run

After applying a set of acupuncture, the **** was sweating heavily.

Rong Gong looked at Murong Shuofeng's calm face, and immediately bowed to the beaver, "The emperor seems to have loosened a lot, and there is really a lord of labor.

The raccoon smiled, wiped the sweat, collected the gold needles, and picked up the medicine box and said, "The uncle Huang will probably wake up at noon tomorrow. I will go back and make some elixir for him, and I will come again at noon tomorrow."

"Thank you, Lord of the Allure County, the old slave sent you back."

As soon as Rong Gong was about to send Baijue out, he heard Murong say, "I'll send it, you will stay and take care of your father."


Rong Gong slightly hesitated, and immediately responded.

Murong Yu and Baijue went out of the inner hall together.

Rong Gong looked at the harmonious back of the two, and his eyes flashed a pity.

The Lord of Qingcheng County was originally his fiancee, His Royal Highness. If the two could be together, the emperor would not be so worried.

In a carriage, Murong Yu sent Baiju to the gate of Baifu in person.

Murong Yan looked at Baitan gratefully, "Thank you very much today."

Beaver blinked at him playfully, "Are we still so polite?"

What came to mind, Baitan suddenly said again, "Although I can alleviate the uncle's condition, this time he hurt his vitality, and he should not be angry or work any more."

Murong Yan glanced at Beaver with a black face, "I know, I won't be angry with him anymore."

Murong Yan looked up at the full moon in the air and sighed silently.

Is there any chance for him and him?

Feeling Murong Yu's sorrow, Baitan patted his shoulder comfortably and said, "Don't be too rushed, you will never run."

Feelings are nothing, but no force can stop them. She believes that he and Yun Shaoning will be more affectionate than Jin Jian.

Murong Yan heard his words and raised her eyebrows proudly.

Naturally, he would not give him a chance to escape.

When Beiju returned to the room, Mo Beichen was already in bed.

"He brought you back?"

Mo Beichen flipped through the pages without raising his eyes, but the voice was sour.

The raccoon's lip angle was slightly raised, and he walked over and kissed the sore lip corner of Mo Beichen, jokingly, "Next time you can send Yun Shaoning back to make him sour."

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows. "Good idea."

Mo Beichen dropped the book in his hand and pressed the sly little fox under him.

Early the next morning, the **** went to the refining pharmacy to make a lot of elixir.

With the elixir that was given to Murong Yun, Baiju arrived at the Purple Feather Hall on time at noon.

In the inner hall, Murong Shuofeng has awakened, and his spirit seems good. The queen and Murong Yan are here, as well as Murong Xuefei and Murong Lingshan.

"The emperor, the Lord of the Allure County arrived."

The queen's medicine-feeding hand paused, and Murong Shuofeng flashed his eyes and immediately said, "Let her in."


Rong Gong bowed to his feet, and soon brought the **** into the inner hall.

The **** glanced at Murong Yu and Murong Xuefei, and walked behind Murong Shuofeng and the Emperor and bowed, "See Emperor, Empress."

Murong Shuofeng smiled brightly, "You girl, just call Uncle Huang Huang."

The queen's face froze, but she said nothing, but sat quietly.

The **** is good as a streamer: "Uncle Huang looks good today."

Murong Shuofeng chuckled, "I heard that you came to give Ai a needle last night. Thank you so much."

When he woke up just now, he felt like he was the usual, he was not as heavy as yesterday, and the girl's medicine really deserved its reputation.

The **** pursed his lips. "Uncle Huang is polite. I will give you another injection when you have finished taking the medicine."

"it is good."

Murong Shuofeng smiled and nodded, holding the medicine bowl in the queen's hand, and drank the medicine.

The queen had no choice but to give way.

"Troubled raccoon girl." Murong Shuofeng put down the empty medicine bowl and lay down consciously.

The white raccoon smiled slightly, and when he walked over, he skillfully applied a needle to Murong Shuofeng. Murong Shuofeng cooperated very well, closed his eyes, and enjoyed himself.

The room is also very quiet. Everyone is watching a little far away, giving the beavers absolutely quiet space.

Seeing Murong Shuofeng's expression that was obviously relaxed, the queen felt relieved and glanced at the serious **** unconsciously.

It seems that this girl's medicine is indeed what the child said, if she can really prevent the emperor from having a stroke, that would be great.

After finishing a set of acupuncture techniques, Murong Shuofeng's spirit is much better than just now, and his face is no longer pale.

Murong Lingshan looked excitedly at Murong Shuofeng's face and said, "Father Emperor's face is rosy, and it seems to be great."

Murong Shuofeng smiled and said cheerfully: "Thanks to Tanuki, the sickness is all right."

But now he feels relaxed, better than he was before.

Everyone looked at Murong Shuofeng's spirit and laughed.

The **** chuckled, "Uncle Huang, don't be too happy. You need to rest in this illness. At this time, you can't worry about it. You have to rest for a year and a half."

The **** said, looking at Murong Shu, and blinked at Murong Shuofeng.

What a wise man Murong Shuofeng was, and if he did n’t understand the reason, he immediately followed Baizi ’s words: “The raccoon said, I just got up too fast, and this has some headaches. I ’m afraid I ca n’t handle it. Now, but what about those memorials? "

Murong Shuofeng clutched his head, looking very sad.

The **** looked at him with a funny look, this ancient man's acting skills are really amazing, not only those women's acting skills are excellent, even this man is so powerful.

The queen was also a wise man, and immediately co-operated: "You can rest assured that there is no child, and all the affairs of the country are handed to child, you just need to rest peacefully."

Murong Lingshan also nodded, "Yes, yes, give it to the emperor, the emperor is the best."

Although they knew they were acting, Murong Yu still came forward and said, "You take care of your illness, and leave it to me."

When Murong Shuofeng's eyes lighted up, he glanced at him immediately, and said, "Your boy finally said something."

Mu Rongxi narrowed his eyes in a moment.

"Hehe ..." Everyone laughed instantly.

Murong Xuefei smiled and shook her head. The father and the emperor really tried his best to let the emperor take over the state affairs.

Baitan took out several small jade bottles from her arms and handed them to Murong Shuofeng: "These are the elixir that I have made for you. They are for energizing health and lowering blood pressure. Do n’t be angry in the future. If you make a mistake again, you only need to be foolish, but don't be angry yourself. "

Murong Shuofeng laughed heartily when he heard the words, "Ha ha, the raccoon girl is most worried."

There is harmony in the inner hall. Everyone talks and laughs. The atmosphere is rare and harmonious, and Murong Shuofeng is more relaxed.

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