Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 937: Pervert Murong

Murong Yu took over all state affairs in accordance with Murong Shuofeng's will. Under his strong position, there was no strange voice in the chapel.

Those people were like dormant wolves, and they calmed down.

The rumors outside continue, some say that Murong Yao is a habit of broken sleeves, some say he was framed, and some say he still admires the Lord of Qingcheng County.

Of course, the following rumors were all released by the beavers. To dispel the rumors and actively explain them, they will only achieve the desired effect. Only by releasing more different rumors can this matter be completely resolved.

When there are many rumors, the people naturally know that the rumors are not true, and the final effect of these rumors is only to become the occasional talk of the people after a meal.

For the beavers they did, Murong Min knew nothing about it.

He never thought of going through those rumors, which also made his image more mysterious in the hearts of the people.

The emperor reassured and recuperated, and the prince was in charge of the affairs of the state, and everything seemed to be stepping into the formal.

But Beaver knew that the real situation was not as calm as it was seen from the outside, and there was still a dark tide under the seemingly calm lake.

Even so, the beavers have no intention of re-administering Murong Xi recently, because Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling are going to get married.

These two days, the second lady is so busy, giving gifts, sending invitations, decorating new houses, and then buying.

But Bai Yihan, the groom officer, seemed to be very relaxed.

Bai Ruyue stared at Bai Yihan in a daze, "I said, brother, can't you help the mother, the mother has been so busy these days."

Bai Yihan didn't answer, and Beaver laughed: "You don't understand this. Eryi is happy. She specified that she didn't want her brother to grab her job."

It took so long to finally wait until the elder brother is willing to marry. Erji is so happy about how busy he is.

Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrows and looked at Bai Yihan again. She deliberately joked: "It's going to be married tomorrow. Are you nervous, brother?"

Bai Yihan still looked as if he hadn't heard it, staring at a certain direction in red, wondering what he was thinking?

Looking at Bai Yihan's young boy Huaichun, Bai Ruyue could not help but sigh, "This is the typical marriage of his wife and forgetting his sister."

Hearing the word "daughter-in-law", Bai Yihan finally returned to God, looking at Bai Ruyue's resentful eyes, wondering why: "What did you say?"

Bai Ruyue blinked at him jokingly, "I said you wish you could have a candle with Dasao Dongfang now."

Bai Yihan's face turned "red" and turned red, and he stared strangely, "What are you talking about?"

Bai Ruyue gathered in front of Bai Yihan and pointedly pointed at his face: "Where I am talking nonsense, on your face you write the words I want to make a candle in the house, six words."

"Haha ..."

Everyone laughed when they heard.

Bai Yihan was red from head to toe, but she also couldn't take Bai Ruyue, and could only stare at her with a warp.

What dare you say this dead girl?

Zhuo Qingyun looked enviously at Bai Yihan with a look of envy: "I really envy you, you can be married."

"Yeah, you and Qi Qi finally came to fruition, and we are still far away."

Leng Yihan said, looking at Xue Qingyu, who had the same sympathy with the sick, and both of them sighed silently.

Mo Beichen also glanced at the **** quietly, and he wanted to get married.

Looking at Mo Beichen's resentful eyes, Baiju looked slightly red and held up the tea cup.

She thought too, but could she not wait for Grandpa to come back?

The eldest brother has parents, so he doesn't have to wait for grandpa, but she only has grandpa, and grandpa is a very important person to her. In any case, she has to wait for grandpa to come back and get married.

Bai Yihan smiled and scratched his head and said, "Tomorrow will be more troublesome to help you."

A few people looked at each other and immediately said, "You rest assured, this bag is on us."

The **** sipped his tea and put down his tea cup and said, "Murongyi will come tomorrow."

Xue Qingxi laughed: "That's great. Murong is here. Qi's family should release the bride soon."

At night, Bai Yihan couldn't sleep in the bed.

Qi House, Qi Ziling also stared at the top of the tent with wide eyes, without any sleepiness.

As long as she thought of marrying tomorrow, she was so nervous.

Unable to sleep, Qi Ziling simply clothed himself.

Pushing the window open, the cool moonlight came in.

I don't know what Yihan is doing now?

Thinking of the set of jade figurines that her mother had just kissed her, Qi Ziling's cheeky face turned red.

A figure flashed past the window, and Qi Ziling returned to his mind instantly.


She lay at the window and looked at it. She didn't see anything. She turned quickly and found that there were more people in the room.

"Why are you here?" Seeing the incoming person, Qi Ziling frowned frantically, hurriedly getting dressed.

Murong Yan stared at Qi Ziling with red eyes, and said hoarsely, "Do you really want to marry him?"

Qi Ziling frowned and said coldly: "I'm getting married tomorrow, you go back."

Hearing the words "becoming married", Murong Su suddenly became mad. He jumped forward, grabbed Qi Ziling's arm, and growled: "What is good about him, I really love you, you see clearly."

No one loves her more than he, no one ...

"I'm already a married woman. Please ask the three princes to take care of themselves." Qi Ziling frowned angrily, and pushed Murong Yu away in disgust.

Murong Yu was pushed a step further, and he looked at Qi Ziling drunkly.

In the moonlight, Qi Ziling's exquisite looks were even more cheeky, and she saw that Murong Min was impatient.

Murong Yu looked at Qi Ziling affectionately and walked towards her slowly.

"I know you like me too, don't you marry him."

Looking at Murong Yue who was approaching, Qi Ziling was flustered in her heart, and stepped back unconsciously.

"I know you like a lifetime, a couple, and I promise you will be alone in the harem when I achieve my great cause."

Murong Su suddenly turned wild, as if the Zixiaojiangshan was already in his pocket.

Qi Ziling trembled violently, and the corner she stepped on in the back made her even more flustered.

"The third prince, you are drunk, and I will let you go back."

It doesn't matter if he is an emperor or not, even if he really sacks the harem for her, she won't like him.

Murong pinched Qi Ziling to the corner and clung to her.

"Don't deliberately mad at me, okay? I surrender."

Murong Yu watched Qi Ziling's small face infatuatedly, and her lips moved greedily over her face.

"Three princes!"

A sickening breath struck, and Qi Ziling was frightened and immediately struggled.

I wonder if the more she struggles, the more excited Murong will be, grabbing her hand and starting to tear her clothes.

Qi Ziling shuddered in fear and finally couldn't help screaming, "You are a pervert, let me go!"

"Bai Yihan!"

The three words that cut through the sky resounded all over Qifu.

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