Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 969: Condemned

"Your Highness, are you okay." As soon as Nangong Ying fell, Shu Yu rushed up.

"It's okay." Nangong Sakura shook her head, then gave Xue Qingyu a "I'm fine" soothing look.

Seeing that Nangong Sakura was not injured, Xue Qingyu finally breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the beaver.

The white raccoon smiled and released Xue Qing's hand.

She did it for them. At this time, if the relationship between the two was open, there would be endless troubles.

I did not expect Nangong Sakura to give up like this, everyone watching the game from below was dumbfounded.

"This young lady is too greedy for fear of death, just give up?"

"What do you know? This is called knowing the current affairs. Even if she fights, she will lose. It's better to admit defeat earlier, or suffer a little bit of flesh."

"That is, do not admit defeat, are you waiting to be killed, those two are Mo Ling."

"There are not a lot of Merings in this family. There are two in this left family. I think the left family has a good chance of winning this game."

"Isn't it? This Zuo family looks better than the Bai family."

Father Zuo listened to those people's arguments, and immediately smiled proudly.

Are the two Mo Ling just worth their surprise? When the finals, he must let them see what is the real strength and what is the true Cloudscape first family.

After this duel, two factions were formed in the casino instantly. One faction supported the Bai family to win the championship, and the other faction supported the left family to win the championship. Because in the previous games, the Bai family won at the fastest speed, so far, it is still buying More people win.

Zuojia and Nangong just won the game, and Beijia and Nanjia went there.

After nearly two hours of decisive battle, the Beijia finally defeated the Nanjia.

Nan Jingyun was not convinced by this result, but since he said in advance that it would be better to play in this way, there is naturally no controversy, but if they want to admit that Beijia is better than Nanjia, there is none.

Of course, with regard to Nan Jingyun's unconvincing attitude, Beiziyan didn't take it for granted.

In the past, the Beijia and the Nanjia had played against the royal ancestors together, so they have the same title. Everyone thinks that the Beijia and the Nanjia have the same power in Moxue, but in the past 100 years, the Nanjia has obviously fallen behind the Beijia. a lot of.

Now in the hearts of the emperor and the regent, the north family is already the first family of Mo Xue, and the south family is at most a second family.

The last match to advance to the semi-finals is over. There are four families that have successfully advanced to the semi-finals, the Bai Family, the Zuo Family, the Bei Family, and the Murong Royal Family.

Two of the four families that advanced to the semi-finals are the family of Zixiao, which made the people of Zixiao very happy, and also gave people in other countries a strong sense of crisis.

Among the four families that advanced to the semi-finals, Zixiao occupied two positions. One of them was the Zixiao royal family. As the only royal family squeezed into the semi-finals, their strength was obviously stronger than other royal families. Shang Guanming and Pu Yangxu frowned at the same time.

Since the Seven Kingdoms War more than ten years ago, it has annexed the red dome of the Huangqiang, the purple Xiao of the orange palate, and the green palate of the green palate. The strength has always been comparable, and the blue magic has been because of the terrain. Has its own place among the four countries.

However, the strength of Zixiao now clearly puts pressure on Shangguan Ming and Li Yangxu.

After leaving the field that day, Shangguan Ming did n’t hate Xun Yangxu, and asked him to drink tea. Of course, the two also had an appointment with Nangong Sakura, but Nangong Sakura was tired of excuses and ignored the invitation of the two and went directly to the station .

Their thoughts are that Nangong Sakura knew that if she hadn't become friends with Baiju and they didn't fall in love with Xue Qingyu, she might be willing to cooperate with them, but now, naturally, she has no interest in conspiring with them.

Royal Palace, Purple Feather Hall.

"Are you looking for me?" After hearing Murong Shuofeng's call, Murong Hui dropped the memorial and ran over.

"Come here." Murong Shuofeng sat in front of the chessboard, beckoning in a good mood.

Murong Yu didn't ask any more, sat directly in front of the chessboard, and began to play chess with Murong Shuofeng.

Today's chess game is not simple. It seems to be hiding something.

"He's absent-minded, but he will lose chess!" Seeing Murong-min's mind, Murong Shuofeng reminded with a smile.

"What do you want to say?" Murong Yu randomly placed a white piece of chess in one position.

Murong Shuofeng didn't speak, and concentrated on chess.

After half a cup of tea, Murong Shuofeng dropped the last son and laughed: "If you don't say it seriously, you will lose. Look at it, lose."

Murong Ye didn't look at the chessboard, only stared at Murong Shuofeng, "What on earth do you want to tell me?"

"You take a good look at this chess game." Murong Shuofeng did not answer Murong Hui directly, only looking at the chessboard with a smile on his face.

Murong Yan frowned at the chessboard. All the whites on the chessboard were surrounded by sunspots. The sunspots didn't seem to be a game, but they were divided into several games.

Murong squinted his eyes narrowly. "You want to say that we have become the target of public criticism."

"Yunjing has been calm for a long time." Murong Shuofeng looked at the sunspots on the chessboard and said something meaningful.

Murong Yu stared at the chessboard, and suddenly picked up a white chess and placed it in the center of black. The black chess, which was originally in a siege, suddenly became the world of white chess.

"Until the end, how can you be sure who wins and who loses?"

Murong looked at the chessboard with abundance, unbelievable.

"If it's okay, I'll go back and approve the memorial." Before Murong Shuofeng spoke, Murong Yu stood up and left.

Murong Shuofeng looked at Murong Hui's back and raised his eyebrows slightly.

This kid is really more courageous than he was then. He is old, and young people will be the world in the future. I hope he can win the world like he won this game.

White House, Indus Garden.

"I heard that Shang Guanming and Li Yangxu went to the restaurant to drink today." Yun Shaoning sipped tea while talking about the information he found.

"They are the heart of Sima Zhao." Bai Tan snorted coldly, holding a tea cup.

"Even if Chi Lie and Lan Huan are really united, don't worry." Xue Qing frowned.

"That is, they can unite, and we can also unite with Qingying." Bai Ruyue angrily.

"I'm afraid Nangong won't be able to make her mother emperor." Baitan narrowed his eyes, his face sullen.

In the current situation of Nangong in Qingyuan, it is difficult to help them.

"What to do?" Bai Ruyue was anxious.

"What to do? Cold dressing!" Baitan calmly said, "Now these are not what we should think about, and our immediate task is to win this family competition."

"Big sister is right, we must win this family contest." Bai Ruyue held her hands up in a victory posture, and immediately made everyone cry and laugh.

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