Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 976: Naughty Weird Fireball

Baici used spiritual power in one hand and mystic power in one hand, and two forces burst out at the same time. Even against the two white spirits who had a lot of strength, she didn't fall behind.

The second from the left and the third from the left were entangled by fire dragons, and the other dealt with the dark power of the ink.

Underneath, Zuo Fangyi watched that the second and third left were controlled, and frowned dissatisfied, and then approached the left father and said in a small voice, "Dad, should we send someone else?"

"What's the matter, you think she can continue this way until the end of the game." Compared to Zuo Fangyi's anxiety, Father Zuo did not panic at all.

It is undeniable that this girl is really very smart and has excellent talents, but no matter how smart and talented she is, there are limits.

Zuo Fangyi raised an eyebrow. Although he didn't quite understand what Mr. Zuo meant, he was completely relieved.

"Big Sister seems to have found a way to fight the two white spirits. Will Big Sister win?" Bai Ruyue stared at the stage, her heart still hanging.

"Her method is very good, but I'm afraid it won't last long." Zhuo Qingyun has been watching the reaction to the father left, and at this moment, he saw no tension at all, and he felt uneasy.

"What do you mean?" Bai Ruyue's heart lifted, and she panicked instantly.

"Everyone's mental strength has a limit. If you let you use mysterious power continuously, you won't be able to bear it, let alone the use of spiritual power and mysterious power together, or such high intensity." Zhuo Qingyun frowned, His eyes were full of worry.

"Big sister ..." Looking at Bai Ju's complexion on the stage, Bai Ruyue squeezed her fist tightly.

Big sister can do it, how can she compare with big sister, big sister is such a powerful person, others can not do, she can do it, she must be able to.

On the platform, Mo Beichen's eyes gradually became deeper and deeper.

Feeling the rapid flow of mental power in the body, the white **** gently frowned, his forehead slowly oozing cold sweat.

This will not work. When her energy is exhausted, she will definitely lose. She must find a way to win these two talents as soon as possible.

The two people's cultivation is above her. If the two are together, she has not won the chance. Now the only way is to separate the two and break them one by one.

What came to mind, Bai Tan's eyes brightened.

With a wave of her hands, the power of the fusion of the mysterious spirits instantly caught the two of them off guard and took a few steps back.

The **** looked at the two with a smile, and summoned both hands, summoning the flames of Xuantianyan fire.

As soon as Xuan Tianyan's fireball appeared, she immediately jumped in excitement at the beaver's palm.

"Hold me a cup of tea, can you do it?" Baitan glanced obliquely at Xuantianyan Fireball.

Xuan Tianyan's fire bead turned around "as if" to observe its combat targets.

"Perform well, perform well, eat and drink as much as you like, perform poorly, and break into the cold."

Listening to the **** threatening words, Xuantianyan Fireball jumped angrily twice.

The **** ignored it, looked at the second left on the opposite side with a wicked smile, raised his hand, and threw Xuan Tianyan's fireball at him. "Have fun, you're welcome."

Looking at the fireball flying towards him like a meteor, the second left was dumbfounded. After he reacted, he subconsciously blocked it with a sword.

With a bang, the fireball hit the sharp sword, and the blade body instantly melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Left two eyes widened, and when the fire reached the hilt, he finally returned to throw the burning hilt out. The hilt was melted into ashes before it landed.

Everyone widened their eyes in surprise.

Xuan Tianyan Huozhu did not let go of the second from the left, but it remembers what Baiju said just now, it doesn't want to be beaten into the cold palace.

It stunned and went straight to the right eye of the second left.

The second left just saw the power of Xuan Tianyan's fireball, and when he saw it hit him, he suddenly felt a cold sweat, and quickly turned and ran.

Xuan Tianyan Huozhu trembled as if laughing at his ignorance.

Before the second left ran away, Xuan Tianyan's fireball suddenly opened his mouth and blew a fire at him.

"Ah!" The fire rolled the second robe on the left, burning him all at once.

The second and third souls left were shocked to the second soul. They couldn't care much anymore, and desperately rolled up on the ground.

Looking at the wolf howling on the second left, Xuan Tianyan Fire Pearl immediately shuddered and laughed.

"What the **** is that?" Zuo Fangyi stared blankly at the weird fireball on the stage.

"Xuan Tianyan fire bead." Father Zuo squinted, slowly squinting out a few words.

"That ancient goddess, Xuantianyan Fireball?" Zuo Fang stared blankly, his face unbelievable. That ’s a legend. How could that girl from the Bai family have it?

The old man calmed his face and did not answer.

He also hoped that he had read it wrong, but it was indeed the Xuantianyan Fireball. Except for it, no other fire magic weapon could have such power.

"That girl has ancient artifacts, then we are not losing." Father Zuo said nothing, and Zuo Yi was suddenly anxious.

"What are you anxious, do you think the ancient artifacts are so easy to control?" Seeing Zuo Yi turmoil, Father Zuo politely scolded.

"What does dad mean?" Father Zuo's words instantly made Zuo Fangyi rekindled hope.

"Don't you see? That girl didn't completely subdue the flames of Xuan Tianyan, she couldn't show its true power, and it didn't threaten us for now." Deeply.

At present, the girl does not have the ability to truly exert the power of Xuantianyan Fireball. Once she waits for her to completely conquer Xuantianyan Fireball, I am afraid that no one in Yunjing will be her opponent, so this girl must not stay.

On the stage, Xuan Tianyan Huozhu played the second from the left, while Baitan focused on the third from the left.

She was able to draw a one-on-two match just now, and now she has the upper hand against only one.

The raccoon's wrist flipped, and the heart-burning sword in his hand was instantly changed into a trench, and his foot stepped on a silver fox step, and his body shot out like lightning.

"Bash!" Zuo San didn't have a chance to dodge at all, and his heart struck.

The **** did not give him any respite, and before he felt pain, he was kicked off the stage.

All the moves were done in one go, so that the audience below could not react.

After a few breaths, the audience was boiling.

"Oh my God, even defeated a Bai Ling like this, this speed is almost against the sky."

"I spent all my eyes, and she won before my mind turned."

"That's great. The Lord of Qingcheng County is so handsome. Is there any wood?"

"The raccoon girl is really good, you should also learn from her." Seeing that Beaver defeated the third from the left, Murong Shuofeng was in a good mood, and turned to educate Murong Kui aside.

Murong Yu didn't speak, only looking at the **** on the stage.

Her explosive power is really strong and the speed is extremely fast. When such a person meets someone stronger than her, she will only become stronger.

Mo Beichen glanced expressionlessly at the calm dad left. If he's not mistaken, that person should have a second move.

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