Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 995: Situ Yi's sorrow

Mo Beichen frowned when he saw the content of the imperial edict.

"I can't stand it, you can take it back." Without any hesitation, Mo Beichen returned the paper decree directly.

"I can't stand it, I know it well." Situ Yi smiled bitterly and gave Mo Beichen the decree.

As if he was afraid he would refuse again, and added: "This is what the mother promised to you that year. This is what you deserve. If you don't accept it, that agreement can never end."

No matter how much he gives him, even if it gives him the entire Moxue, it is not worth his favor to him, and everything he does to Moxue, he will always remember it.

Mo Beichen frowned frantically, and after a moment of silence, directly received the imperial edict into the Dragon Ring.

As soon as Situ Yi's eyes darkened, his heart twitched. He didn't want to have anything to do with him. After all, he was the only one.

"Congratulations, you were liberated ahead of time." Although he was still more than a month away, he was willing to release him ahead of time.

Mo Beichen fixedly looked at Situ Yi. Once upon a time, he was his responsibility. Inadvertently, this responsibility has grown up. When he can stand on his own, this is what he has always hoped to see, and it was also made by him. No, it's a bit of a shock.

"I will be an adult next month, will you come back?" Situ Yi looked at Mo Beichen with anticipation.

Mo Beichen frowned, without answering.

Situ Yi lowered his eyes with a little disappointment, pulling his lips stiffly, "I hope you will come back and give me an adult ritual crown."

This was his last hope.

Mo Beichen's eyes lightened, and he nodded silently, "I will go back."

Situ Yi finally laughed and turned to Baiju. "Come with me, too, and see the scenery of Moxue."

Watching Situ Yi's sadness hidden under his eyes, Baiju nodded silently.

She really did n’t know how to deal with this person. In front of the ministers, he was like a majestic king. In front of A Mo, he was like a child who could n’t get sugar. In front of her, he was like a naughty boy ghost.

But no matter what, she knew he liked Amo, and although she didn't know what kind of love it was, she didn't hate him.

And A Mo he also cares about this child. Although he is often indifferent to him, she knows that he really cares about him.

How many people in the world can become Amo's responsibility? She is somewhat envious of him.

"Go back, China ..." Mo Beichen raised his eyes, his eyes glanced deeply at Situ Yi.

"A country can't be without a day, brother Chen, how can you be as verbose as those old men." Before waiting for Mo Beichen to finish, Situ Yi waved impatiently.

Mo Beichen's expression sank.

"Okay, I'll go back." Seeing Mo Beichen unhappy, Situ Yi surrendered immediately.

He was always like this, and he couldn't bear to be angry with him. In front of him, he really behaved like a child.

"North Yiyang!" Mo Beichen rolled his eyes and glanced out.

"Master Wang." Bei Yiyang immediately entered the curtain.

"Send the emperor back to Moxue." Mo Beichen looked at Bei Yiyang expressionlessly.

"Yes." Bei Yiyang lifted his eyes and looked at Situ Yi. Although he did not want to agree, he still stiffened his eyes and responded.

"Can't you let him send me, I can go back by myself." Situ Yi pouted unwillingly, and he would be an adult one month later, and he didn't need this guy to send it.

Mo Beichen didn't speak, but glanced at Situ Yi faintly.

"Okay, give it away." Mo Beichen had only one look, Situ Yi compromised. What if he couldn't take Mo Beichen, Situ Yi could only glare Bei Yiyang, "Go."

"Subordinates retired." Bei Yiyang glanced at Mo Beichen and Baijue with regretful grievances, and then sighed. The little daughter-in-law followed Situ Yi in the same way.

How could he be so unlucky, he thought that he would be able to stop for two days when he came to Zixiao, but he didn't expect to have to serve this little ancestor, how could he hide it.

"Do you want to hand him over to Bei Yiyang?" Baitan looked at the harmonious back of the two, and raised his lips as if finding something.

Mo Beichen squinted slightly. "He's an adult and he doesn't need to give it to anyone."

The **** looked at Mo Beichen's righteous face, and the corner of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

"What? Care if you care? No one will laugh at him?"

When Baitan muttered, he bumped into Mo Beichen's playful eyes as soon as he looked up, "Say me?"

"What, what did I talk about?" Bai Tandong aimed at Xi Yun, pretending to be stupid.

Mo Beichen didn't expose her, she hugged her horizontally and flew to the horseback outside.

"Where are you going?" The **** said, pinching his neck.

"Go back." Mo Beichen held her in one hand and pulled the reins in a hand, and flew out.

"Dongfang!" The sound from the wind instantly made the **** flushed. This guy is really ...

On the luxurious carriage outside Shili Pavilion, Situ Yi looked at the sound of Mo Beichen's fading away, his eyes fading away instantly.

"Emperor, it's getting late." Bei Xiaoma hit the window and bowed.

"Let's go." Situ Yi sighed lightly and waved helplessly.

"Yes." Bei Xiao answered, turned and left, but was stopped by Situ Yi, "Wait a minute."

Beixiao paused, turned and looked at Situ Yi in doubt.

Situ Yi pouted his lips and glanced at Bei Yiyang in front of him, "Let that guy get in the car."

Inexplicably called into the carriage, Bei Yiyang looked at Situ Yi with a stunned look.

"Stupidly standing still? Why don't you come over and give me a lame leg!" Seeing Bei Yiyang in a daze, Situ Yi frowned unhappyly.

Bei Yiyang paused, and immediately stared at Situ Yi angrily after responding, "You called me up to make me do this?"

"Otherwise, what else would you do?" Situ Yi raised an eyebrow, sweeping Bei Yiyang from head to toe.

Stimulated by Situ Yi's contemptuous look, Bei Yiyang immediately raised his head, "I'm behind the gate ..."

Without waiting for Bei Yiyang's ambitions, Situ Yi hurriedly raised his leg in front of him, "less nonsense, lame."

After half a cup of tea, Situ Yi closed her eyes comfortably, while Bei Yiyang sat side by side and limped him.

Regarding the supremacy of kingship, who would make a man an emperor? Even if he is a general, he can only do the work of an eunuch.


"The bride is back!"

Mo Beichen held the **** and went into the main hall with a group of excited children.

"We're back." Bai Tan patted Mo Beichen flushed and slipped from him.

"Jishi is over." Bai Qiyuan glanced helplessly at them and waved: "Forget it, let's get started."

"Baitang!" Rong Gong nodded and sang loudly, "While worshipping the heavens and the earth, the knots are tied together, and the spouse is heavenly!"

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