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: 968 husbands and movies

"Well, husband, husband, discuss something with you." Back in the villa of Zhongnanhai, Mu Xiaoxiao probably knew that he could not resist the upcoming fate, so he no longer had to bother to think about it, it was salty to the depths. Natural fish, salty salt grains are in a state of life.

"Say, what's the matter." Put the big-bellied woman on the bed, and Guan Ming started to organize the suitcase she brought herself.

Previously, these jobs were all done by Mu Xiaoxiao, but now she can't do anything, and Guan Ming has begun to show her husband's strength hidden for many years.

"I want Xiaoxi to go to the crew to try the water first, how about it?" I wanted to bend down and put my hands on Guan Ming's shoulders, but under the premise of sitting, this action is not suitable for pregnant women.

Mu Xiaoxiao simply put her feet on Guan Ming's shoulders, but she ignored Guan Ming's height and lay crooked on the bed.

"What crew? Do you want her to make a movie?" Guan Ming disgustedly pulled her feet down and looked back at Mu Xiaoxiao and asked, but the belly of this goods is too big, let alone face, even chest Don't look at it.

"I heard Qingyun say two days ago that Ning Hao seems to have released a new script. Based on his past performance, he should be able to make a big sale." After struggling twice, the salty fish Mu Xiaoxiao always kept his belly up. , Resolutely do not turn over, but the person turned 9o °, holding his cheek with one hand, touching his stomach with one hand, lying on his side on the bed.

She looks like not only the smell of salted fish, but also the performance of shredded pork in "Titanic".

"Xiao Xi still needs to make money to make a movie?" Guan Ming chuckled, and then lowered his head and continued to organize his clothes. With this fat underwear, Guan Ming could wear it, but if he really wears it, he may not feel comfortable.

"No, the big sale means that more people see it, and the more people see it, Xiao Xi is more likely to be famous, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao said with his pedals.

Although Guan Ming is relatively rare with a pregnant woman, he ignores the real phenomenon of his captivity. He said, "What's the name of the movie? Let's hear it."

For Ning Hao, Guan Ming was most impressed by his filming of "Prison Situation", followed by "Crazy Stone", because in this movie, Guan Ming learned to 'top your lungs', and then Guan Ming did more than that' One step to the stomach '.

"It's a story about travel and love. At present, I have only written a script. There are many names, but the most outrageous name is" Xinhualufang ", but it is not clear what it was called after it was released." Maybe I do n’t think so. Rebellion, so there is no sense of accomplishment, Mu Xiaoxiao did not hesitate after a couple of stings, just lying on his side, looking at Guan Ming's wide back.

Guan Ming is now a fat man, he is fatter than when Mu Xiaoxiao first met. Later, Mu Xiaoxiao also saw Guan Ming's early photos.

Guan Ming was very slender and had a good figure at the beginning. Guan Ma told her that it was because Guan Ming focused on learning and research, so he had no time to exercise and was blessed.

Later, Mu Xiaoxiao thought that the husband and wife always had to complement each other. Since Guan Ming is responsible for IQ, then she must become a figure. As for Yan Yan's role, Mu Xiaoxiao disdain to fight with Guan Yanzu.

Even if she is no longer as lazy as Guan Ming, she will still take the initiative to pack her luggage. This makes Mu Xiaoxiao, who is accustomed to take care of Guan Ming, become sweeter, even if the sun is hot outside the window, it is still fruitful in her eyes now. Performance.

"Heart Blossoming?" Our girlfriend is only a few years old and can have a role? "Guan Ming really watched this movie in his last life, but he remembers the time when the brakes failed. At the box office, it seems to be a few years ago. If Guan Mengxi entered this crew, Guan Ming would not object.

As for the subject matter, don't make a joke, Guan Mengxi can only play a decent, cute, kind, beautiful and elegant role in this life!

"No problem, let ’s have money. It ’s better to take money into the crew. You can create characters without characters. Isn't this film about travel? I sponsor a Maybach and then a Rolls Royce. I If you do n’t believe it, you ca n’t have a role! ”Mu Xiaoxiao said with absolute confidence.

"Well? When did you start paying attention to the car?" Guan Ming looked back in wonder, just seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's small wave of his hand, as if to say ‘this is all Jiangshan’.

"Hey, hey, if you're not home these days, I'll sneak out and play. I saw my dad in the garage outside the school. Good guys, they are all branded goods. Unfortunately, my mother won't let me drive." In the end, Mu Xiaoxiao was a bit sorry.

After rolling his eyes, Guan Ming did not comment on such things as daydreaming, and then turned around to pack his clothes. Guan Ming said, "Xiao Xi will go, but everyone around is fully prepared. Please pay more attention to the script. I ask not to Gao, don't play me a harlequin and a villain. "

"Well, look at it, our girl will be a star by then!" Mu Xiaoxiao was so happy after hearing Guan Ming's words.

"Okay, get up and eat something, and then I will take you to the quasi-general giant to report." After Guan Ming stuffed the folded clothes into the cabinet, he greeted Mu Xiaoxiao ~ ~ can Can't help but ... "Mu Xiaoxiao, who was still very impressed, now persuaded again, looking at Guan Ming pitifully.

"It's impossible to see the chief executive, but you can choose to go on an empty stomach." Guan Ming shrugged.

"You have no conscience, do you want me to give birth to a baby now?" With his cheeks raised, Mu Xiaoxiao instantly turned into an expression pack.

It is very difficult to do the right thing with a battle-experienced idiot, because she will lower your IQ to the same level as her, and then defeat you with rich experience.

Regarding this product, Guan Ming's best way is to intimidate her, so Guan Ming took off his big pants ...

Then in Mu Xiaoxiao's disgusting eyes, put on a suit.


"I thought you only came here this afternoon. How about flying by? Are you tired?" Looking at the big belly Mu Xiaoxiao, the chief executive nodded with satisfaction.

Guan Ming knows where the quasi-general giant cares and is satisfied. In fact, Guan Ming is also very satisfied. It does not mean how smart his future son may be. As long as Guan Ming's child, he will be very satisfied.

"Thank you for your concern. Everything is fine on my side, so I ’m on a private jet, so I ’m not tired at all." Holding Guan Ming's hand, Mu Xiaoxiao talked freely, and behaved completely different from home.

Externally, Mu Xiaoxiao needs to consider carefully every word she says. Slowing down the pace of speech will allow her more time to think and measure.

"That's good. If you're tired, it's estimated that the small tube will turn to secretly mutter us again." The chief executive patted his knee and smiled.

Looking at Guan Ming sideways, a pair of talking eyes seemed to reveal the joy of the owner. Mu Xiaoxiao pursed his lips and smiled, not knowing, with every move revealing intellectuality and gentleness.

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