Private Technology

: 975 Can't go in

"We can see that this congress is different from the previous situation. At this congress, more advanced technology products have been applied, such as electronic glasses, such as the flying stage, Lu. Professor, what do you think of this change? "In the evening, the host of a CCTV interview program asked.

"This change, I personally think it is benign."

"From the content point of view, the congress is relatively a kind of outlook and a summary. It is the first appearance of a national leader in the eyes of the people. The people are probably looking at who the country ’s new leader is. What ’s the governing philosophy? More than that, it may not be of concern to the masses. The original three or five days or one or two weeks of the congress, everyone may see the beginning, not even the beginning. Just wait and see the streamlined news digest. "

"But the refreshing high-tech can make the eyes of the people focus on the 18th National Congress. No matter what kind of mentality you look at, you will surely listen to some content. The improvement of your personal spirit is There will be a boost. "

Although Professor Lu is not a big-name professor, he can be invited to CCTV for an interview program. He certainly has his own opinions. Of course, being able to broadcast them shows that these opinions are okay.

"We have collected questions from online netizens, and everyone is very concerned about what principles and methods are used to realize that flyable podium. Professor Wang, what do you think?" The host turned to look at the other Guests, and the last guest today.

"There are many ways to get the podium plane up, such as helicopters, or suspension ropes, but they should not be. First of all, similar to the takeoff of helicopters, there will be a lot of noise. Through live broadcast, we will find that there is no Any noise, so this one can be excluded. "

"The take-off of the suspension class may be familiar to the shooting of movies and TV shows, but the suspension of the rope will face a situation of cheap center of gravity. Maybe people swing their heads a little, and they will swing. When the podium moves in parallel, it also There will be a certain tilt angle, and this kind of situation does not occur, so we can rule it out. "

"I don't know if you found that the actual height of the podium is more than 2 meters, and when people stand up, the upper body can be easily captured by the camera. I think the secret is at the hidden foot." Professor Wang said Big pile, in fact, to rule out two wrong answers and give a hint.

"It seems that this is the technology product that Mr. Guan Mingguan said before. Presumably after the 18th National Congress, there will be amazing products coming out." The host said with a smile.

At home, Mu Xiaoxiao Ge Youbi was lying in bed, and CCTV's interview program was shown on the large TV.

"Husband, will this thing be launched after the 18th National Congress?" Crooked neck, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the man sitting on the ground.

"How come, this thing is a semi-finished product. At present there are certain limitations in its use. Besides, it is difficult to charge light." Guan Ming is playing with building blocks over there.

Lego bricks have introduced a lot of shapes, which are very interesting. Guan Ming is also childlike, making people buy a so-called most complex Lego mechanical group. The rendering is a tractor ...

"It's a pity. I really want to sit around and fly around. It looks so cool!" Mu Xiaoxiao regretted.

"Sit around? Do I need to talk to the chief giant to have a fly around the auditorium in the middle of the night?" Glancing at the idiot, Guan Ming continued to fiddle with the building blocks.

"... I hate you!" Mu Xiaoxiao's winter jujube smashed on the unassembled bricks, but the structure of the bricks is very stable, and it hasn't been damaged. Guan Ming doesn't feel dirty. Pick up the winter jujube and start eating.

"But these interviews are so boring. They can't see where we are praised. Don't they care about me as a pregnant woman?" With Mu Xiaoxiao's complaint, the content of the interview on TV has turned to issues such as changes over the years. .

"Old iron, are you iron head or **** iron, or your stomach is very irony, you dare to have a strong view with the giants, you're afraid you haven't endured it ~" Guan Ming taunted in a timely manner.

Not to mention Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming only showed his face at the 18th National Congress.

"Huh! They don't praise me, let's release the pigeons in a few days, and we won't go to this interview program!" Duqiu, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care about the "old iron".

"Don't be so resolute. This is arranged above. If you don't go, ask for leave yourself." Knowing that the other party was just talking, Guan Ming didn't care.

On counseling, Mu Xiaoxiao can be ranked in the housekeeper!

"Cut ~ It ’s boring to watch this program. I went to watch Weibo. No wonder the ratings are getting lower and lower ~ ~ This is for a reason!" The pigeon thing.

After watching it for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao laughed suddenly, crawling up, sitting on the edge of the bed, pedaling with a pedal, Ming said, "Well, look at this. Some people call me in-laws, and some people Call my mother-in-law, it seems that many netizens know that I had a son this time ~ "

Being kicked for no reason twice, Guan Ming was not annoyed, turned his head to scratch her feet, Mu Xiaoxiao formed a ball in an instant.

"It must be Mongolian, but there are people who recognize fathers and mothers on the Internet? I just want to know what the person who called your mother-in-law said after seeing someone call your in-laws."

"Probably, I don't have any feelings. It's strange to say. It doesn't feel like tearing it up. Say, have you blocked the news?" Pulling down the electronic glasses, Mu Xiaoxiao was like a big fat worm, arch by arch Moved to the edge of the bed, tilted his head and looked at Guan Ming.

"Nervous, I don't have so much time to spare." Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming put on the electronic glasses on his feet and went to see the latest Weibo.

In fact, both Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao's Weibo were double-filtered by the country and the double star to ensure that no uncomfortable content appeared.

"People's blood books, please let me know what that thing is?"

"Obviously you're so white-headed, but you secretly sipped the oil, my wife is not pregnant yet, my dear, you don't follow the routine!"

"My baby Baowa was born just one month ago. I don't mind if he marries your daughter or if he has a boyfriend, so you know ..."

"Your wife has a big belly, but you have to be eighteenth, and what if you break the skin? Otherwise, you can take me there, even if you are outside the Great Hall, you will never go in!"

PS: I haven't checked the typo, I will release it first, and release the revised version after a few minutes.

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