Private Technology

: 979 reprimand

"Great invention, great inventor, of course, great ideal." The host complimented a wave.

"The opening of the eighteenth is actually not just our concern. There are also a lot of people in foreign countries who are paying attention. Regarding the anti-gravity equipment in the pipeline, a considerable number of people abroad are worried that this anti-gravity equipment will be applied to the military field It will pose a greater threat to the world. What do you think about this? "The host continued to ask.

"This kind of threat theory is nothing in itself." Guan Ming reluctantly spread his hands. In fact, he knows who and what countries are talking about these things, and **** is about to be annoying when they are talking about xx. During the discussion, have you ever thought about who built those railways?

No, maybe it is because I know this, that's why I say xx.

"First of all, it is clear that we, including me and our country, do not threaten anyone. More precisely, we do not need to threaten anyone. Those who see us as threats may be afraid of our potential. As well as the precarious position of the other party, we are only developing at our own pace. This development will not be slowed down by some people and certain forces. You can refuse to embrace us, but you cannot refuse us to embrace the world. "As Guan Ming, although there is no way to represent the country, as long as the speech is not too aggressive, no one cares about this overstepping.

"Secondly, the technology I developed may be an ultra-modern and ultra-era product, but society is always developing. Maybe I do n’t research or launch this product now, but in the next ten years, Twenty, twenty, fifty, or even a hundred years later, such products will still appear. This is not something that some people can deny. It can be stopped. In the face of the history that has already occurred and the future that will happen, people have to do It's about changing, changing your perception, changing your perspective. "

"Finally, the so-called military field, military threats, and so on, are completely a joke to me. At the moment, finding a car and placing it during World War II may promote a series of technological developments such as engines, and then increase the fighting intensity. Before World War I or even more, it may become a big killer on the battlefield. So, do we want to list all vehicles as military control? The unequal technology has threatened many ambitionists, but the ambitionists are always a minority. For people, convenient life and better life are the eternal theme. "Guan Ming relentlessly rebuked those ambitionists, and also made the online barrage explosive.

Unfortunately, Guan Mingzheng yawned to find food. He really couldn't look directly at a pregnant woman and practiced the deep skill of splitting with her girlfriend through the Internet.

Could it be said that it is always ready for a child?

Considering the huge demand of his daughter-in-law recently, Guan Ming pondered a bit and asked Shuang Xing to make a fruit platter, and then Guan Ming personally brought it up. The right was made by him himself. Anyway, it's perfect when you think about it.

"Hey ~ why did you come back, the interview was over!" Mu Guanxiao pulled Changyin when he saw Guan Ming entering the room and said very dissatisfied.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao didn't have many shots during the interview, but it was also a long time later, the two were shown on the same stage again. Mu Xiaoxiao was still looking forward to it.

"It's gone so soon? It's just a little more." Guan Ming glanced at the screen, and sure enough, he has switched to the next show.

"Half-hour jerk!" Anxiously, Mu Xiaoxiao poked at an apple with a small fork, then ate it crunchily.

"Xiao Xi, what happened to the movie?" When she found that the network communication was still connected, Guan Ming ignored the stupid idiot. She was going to be beaten sooner or later!

"Haha, Aunt Qingyun said, Xiao Xi is going to make a movie next spring." After hearing Guan Ming's question, Guan Meng Xi, who was guiding her sister to split the correct posture, immediately raised her chest and looked up. Face proud.

"Awesome! Xiao Xi, come on, how about waiting for the parents to come with you after the movie?" Guan Ming looked at Guan Mengxi with a smile on his shoulders.

"Uh huh, Xiao Xi will be a big star by then, but he will bring his grandparents, grandpa and sister together." The parents were the child's first teacher, and Guan Mengxi turned upside down and sat up to her sister. Beside him, she also carried her sister's shoulders.

The difference is that Mu Xiaoxiao's little bird is active, and the Mengyu bird is passive, especially the resentful dead fisheye.

Guan Ming sometimes wonders if her little girl is reborn, but she is the same dead fish eye, but she can feel so many emotional changes in others.

"Dead fish ... Oh no, it's light rain ~ ~ Is there a good one at home? Have you annoyed my sister?" Guan Ming asked with a smile.

Maybe he was really crooked by stupid things. Guan Ming sometimes can't control his position and thoughts, but he certainly won't call Mu Xiaoxiao 'Mom'.

"No father, my sister is very obedient and obedient!" Maybe he felt a bad breath, Guan Mengxi waved his hands quickly.

"Xiaoming, when are you coming back?" Holding the two feeding bottles, the tube mother's projection appeared on the holographic projection, and she gave the feeding bottles to the two little sisters.

Guan Mengxi took it joyfully, shoved the violence into his sister's mouth, then raised her head, sucking in an open manner, as if a fat and strong man was drinking vodka.

"It may take a week. After the meeting, I want to take Xiaoxiao to Xiangshan to see, just in mid-November, the maple leaves should be all red." Guan Ming couldn't forget his promise to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Maple leaves in Xiangshan, maybe eating barbecue under the tree would be a wonderful picture.

"Don't worry, take Xiaoxiao to play with the imperial capital. We can just watch the little ones in the family." When Guan Ming said this, Guan Ma quickly waved his hands to signal that they were not in a hurry.

"I ca n’t play much, I will have a chance to come back later." Guan Ming didn't mean to spend more time in Emperor Capital.

Mu Xiaoxiao's due date is around late January, and now it's already mid-November. She needs more detailed inspections, as well as arrangements for hospitals and prenatal arrangements.

"There is a feeling of blowing in the prison regularly, I am so miserable ~" Mu Xiaoxiao mourned in a strange way, his body trembling as if he had overpowered.

"You child, how can you talk like that, and how can you have such a beautiful prisoner?" Guan Ma smirked and smiled.

"Hee hee ~" stupid, smiling like a flower. Find this site Please search for "6 毛" or enter the URL :.

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