Private Technology

: The prospect of anti-gravity equipment

The public opinion on anti-gravity equipment gradually declined with the 18th Party Congress, but this decline is only temporary, because countless people are waiting for the next appearance of anti-gravity equipment.

Guan Ming originally planned to return to Shanghai in the second half of November, but the real departure time from the imperial capital was already in early December.

The apparent cause of the delayed trip was to take Mu Xiaoxiao to the hospital for a physical examination. It cannot be said that the doctors in Shanghai were not as good as the Imperial Capital, but there were quite a few tertiary hospitals in the Imperial Capital.

The overall performance is: play-rest-hospital-rest-play.

"It's tossing me to death, I feel like I can lose two or two pieces of meat!" Mu Xiaoxiao said on the sofa indifferently.

For Mu Xiaoxiao, the seat belts on the plane have been modified to be fixed on the big arms and thighs to prevent the normal seat belts from getting into the stomach.

"When you get home, eat more. Our mother has prepared your favorite scallops, all of which are so big ~" Guan Ming folded his fingers and bent his fingers, indicating that the scallops were big enough.

"But I want to eat grilled scallops." Mu Xiaoxiao stepped back and forth, like a child.

"As long as our mother says yes, that's fine!" Guan Ming said he was fine with him.

Pregnant women are deficient in qi and blood, need warming, cold seafood, and should not eat more, but the high nutritional value of scallops is also beneficial to pregnant women, as long as you grasp the middle amount.

"Huh huh." Nodded for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao's toot's face was full of smile again.

The distance from the imperial capital to the Shanghai market is not far, and a short nap in the air will arrive.

It may be that I haven't seen the child for many days. Mu Xiaoxiao, who was a bit upset, had a lot of energy after sitting in the car, and the whole person became active.

"Xiao Xi Xiaoyu, don't you want to have a mother ~" Mu Xiaoxiao strode forward with a heavy step.

The two little dots also joked around Mu Xiaoxiao, while Guan Ma was always on the sidelines to prevent Mu Xiaoxiao from falling.

"It's a lot late to come back this time." Guan Daddy greeted Guan Ming to sit down and poured him a cup of tea.

"There are many doctors in Didu. This time happened to Didu to check Xiaoxiao's body. They are all very good, oh ... this tea tastes a bit strange." Frown, Guan Ming looked down after taking a sip of tea, the tea was dark brown .

"Cassia, used to treat constipation, continue to say, is everything right?" After hearing Guan Ming's words, Guan Ma couldn't help running and asked.

Is this my old constipation? Guan Ming muttered in his heart.

"It's all very good. I went to several hospitals for an examination. They said they were very good. After the inspection, they said that the expected date of delivery could be a few days before New Year's Eve." Guan Ming Ge You was paralyzed on the sofa and decided not to touch the tea cup .

"Such a coincidence? Can it be born on New Year's Eve? That day will be fine." Guan Ma approached again and said.

You ca n’t say that this is a bad practice for Chinese people to celebrate the festive day. After all, I also hope that the child ’s birthday or something will be more memorable.

"I've heard of those who planed to give birth in advance, and I haven't heard that they are not born, and this is not what we say." Yu Guang noticed that Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and looked at it, and Guan Ming couldn't possibly take the matter. Throw it to your daughter-in-law.

When he knew the due date, Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it for a while, but this thing, right, is not Xiang, not that you can manage it.

Later, the doctor also said that to discuss that day is not as good as normal production, compared with those who are false, the child's health is the most real.

"Also, this matter can't be stunned." Guan Ma nodded again and again, Guan Dian rolled his eyes frantically.


The young couple have been out for more than a month, and they naturally care a lot about their children's homework.


The main concern is Guan Mengxi and Guan Mengyu, Guan Ming thinks this is an excuse.

"I didn't expect you to develop such a powerful thing. I really can't underestimate it." Feng Mengyu said in his mouth, and Guan Mengyu's eyes were narrowed to Guan Ming.

The family is a very close relationship. In Guan Mengyu's eyes, Guan Ming's image has long been disillusioned, but she never thought that Guan Ming was so bullish, he suddenly took out such a powerful thing, and it was completely before No sign.

Although Guan Mengyu is good at biochemistry, but anti-gravity equipment, she also heard that her colleagues wanted to do research in the last life, but the yarn was not researched.

"That is necessary, and I don't want to see who I am ~" Guan Ming said with one hand and frowned.

"When will the anti-gravity equipment be officially studied? And, what are you going to do with this thing?" Guan Mengyu asked, not paying attention to Guan Ming's attitude.

"I have to look at this again." Guan Ming suddenly remembered a few days ago and Zhun ... No, it should be said that it was a live broadcast watched by the chief giant together.

Guan Ming stayed in the imperial capital until the beginning of December. He nominally took Mu Xiaoxiao to the hospital for various medical examinations. In fact, the anti-gravity equipment shot on the moon in mid-November.

At present, the lunar mining site has been deployed more than 90% of the time ~ ~ Even if the most important nuclear energy has not been transported, but the mining site uses solar energy + nuclear energy, do not worry about the power of antigravity equipment.

Thanks to the opaque hemispherical dome, the anti-gravity equipment can be tested immediately after being carried on the field.

Until Guan Ming left, the anti-gravity equipment was tested 8 times before and after, and sufficient experimental data was collected.

From the data point of view, on the moon, anti-gravity equipment has the use of space and prospects, but there are certain problems.

Compared with the earth, the gravity of the moon is 1/6 of that of the earth. In principle, the same force can jump 10 cm high on the earth and 60 cm high on the moon, but placed on anti-gravity equipment. This data is biased, mainly because the moon does not have a global dipole magnetic field.

Guan Ming is not an astronomer and has not studied astronomy further, so from the results, the performance of anti-gravity equipment on the moon is not as good as that on earth.

On earth, anti-gravity equipment can carry three times its own weight, while the moon can only carry 1.6 times its own weight, which still depends on the advanced nature of Guanming equipment.

At present, anti-gravity equipment has room for improvement, but if placed on the moon, the performance of anti-gravity equipment is estimated to be no more than 2.5 times its own weight.

However, this does not mean that anti-gravity equipment has no development prospects. On the contrary, anti-gravity equipment belongs to controlled nuclear fusion, another very important space technology.

Take the cosmic stars as an example, the larger the volume and the higher the mass, the larger the magnetic field and the infinite black hole magnetic field. If humans really go out of the earth and out of the solar system, anti-gravity equipment will be a natural weapon for monitoring and changing channels!

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